Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Oil for Diet?

In the process of weight loss, use of cooking oil is often mentioned is better constrained. Well, instead you can use pure coconut oil.

Coconut has been frequently used by the people of the tropics for centuries. Well, have recently begun to attract the attention coconut scientists to seek out other healthy benefits of this fruit, as quoted from Body and Soul, Friday (07/03/2014).

Previous myth states that coconut oil is bad for health, but recent studies even suggest you to include this healthy oil into the daily diet. What is?

Pure coconut oil or made from mature coconut meat contains medium chain fatty acids or medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). MCFAs This is the type of fat that is different from other fats. MCFA fats can be absorbed directly into the cell, where they can be immediately burned as energy and not stored as fat.

Researchers from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research reported that a diet rich in coconut oil will keep the fat away and protect you from insulin resistance. This then is the underlying researchers encourage you to take advantage of pure coconut oil to lose weight and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

In addition, pure coconut oil also contains high levels of lauric acid, which helps strengthen the immune system and help to attack viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.

In processing in the kitchen, virgin coconut oil is one of the best and safest oil for cooking. Because MCFAs resistant to heat and do not turn into harmful hydrogenated fats. You can use pure coconut oil in the diet to make it as a substitute for unhealthy vegetable oil, butter or margarine.

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