Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Beware, Degenerative Affect Blood Vessel Rupture

Broken blood vessels is one of the life-threatening conditions. This condition usually occurs due to degenerative or aging factors that generally occurs in people over the age of 40 years.
However, it is not possible rupture of blood vessels occurs at a young age. Vascular surgeon RS Premier Plastica, Patrianef Dervish as quoted from the compass says, rupture of blood vessels can even occur during the teenage years.
The risk of rupture of blood vessels at a relatively young age occur because of trauma or infection. Trauma example comes from an accident, while infections due to bacteria or viruses.
"The meaning of the inflammation or infection is inflammation of the blood vessels caused by a bacterial or viral infection," he said in an interview after the seminar entitled "Vascular in a Glance, Knowing The Risks and the Prompt Treatments".
Haemorrhaging at a young age also influenced by genetic factors that have been taken since birth. People are usually already have vascular disorders since childhood so the risk is increased with increasing age.
In general, the blood vessels in their young age is elastic like a balloon so that pressure from both inside and outside is not going to make it burst.
"Like a balloon, right when pressed elastic, could be back again," said Patrianef.
This is in contrast with the blood vessels in people who start aging, over 40 years, which generally have a plaque. Plaque in the blood vessels will make a hard structure, even as bone, so it is very easy to break if the pressure. That is why, rupture of blood vessels is influenced by factors denegeratif.
Nevertheless, the blood vessels can stay healthy in the elderly. How to build a healthy lifestyle young age, diet, and exercise regularly.
"That way, at least, the risk will be reduced," he said.

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