Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Beware Feature Here For Early Diabetes

Beware If your blood sugar levels consistently in the 200 to 350 mg / dl, it could be one of the symptoms of high blood sugar. Unfortunately many people often do not know their blood sugar levels and do not understand the symptoms when blood sugar rises.
Illustration Lethargic
Blood sugar levels rise can not be underestimated because it can increase the risk of diabetes. It can also happen to people who did not at risk of diabetes, so it should really watch out. Here are some of the symptoms that you must be aware of when the blood sugar starts to rise, as reported by Boldsky.
1. Often feel thirsty
Feeling thirsty is one of the most common symptoms when blood sugar begins to rise. Another sign is that dry lips.
2. Frequent urination
Urinating regularly is important, but if the frequency of urination increases often should beware. When blood sugar rises, usually people will more often feel the urge to urinate even when their bladder is empty.
3. Fatigue
Elevated blood sugar can make you feel lethargic and dispirited. In addition, other symptoms include always feel tired, blurred vision, and headaches.
4. Appetite increased
It is one of the most common symptoms. If you often feel hungry even after eating or at odd hours, you should immediately consult your blood sugar levels.
5. Dehydration
Sense of dehydration usually arises when people do not drink enough. But if you have a tendency to diabetes, you should be aware that dehydration is also one of the signs of increased blood sugar.
6. Weight loss
Weight loss is sudden decline is one of the signs of many health problems including high blood sugar. If you experience a sudden weight loss should immediately check health.
7. Glucose in urine
People who have high levels of blood sugar will not be issued because the glucose in their urine glucose to be absorbed by the kidneys. But if the blood sugar level rises, there will be a possibility of glucose in the urine. If you see any ants that gather around the bathroom after you urinate, it could be no glucose in your urine. Immediately consult.
Above symptoms seem trivial and not related to blood sugar. However if you are experiencing the above symptoms, you should immediately consult your blood sugar levels. Immediately correct the problem before the blood sugar rises more fatal impact.

Beware, Degenerative Affect Blood Vessel Rupture

Broken blood vessels is one of the life-threatening conditions. This condition usually occurs due to degenerative or aging factors that generally occurs in people over the age of 40 years.
However, it is not possible rupture of blood vessels occurs at a young age. Vascular surgeon RS Premier Plastica, Patrianef Dervish as quoted from the compass says, rupture of blood vessels can even occur during the teenage years.
The risk of rupture of blood vessels at a relatively young age occur because of trauma or infection. Trauma example comes from an accident, while infections due to bacteria or viruses.
"The meaning of the inflammation or infection is inflammation of the blood vessels caused by a bacterial or viral infection," he said in an interview after the seminar entitled "Vascular in a Glance, Knowing The Risks and the Prompt Treatments".
Haemorrhaging at a young age also influenced by genetic factors that have been taken since birth. People are usually already have vascular disorders since childhood so the risk is increased with increasing age.
In general, the blood vessels in their young age is elastic like a balloon so that pressure from both inside and outside is not going to make it burst.
"Like a balloon, right when pressed elastic, could be back again," said Patrianef.
This is in contrast with the blood vessels in people who start aging, over 40 years, which generally have a plaque. Plaque in the blood vessels will make a hard structure, even as bone, so it is very easy to break if the pressure. That is why, rupture of blood vessels is influenced by factors denegeratif.
Nevertheless, the blood vessels can stay healthy in the elderly. How to build a healthy lifestyle young age, diet, and exercise regularly.
"That way, at least, the risk will be reduced," he said.

