Tuesday, March 31, 2015

All Diets That same method, this proof

Pingin ideal or slim body is a dream of every woman. meraka willing to perform routine deat super tight. Currently there are various types of methods can be adapted to the diet and lifestyle of our ability to practice it. Apparently, whatever the name of the diet, all are equally able to lose weight as long as it is run consistently.
Without seeing the "brand" diet method, the experts said that in principle differences in weight loss on the various methods of diet is very small. If done consistently, the weight will come down. So, stay selected only the easiest way to her diet.
Researchers from McMaster University, Ontario and Disease Research Hospital Children in Toronto analyzed 48 trials including data of 7.826 people who are overweight. They observed weight loss dieters were at month 6 and 12 to see the difference in the results of the diet.
After a year, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that dieters low calorie and low carb to lose weight is similar, with an average of 7.3 kg.
In the first six months, the low-carb dieters successfully lose more, but after 12 months, the results are not too different.

In addition, the researchers noted that the diet followed by lifestyle support and exercise will make the results better. Within 6 months, with a healthy lifestyle diet help you lose 3 kg in weight. Regular exercise for 12 months, will help the effectiveness of the diet up to 2 kg.
Therefore, the experts concluded, differences in the results of various methods of diet is very small. So, no matter what diet we live as long as it is consistent.
Diobervasi diet method in this study is the Atkins, South Beach, Zone, Biggest Loser, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Volumetrics, Weight Watchers, Ornish, and Rosemary Conley.

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