Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Identify the type of your cough, Before It's Too Late

Never you ignore the condition cough away without treating or checked by a doctor, because the cough can be a symptom of certain diseases. Beware cough accompanied by several conditions such as shortness of breath, excessive phlegm and so forth.
The following types of cough that should not be overlooked, as reported besthealth, among others:
1. Cough with dry throat, runny nose, nasal nose, or excessive phlegm
This condition may be caused by allergies or sinus infection. Consult your condition to the doctor to get medication if the cause is allergies or sinus, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

2. Cough at night accompanied by mucus and ends with wheezing, or hoarseness
Possibility that this is caused by asthma so you need to see a doctor to get a prescription drug medications such as bronchodilators or inhaled corticosteroids to control asthma.
3. Cough after taking medicine
Approximately 5 out of 10 people who took similar drugs ACE inhibitors, experience side effects such as dry cough. Consult your doctor if there are other drugs that do not have side effects causing coughing.
4. Dry cough accompanied by shortness of breath
Possible causes are diseases of chronic obstructive lung, a condition that includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema are usually caused by smoking. The doctor may perform tests to measure lung capacity by applying x-ray of the chest.
Unfortunately there is no cure for this disease, but the symptoms can be treated. Therefore, consult your condition to your doctor before symptoms become increasingly severe and untreatable, and stop smoking.
5. Cough accompanied by heartburn that occurs more than twice a week
This condition may be caused by Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition of chronic heartburn. The doctor will prescribe antacids and drugs that inhibit the production of stomach acid and recommends gastroscopy examination to assess the damage to the esophagus.
6. A cough that worsens over time and is accompanied by fatigue, chest pain, coughing up blood, hoarseness, or shortness of breath
The condition may be a symptom of lung cancer. See a doctor immediately to get diagnostic tests such as x-rays, CT scans, MRI, and blood tests to ensure that the underlying disease and get treatment as soon as possible.

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