Mosquitoes are more dangerous drug than 100 burn Cigarette, this fact

Often we use as a medicine and satiation obatnyamuk aggravation in mosquitoes that often disturb us. nah Here is a collection of facts about the negatives that we collect insect repellent and the like
  •     The negative impact of smoke from one mosquito coil is equal to 100 cigarettes
  •     Propoxur toxic insect repellent, transfluthrin, Diethyltoluamide
  •     Many cases of mosquito coils as the initial source of house fires
     Two major toxins, namely Propoxur and transfluthrinPropoxur is a carbamate compound (compound them, MIC, had killed thousands of people and cause nerve damage hundreds of thousands of others in the Bhopal case in India) which has been banned overseas because of its allegedly a carcinogenic substance. While transfluthrin relatively safe until now ini.bukan only use Propoxur and transfluthrin, but there is also the use of DDVP or dichlorvos-derived substances chlorine since decades banned in dunia.ada also insect repellent products are non-propoxur and non-DDVP, but its value is verydoubtful. They are only effective against Aedes, but messyagainst mosquito Culex sp (mosquitoes which come everynightwe are).If reppelent or mosquito repellent lotion containing toxic bernamaDiethyltoluamide or DEET. DEET is very corrosive, can not be stored in plastic containers PVC or iron because in a matter of weeks will erode the lining. Imagine if it hit our skin? Which substances may damage the skin jelas2 can treat the skin. Even after embel2menggunakan added Aloe Vera or other moisturizing agent, nonetheless berbahaya.Jangan use on sensitive skin or children under the age of 2 tahun.beberapa brands contain DEET 13 and 12.5, up to 15

Body temperature rises, it causes

High body temperature or often called fever is not a disease, but a hassle if not addressed properly. Fever can also be a sign that we are suffering from a particular disease. Therefore, a fever is a notifier tool for ourselves.
Usually causes fever be known within one or two days. If you suspect the cause is not a disease due to a virus, you should immediately see a doctor.
Here are some common causes of fever:1. The presence of infections such as urinary tract infections (frequent urination or urination accompanied by stinging), streptococcal infection of the throat (often accompanied by inflammation of the throat), sinus infection (pain above or below the eyes), and tooth abscess (swelling in the mouth).
2. Infectious Mononucleosis accompanied by fatigue.
3. Infected by a disease when you are abroad.
4. Fatigue due to heat or severe sunburn.
Well, if you experience symptoms such as fever and finally, there's nothing wrong you do the following:
1. Wear light clothing even though the body is cold.Thick clothes and blankets will raise the body temperature. Very high temperatures (39 degrees or more) in children can lead to seizures.
2. Take a break at home in a room with good ventilation.Use a fan or air conditioning equipment.
3. Drink lots of water, juice, milk, or clear soups.Cold drinks will help lower the body temperature. An easy way to see if it has enough to drink or not is to look at the bright-colored urine or dark yellow. If the light colored, sign is enough to drink.
4. Try to eat as usual despite reduced appetite.When not eating, the body will be weak.
5. Check the temperature every four hours.Do not eat or drink for half an hour before the body temperature is measured because the result is not right. The best way to measure body temperature is to use a thermometer that can be purchased in pharmacies.
6. Finally, compressed body with a wet cloth.Not only on the head, but also the entire body. This will help lower the body temperature.

Facts About Cancer

Cervical cancer is the most frightening disease for women. How could I not, with the development of cancer of the uterus will make a woman become pregnant can not, and the more severe causes of death.
Even more frightening is the result of a survey conducted by the institute of cancer care, the number of cervical cancer patients is one third of all cancers that developed in Indonesia. Not only that, the data from the WHO or the World Health Organization states that, thousands of women die every year as a result of suffering from cancer of the uterus, as well as a major cause of death among women in the world.
Therefore, it is very important to you, the women to know the symptoms of disease and cervical cancer.Uterus Cancer Diseases and Symptoms
Cervical cancer is caused by HPV or Human Papilloma Virus. This virus is a type of microorganism with a small size that attacks the skin through infection. This infection eventually grow warts.
Due to the lack of knowledge of women against cervical cancer and its symptoms, patients infected with HPV will usually let a symptom occurs, then the next is not aware that he is being allowed to grow and evolve the virus attacks the immune system of women. This is what ultimately triggers the growth of cancer. Then it is highly advisable for you to conduct a medical examination to prevent the development of the virus.
Examination in question is by undergoing a test called a pap test. This test can only be performed after a 21-year-old woman. Here are the early symptoms of ovarian cancer that you should be aware:
1. Discharge of excess
Actually very normal vaginal discharge occurs, but if excessive or out in large numbers, then you should start paying attention to even further. Observe whether the discharge became highly viscous, less pleasant smelling, and greenish or even brownish.
2. Pain in the area of ​​womanhood
This pain will appear after developing HPV virus and has successfully attacks the immune system. Not only in specific areas of femininity, this pain will spread to the lower abdomen area, joints pelvis, thighs, and when defecating.
3. Bleeding
Bleeding that occurs during menstruation is normal, but if bleeding occurs quite frequently, for example on the touch, even accompanied by pain when urinating, then you should immediately check-up to the nearest doctor.
4. Swelling of the feet
One of the HPV virus activity seen physically is the swelling in the area around the foot.
5. Fatigue
Fatigue is an alarm for us to rest, but if at the time of little activity, or even when you feel tired relax, eat this could be a sign of the virus has begun to eat away at your immune system. Similarly, a glimpse discussion of cervical cancer disease and its symptoms.


