Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Identify Causes of Hunger and How to steer

When hunger comes, we often lose rationality. In fact, hunger is not always because the body needs it. Often hunger arises only because we wanted to eat. Kinda hard to tell which is which because it's hungry need to eat and which ones because only lust alone.
Controlling hunger will affect the health and weight. Therefore, identify the types of hunger and how to control it.
1. The actual hunger
This hunger is telling it's time to eat. The signs of this hunger is shaky because low blood sugar, headache, fatigue, or abdominal sounds. Usually people wait until the hunger strike and "crazy" to eat anything there. Therefore prepare, provide a snack in a bag or in a desk drawer.
2. hungry while watching TV
Nothing is more exciting than watch your favorite TV series while eating. Without knowing it, you have to eat a lot of food. This event is called "eating amnesia". A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition writes that eating while doing other things to make people mengasup more calories. Find other activities to occupy hands while watching TV, for example, tidying things.
3. Hungry for boredom
Many people feel tired and have no activity other than check out what's in the fridge. We've all been eating out of boredom. Which need to be corrected is how to deal with the tedium of it with useful activities. Find at least 5 favorite activity to pass the time, such as reading, calling parents, or chat with the house.
4. Hunger and angry
The combination of these two things happen when blood sugar drops. In addition to irritability, low blood sugar can cause a person difficult to focus. In this condition, if you are discussing with someone the effect is contention.
5. Hunger in the afternoon
A few hours after lunch, or late afternoon your energy decreases but you have to stay focused until the end of business hours. In order not too hungry stomach, Ceramic by preparing healthy snacks. High-protein snack will help us withstand the hungry until dinner.
6. Hungry for stress
When under stress, usually we will not voters to food. Of course the result is that we will be in vain and in large quantities. This condition can be controlled with a hammer source, the stress itself. Perform a variety of relaxation techniques, such as sports, will usually help.
7. Hunger currently premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
PMS often cancel a healthy diet plan. Hormonal changes ahead of this period will increase the appetite, although temporary. Watch for signs of hunger and eat a little more when it appears.
8. The hunger for fun
Although not hungry or tired, sometimes a sense of wanting to eat it coming. "Ask yourself, what are you looking for when you eat in this condition?" Minh-Hai said Alex, RD, of Mindful Nutrition Seattle. Delaying the work and wanted to rest could be the reason. Start thinking on the advice of Alex to make sure whether you really need to eat.

9. The hunger for seeing
Almost everyone is not going to waste the free food available at the workbench. Alex advised to immediately stop this habit. This spontaneous thought makes you eat without thinking about or enjoy. Decide whether you are going to eat it or leave it. When you take the food, not to just pass in the mouth without enjoying it. "The guilt will make us eat fast, and want more to feel pretty," said Alex.
10. The hunger during celebrations
Have you ever eat very much at a birthday party or get together with family and friends? "There's nothing wrong with it! The food has the ability to unite us with other people," said May.
Take control of your food intake by doing other activities while chatting or simply plucks food in small portions. Drink a glass of water before meals will also help reduce hunger

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