Saturday, March 28, 2015

Your Home On the Edge Road ?, Heart Attack Alert stalking you

A study in Denmark showed that the noisy traffic in the neighborhood, the greater the risk the person is having a heart attack.
Studies looking at the 50,000 volunteers for 10 years found that every 10 decibels of noise is added to the traffic noise in the home environment will increase the risk of heart attacks by 12%.
"According to our traffic noise at night can be dangerous, because it would interfere with sleep," said lead researcher Mette Sorenson of the Danish Cancer Society. But by Sorenson, when you hear a loud noise, then your stress hormone levels will increase. This is what eventually could increase the risk of heart attack.
Sorenson and his fellow researchers estimate that 4% of heart attacks in Denmark caused by traffic noise. More dangerous than this is that most people do not realize that they are listening to the noise pollution in the form of traffic noise is not good for their heart.
In this study the researchers also take into account other factors such as gender, smoking habits, consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as BMI. The researchers explained that although most likely can occur in urban areas, but the most noisy areas they think are the suburbs.
Previous research explains that the risk of heart attack can increase the noise level of 60 decibels, but this study shows that the risk of heart attack increases the noise level of 40-80 decibels.
Lingkungan bising tingkatkan risiko serangan jantung

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