Treat Headaches Naturally, This Way

Often we are currently experiencing a migraine, headache, or head feels depressed because of stress would interfere with daily activities, either working or socializing. Medications for pain relief was like ibuprofren often be an option.
1. Drink plenty of water and eat somethingThis step is easy to do. When experiencing a headache, probable cause is dehydration. Then meet the water needs is a way to relieve you of the condition. The body is dehydrated it means loss of electrolytes such as sodium, chloride, and potassium. So eating foods with a high content of these minerals will also help.
2. Breathe in the moist environmentIf you experience headaches caused by airway obstruction, moisture is the key to overcome. Mucus can cover the nose and respiratory tract can be hardened so that trigger headaches. While moisture can help diluting back so it is easy to remove. Humid environment eg shower with warm water steaming.
3. Compress the forehead with cold water or warmEveryone will be different needs. When experiencing tension headaches, then it is better to use warm water compress, aim to reduce the tension in the muscles. However, if the headache of pain, cold compresses can help reduce the pain.
4. Massage the headMassage is an effective way to stop the tension on the head which is a type of headache are the most common. Tension headaches are usually caused by overwork, skip meals, depression, anxiety, or lack of sleep.
5. Peppermint OilPeppermint is an herb that is useful for reducing pain, including headaches. The combination of water mint, spearmint, and peppermint have been known for a long time as a natural cure of headache, nausea, flatulence, indigestion, and abdominal pain.

Common colds, or sinusitis symptoms Kah?

Colds including symptoms of common illnesses suffered in the transition period as it is now. However, if you produce a lot of mucus nose and the symptoms do not disappear within a week, it is likely that a sinus infection.

Sinusitis occurs when one or several layers of infected sinuses. Infection can be caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Two-thirds of sinusitis which occur usually short, but there is also a chronic or repeated.
Here are the signs Nasal discharge is not just a cold.
1. Pain and distress in the face
Sinuses are cavities in the bones that are around the nose. If a small cavity is blocked, there will be accumulation of mucus that will arise and severe pain in the face.
Sinus blockage and inflammation can also cause the muscles around the temples and forehead rose causing head pain.
2. Exit viscous mucus
Discharge of mucus thick yellow or greenish are the main signs of a sinus infection. This mucus caused by white blood cells as a sign of the body's immune system is fighting an infection.
3. Nose swollen
Bacteria that proliferate in the sinus cavity will cause swelling. Although nasal swelling experienced by people who suffer from the usual salesma or flu, in sinusistis swelling usually lasts longer.
4. Bad breath
Bad breath is not good on sinusitis symptoms arising from the accumulated mucus in the sinuses and nasal cavity and throat. Organisms cause sinus infections will produce effluent that cause bad breath.
5. Cough with phlegm
Coughing up phlegm is usually followed by a sinus infection. Which distinguishes it from bronchitis is a cough is worse at night and early morning. This happens because at the time of the sinuses drain fluid into the throat so as to stimulate the cough receptors.
6. Fever
Experienced fever occurs because the immune system is fighting infection. In general, fever in the case of sinus infections are not high, but it also indicates a long-standing infection.
7. The sense of smell is not working
A sinus infection can dull the sense of smell due to inflammation that occurs.
8. Watery eyes
If you are allergic to inhaled allergens such as pollen, animal dander, or dust mites, the body will take it as harmful particles. Reaction resistance arising as allergy symptoms are usually in the form of nasal congestion and watery eyes. This immune reaction can lead to sinusitis.

