Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Disease Facts About Herpes

Herpes Zoster (HZ) is a disease caused by the Varicella Zoster virus infection that affects the skin and mucosa, this is a reactivation of the virus infection that occurs after primary infection. This means that every person who penah Varicella zoster infections or better known as chicken pox,
have the possibility to experience HZ (please note that this Zoster primerVarisela infection can occur with minimal symptoms such as common cold). After primary infection, the virus will remain in the ganglion of the posterior edge of the nervous system and cranial ganglia. In certain circumstances may occur reactivation of the virus that causes the disease HZ. That situation is a decline in one's endurance. In other circumstances, where there is deficiency of immunity, the disease that occurs HZ can be complicated, for example, in the elderly, HIV infection, the use of long-term corticosteroid therapy, chemotherapy or in patients with malignancy.
Dompo skin disease usually recover in a few weeks and rarely recur. However, the disease should be addressed at least three days after the appearance of skin disorders.
If someone is suffering from ulcers dompo and already broken, should avoid the use of powder. It was to avoid infection of the skin.

Someone dompo disease severe enough in that section will feel as hot as burning, tingling, itching, and throbbing pain in head. The disease can affect various parts of the human body such as the face, hands, feet, and genitals. Chest or back part of the body, usually the most frequently attacked dompo.
To care independently, the affected area should be kept clean dompo. Compress with cold water, use painkillers as directed by a physician, adequate rest, and consult a doctor if dompo not heal.
Someone who ever get chickenpox can develop shingles or dompo. That's because the virus that causes the disease remains inactive and hide in certain nerve cells in tubuh.Dan if a relapse, the manifestations are becoming dompo.
Antivirals are used today - such as acyclovir, famciclovir and valacyclovir - has been known to reduce the duration of the disease and reduce the morbidity associated with existing skin disorders. However, this effect will only occur if the antivirus is given within the first 3 days after the first appearance of skin disorders. An indication of another antivirus is HZoftalmikus patients and patients with immune deficiency.
It should be stressed, until now there is no drug that is proven to eliminate the virus altogether. Which can be done in general is to maintain the health of the body to prevent the decline in the immune system and for patients with immune deficiency can continue to undergo treatment primary disease that immunity can be maintained.
It turns out that the point we have to keep always the condition of the body to keep fit and healthy in order not to be attacked by any virus.
Here is the profile of the disease dompo:
Herpes Zoster (HZ)
Dompo, snake pox, shingles, shakes.
Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV)
Symptoms / Signs:
Can be preceded by fever, headache. Musculo-skeletal pain, itching, soreness. Then arose erythema (redness), vesicles (fluid-filled bubbles, diameter <1 cm) containing clear fluid, after a few days became turbid (gray), can be mixed with blood.
Classification HZ:
- HZ ophthalmicus (attacking the forehead and around the eyes)
- HZ cervical (strike shoulders and arms)
- HZ thoracic (chest and abdomen attack)
- HZ lumbar (attack buttocks and thighs)
- HZ sacral (attack around the anus and genitals)
- HZ otikum (attacking ear)
Rest, acyclovir (5 x 800 mg daily for 7 days), 2% Salicylic powder or calamine lotion. If there is a secondary infection, give chloramphenicol ointment 2%. To reduce neuralgia pascaherpetika, berikankortikosteroid such as: prednisone 30 mg daily or 48 mg daily triamcinolone. Can be added vitamins B1, B6, and B12.
HZ can be prevented with a vaccine is recommended for children aged 1-12 years.
Is this disease contagious? HZ is caused by a virus similar to chickenpox, smallpox is contagious, so is this HZ, although not semenular chickenpox.
Based on the classification HZ, If you are currently suffering HZ, the type of which one ..?

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