Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Facts About Cancer

Cervical cancer is the most frightening disease for women. How could I not, with the development of cancer of the uterus will make a woman become pregnant can not, and the more severe causes of death.
Even more frightening is the result of a survey conducted by the institute of cancer care, the number of cervical cancer patients is one third of all cancers that developed in Indonesia. Not only that, the data from the WHO or the World Health Organization states that, thousands of women die every year as a result of suffering from cancer of the uterus, as well as a major cause of death among women in the world.
Therefore, it is very important to you, the women to know the symptoms of disease and cervical cancer.Uterus Cancer Diseases and Symptoms
Cervical cancer is caused by HPV or Human Papilloma Virus. This virus is a type of microorganism with a small size that attacks the skin through infection. This infection eventually grow warts.
Due to the lack of knowledge of women against cervical cancer and its symptoms, patients infected with HPV will usually let a symptom occurs, then the next is not aware that he is being allowed to grow and evolve the virus attacks the immune system of women. This is what ultimately triggers the growth of cancer. Then it is highly advisable for you to conduct a medical examination to prevent the development of the virus.
Examination in question is by undergoing a test called a pap test. This test can only be performed after a 21-year-old woman. Here are the early symptoms of ovarian cancer that you should be aware:
1. Discharge of excess
Actually very normal vaginal discharge occurs, but if excessive or out in large numbers, then you should start paying attention to even further. Observe whether the discharge became highly viscous, less pleasant smelling, and greenish or even brownish.
2. Pain in the area of ​​womanhood
This pain will appear after developing HPV virus and has successfully attacks the immune system. Not only in specific areas of femininity, this pain will spread to the lower abdomen area, joints pelvis, thighs, and when defecating.
3. Bleeding
Bleeding that occurs during menstruation is normal, but if bleeding occurs quite frequently, for example on the touch, even accompanied by pain when urinating, then you should immediately check-up to the nearest doctor.
4. Swelling of the feet
One of the HPV virus activity seen physically is the swelling in the area around the foot.
5. Fatigue
Fatigue is an alarm for us to rest, but if at the time of little activity, or even when you feel tired relax, eat this could be a sign of the virus has begun to eat away at your immune system. Similarly, a glimpse discussion of cervical cancer disease and its symptoms.


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