Cough Boss ... ??? Tuh vigilant, Read The fact

Often become irritating cough cough-cough activity when it does not want to stop. How not working concentration often shattered when prolonged cough.
Well, here's the myths and facts about cough you need to know, as quoted from the Health India, Saturday (15/06/2013):
1. All Cough Caused Infections
Fact: not really all cough caused by infection. There are many reasons that cause a person suffering from cough.
Dr. Mandar Kubal, Director of Infectious Diseases and Pulmonary Care Pvt Ltd said the cough can be caused by something as simple as a common virus found around humans, as well as bacterial infections that cause pneumonia. Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) can also cause chronic cough, and the cough rare cases can occur as a result of heart failure.
2. Each Cough Require Antibiotics
Fact: According to Dr. Mandar Kubal, most coughs are caused by viruses so antibiotics will not help much. Although there are bacteria that cause sore throat and cough associated with, but taking antibiotics without a prescription will be more harm than benefit. Let the doctor who examined you who decide whether you need to take antibiotics or not
3. Cough Have Time Alone
Fact: Coughing is the body's defense mechanisms in the respiratory tract. Coughing is also an attempt to clear the mucus that is caused by infection or irritation. In some cases, home remedies can indeed relieve cough.
Do not let a protracted cough cough believing has its own future. If the cough was so excruciating and lasts a long time, the most expedient way is to visit a doctor.
4. Cough Old Definitely tuberculosis
Fact: Not every cough is tuberculosis. Dr. Gyanshankar Mishra, a pulmonologis, stressing there are other causes of chronic cough such as pneumonia, chronic lung disease or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, ILD (Interstitial lung disease), lung cancer, and others
5. Warm Soups Can Treat Cough
Fact: Most coughs are caused by infection or a symptom of other health conditions. Therefore, according to Dr. Mandar, soup or warm water is able to relieve throat and reduces irritation but can not cure the infection.
6. Eat Food Acid Can Cause Coughing
Fact: Dr. Mandar explained there is no evidence to support the notion that eating acidic foods can cause coughing. Nevertheless there is the possibility of acidic foods cause mild irritation in the throat.
7. All Cough Syrup Cause Drowsiness
Fact: Only a cough syrup containing active ingredients such as antihistamines, including chlorpheniramine is what causes drowsiness. While the new berformulasi cough medicine with the active ingredient dextromethorphan sort not cause drowsiness.
8. All Cough Syrup It Addictive
Fact: Most of cough medicine is not addictive. Although there are some that contain codeine, so it has addictive potential. Therefore beware of the appearance of symptoms of addiction, especially in adolescents.

Oil for Diet?

In the process of weight loss, use of cooking oil is often mentioned is better constrained. Well, instead you can use pure coconut oil.

Coconut has been frequently used by the people of the tropics for centuries. Well, have recently begun to attract the attention coconut scientists to seek out other healthy benefits of this fruit, as quoted from Body and Soul, Friday (07/03/2014).

Previous myth states that coconut oil is bad for health, but recent studies even suggest you to include this healthy oil into the daily diet. What is?

Pure coconut oil or made from mature coconut meat contains medium chain fatty acids or medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). MCFAs This is the type of fat that is different from other fats. MCFA fats can be absorbed directly into the cell, where they can be immediately burned as energy and not stored as fat.

Researchers from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research reported that a diet rich in coconut oil will keep the fat away and protect you from insulin resistance. This then is the underlying researchers encourage you to take advantage of pure coconut oil to lose weight and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

In addition, pure coconut oil also contains high levels of lauric acid, which helps strengthen the immune system and help to attack viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.

In processing in the kitchen, virgin coconut oil is one of the best and safest oil for cooking. Because MCFAs resistant to heat and do not turn into harmful hydrogenated fats. You can use pure coconut oil in the diet to make it as a substitute for unhealthy vegetable oil, butter or margarine.

Identify the type of your cough, Before It's Too Late

Never you ignore the condition cough away without treating or checked by a doctor, because the cough can be a symptom of certain diseases. Beware cough accompanied by several conditions such as shortness of breath, excessive phlegm and so forth.
The following types of cough that should not be overlooked, as reported besthealth, among others:
1. Cough with dry throat, runny nose, nasal nose, or excessive phlegm
This condition may be caused by allergies or sinus infection. Consult your condition to the doctor to get medication if the cause is allergies or sinus, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

