Monday, March 30, 2015

Watch Movies Make You Fat. this fact

Like watching movies, careful with the movies you watch, if you're in a weight loss program. Watch an action movie or a thriller potentially make weight gain and lead to obesity.
The results of a recent study from Science Daily quoted shows that people eat twice as much when watching an action movie, than when watching a movie romance or melodrama. In the study, when given candy M & Ms and pastries, action movie goers eat more than spectators interview program.
The study was conducted to determine how the techniques of editing, sound effects and background noise in movies influences how much people eat while watching it. The study involved 94 respondents and 57 of them women, who were divided into groups to watch three different TV programs for 20 minutes.
the film
The first group was assigned to watch 'The Island', an action film starring Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson. The second group watched a question-and-answer program, and a third group watched 'The Island', but without sound.
Then all respondents were given M & Ms, cookies, carrots and grapes in the same amount to accompany them during the watch. Weight snack before and after consumption will be weighed to measure how much you have eaten.
The Result? The study published in the journal entitled 'Watch What You Eat' was discovered, most viewers spend a snack there in the first group. They ate 98 percent more than the respondents who watch the interview program.
The first group ate 206.5 grams of a snack, while the second group ate only 104.3 grams. While respondents who watched 'The Island' version 'dumb', consuming 142.1 grams snack. From the research results can be concluded, the noise or noisy a movie it will increasingly make people eager to chew food. It happened because their brains are distracted from the food to the TV show.
A number of previous studies have also shown watching TV while eating can make people gobble more food. But do not just watch TV or movies, other activities undertaken while on the move can also make people eat more servings. Such as reading, listening to music, working or talking.
So you should not combine your meal with other activities. If you are the type of person who can not watch a movie without a snack, wise in choosing food. Order pop corn with the smallest size and without additional butter or sugar. Avoid soft drinks, mineral water but choose to reduce the intake of excess calories.

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