Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Mosquitoes are more dangerous drug than 100 burn Cigarette, this fact

Often we use as a medicine and satiation obatnyamuk aggravation in mosquitoes that often disturb us. nah Here is a collection of facts about the negatives that we collect insect repellent and the like
  •     The negative impact of smoke from one mosquito coil is equal to 100 cigarettes
  •     Propoxur toxic insect repellent, transfluthrin, Diethyltoluamide
  •     Many cases of mosquito coils as the initial source of house fires
     Two major toxins, namely Propoxur and transfluthrinPropoxur is a carbamate compound (compound them, MIC, had killed thousands of people and cause nerve damage hundreds of thousands of others in the Bhopal case in India) which has been banned overseas because of its allegedly a carcinogenic substance. While transfluthrin relatively safe until now ini.bukan only use Propoxur and transfluthrin, but there is also the use of DDVP or dichlorvos-derived substances chlorine since decades banned in dunia.ada also insect repellent products are non-propoxur and non-DDVP, but its value is verydoubtful. They are only effective against Aedes, but messyagainst mosquito Culex sp (mosquitoes which come everynightwe are).If reppelent or mosquito repellent lotion containing toxic bernamaDiethyltoluamide or DEET. DEET is very corrosive, can not be stored in plastic containers PVC or iron because in a matter of weeks will erode the lining. Imagine if it hit our skin? Which substances may damage the skin jelas2 can treat the skin. Even after embel2menggunakan added Aloe Vera or other moisturizing agent, nonetheless berbahaya.Jangan use on sensitive skin or children under the age of 2 tahun.beberapa brands contain DEET 13 and 12.5, up to 15

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