Saturday, March 28, 2015

When Itchy Scratching often Accelerate Aging

Someone is often difficult to refrain from scratch when it itches on a body part. Once scratched, the hand can not seem to stop scratching and itching lost hope.
Scientists say, scratching is actually no guarantee relieve itching and it can make the itch becomes part was getting itchy.
Research shows that when scratched, the brain will produce serotonin, which makes a person more itching. Scientists say that scratching, initially may cause pain in the skin.
Dr Zhou-Feng Chen, a senior researcher and director of the Center for the Study Sense Itching at the University of Washington, said that the pain will interfere with the itching. Nerve cells in the spinal cord carry pain signals to the brain, not the itch signal.
"If the spread of serotonin from the brain to the spinal cord, the serotonin neurons that can move from pain to nerve cells that affect the intensity of itch," said Chen.
Chen explained, signal itch and pain signals are sent through different paths, yet interconnected.
When scratching it can instantly relieve itching with the emergence of mild pain. However, when the body responds to signals of pain, itching gets worse.
According to researchers, blocking the release of seratonin not a good way to relieve itching. Therefore, serotonin also affect the process of growth, aging, bone metabolism and regulate mood. Block serotonin feared impact throughout the body.
Chen said, the possibility to do is disrupt the communication between serotonin and nerve cells in the spinal cord that transmit itch.
One way to do is to isolate the receptor used by serotonin neurons to activate GRPR. This GRPR neurons that convey signals itching of the skin to the brain. When conducted experiments on mice, the results are itching reduced.

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