Friday, March 27, 2015

Know hypercoagulable Or Blood Viscosity

Blood Viscosity
The term blood viscosity is actually more relevant to refer to the disease or blood hypercoagulable easily frozen. However, sometimes the term is used also to refer to polycythemia, a condition in blood hemoglobin levels above the normal limit. Polycythemia is the opposite condition with anemia, or hemoglobin levels in the blood are low.

Different hypercoagulable with polycythemia due regard to the nature of a simple blood clot. As a result, there are clots in the blood fluid can form a blockage in the blood vessels smooth, such as the brain or heart.
If a clogged blood vessel is broken, it could be a stroke, heart attack, or if it occurred in the eyes could suddenly blind. People who have a stroke or heart attack or swelling in organs such as the lungs, pretty much the origin of hypercoagulable.
If advised to take blood-thinning medication, meaning viscosity experienced was hypercoagulable. Drugs given so that blood does not easily freeze. In elderly people, there is the possibility of blood-thinning medications should be consumed regularly. If the viscosity is only temporary nature, may take the medicine only a few months. However, if it is a congenital disorder, medication may be taken for years.
In young women, which becomes a problem due to a hypercoagulable thus requiring blood thinners are pregnant difficult conditions, or during pregnancy had recurrent miscarriages due to a blood clot that there clog small blood vessels in the placenta or fetus. The fetus can not grow because they do not get food due to blocked blood vessels.
There is no direct relationship between hypercoagulable with high cholesterol and fatty foods. High cholesterol can only make a hardening of the arteries due to cholesterol gets stuck in the walls of blood vessels, so that the inside of blood vessels no longer slippery and narrow blood vessels. In the event of a heart attack, it is due to the narrowing of blood vessels, not because of the nature of his blood.
High cholesterol can make a hypercoagulable occur indirectly, because the walls of the blood vessels that are no longer slippery it makes stimulation to the blood clotting system to work more actively. In contrast with polycythemia, no primary or secondary hypercoagulable, because generally hypercoagulable cause. Coagulation or blood clotting normally occurs when injuries occur. In hypercoagulable conditions, blood clots occur even when no injuries occur.
This condition can be caused by several things, such as the walls of the blood vessels that are no longer slippery because it is coated with cholesterol, there are abnormal antibodies that disrupt the balance of the blood clotting proteins, congenital abnormalities, or diseases such as lupus, sometimes also lead to a hypercoagulable.

In polycythemia conditions, the amount of blood in the blood vessels of excess, so that the flow is slowed. Usually including disease groups, sometimes accompanied leukocyte or platelet levels are high, so as leukemia.
Treatment of polycythemia not using blood thinning medication. In patients with polycythemia, excessive blood must be removed from the body. So as blood donors, but not to donate to others, but discarded. If this condition persists, drug treatment is also needed. The frequency depends, once a month, it could be more often, depending on how big the hemoglobin level increased.
Polycythemia is divided into primary and secondary polycythemia. In primary polycythemia, the body is experiencing imbalances so that the bone marrow produces excessive blood. Meanwhile, secondary polycythemia occurs as a reaction to something else.
For example, smokers often experience secondary polycythemia as smoke covers the lungs, resulting in the body can not suck enough oxygen. The body reacts by making more blood cells that can carry more oxygen.
Another example, the causes of secondary polycythemia are cysts in the kidneys. Greater risk of this disease in the elderly. At any smokers, the disease appeared after many years later. The disease is relatively common, not specifically more common in men or wani

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