2. Cough at night accompanied by mucus and ends with wheezing, or hoarseness
Possibility that this is caused by asthma so you need to see a doctor to get a prescription drug medications such as bronchodilators or inhaled corticosteroids to control asthma.
3. Cough after taking medicine
Approximately 5 out of 10 people who took similar drugs ACE inhibitors, experience side effects such as dry cough. Consult your doctor if there are other drugs that do not have side effects causing coughing.
4. Dry cough accompanied by shortness of breath
Possible causes are diseases of chronic obstructive lung, a condition that includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema are usually caused by smoking. The doctor may perform tests to measure lung capacity by applying x-ray of the chest.
Unfortunately there is no cure for this disease, but the symptoms can be treated. Therefore, consult your condition to your doctor before symptoms become increasingly severe and untreatable, and stop smoking.
5. Cough accompanied by heartburn that occurs more than twice a week
This condition may be caused by Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition of chronic heartburn. The doctor will prescribe antacids and drugs that inhibit the production of stomach acid and recommends gastroscopy examination to assess the damage to the esophagus.
6. A cough that worsens over time and is accompanied by fatigue, chest pain, coughing up blood, hoarseness, or shortness of breath
The condition may be a symptom of lung cancer. See a doctor immediately to get diagnostic tests such as x-rays, CT scans, MRI, and blood tests to ensure that the underlying disease and get treatment as soon as possible.

Want Sixpack Stomach Without Sit-UP, ..? this trick

Many men go to the gym or do a sit-up routine in order to train the abdominal muscles with the desire to obtain a large abdominal muscles or often called the six pack that meraka yearning dearer. However, said a personal exercise trainer, Lecia Whitlock, it is actually not necessary.
"Everyone actually have a six pack. It's just the muscles hidden under a layer of body fat," Whitlock said as quoted dariCNN, Friday (08/29/2014).
Whitlock from the National Personal Training Institute, USA
Union, said the key to visible abdominal muscles is to reduce body fat deposits.
"Sit-ups are not appropriate routines to do that," said Whitlock.
To reduce the fat content in any desired location of the body, the person must make its deficit calories. Defisi calories will make the body to release energy stored in the fat reserves to provide intake on muscle.
Cardio exercise Whitlock said the proper way to burn excess calories. Three to four times per week and performed for 30 minutes per session can eliminate a lot of calories in a short time.
In addition to getting six pack abs without crunches intensive, Whitlock reminded that eating a balanced diet that is low in calories. The more high-calorie foods are consumed, the more time it takes for a sport that burns calories.
"Most people do not heed how much they eat and more focus on the intensity of exercise they do. It is a lethal combination for someone trying to lose weight," added Whitlock

Dust Beware, It's Disease Brought

Air pollution by particles can be caused by natural events and can also be caused by human activity, through industrial and technological activities. Particles that pollute the air are many kinds and types, depending on the kinds and types of industrial activities and existing technology. Regarding the kinds and types of particulate air pollutants and sources of pollution has many
In general, particles that pollute the air can damage the environment, plants, animals and humans. The particles are very harmful to human health. In general, the air is polluted by particles can cause a variety of respiratory tract disease or pneumoconiosis.

At a time when people breathe in, air containing particles will be inhaled into the lungs. Size particles (dust) that goes into the lungs will determine the position of attachment or deposition of the particles. Particle size of less than 5 microns will be retained in the upper respiratory tract, whereas the particle size of 3 to 5 microns will be stuck in the middle part of the respiratory tract. Smaller particles, 1 to 3 microns, will go into the air sacs of the lungs, attached to the alveoli. Even smaller particles, less than 1 micron, will come out when the breath is exhaled.
Pneumoconiosis is a respiratory disease caused by particles (dust) that enter or settle in the lungs. Pnemokoniosis diseases of many kinds, depending on the type of particles (dust) entering or inhaled into the lungs. Some types of pneumoconiosis diseases that are often found in areas that have many industrial and technological activities, ie silicosis, asbestosis, Byssinosis, Antrakosis and Beriliosis.
1. Disease Silicosis
Silicosis disease caused by silica dust pollution-free, such as SiO2, which is inhaled into the lungs and then settles. Free silica dust is abundant in iron and steel mills, ceramics, concrete casting, metal working workshop (filing, grinding, etc.). Aside from that, there are many Juka silica dust in the place where the cross section of iron ore, tin and coal mines. The use of coal as a fuel also generate a lot of free silica dust SiO2. At the time burned, silica dust will come out and dispersed into the air together - together with other particles, such as dust alumina, iron oxide and carbon in the form of ash.
Silica dust into the lungs will have an incubation period of about 2 to 4 years. The incubation period will be shorter, or symptoms of the disease silicosis will soon appear, if the silica concentration in the air is quite high and inhaled into the lungs in large quantities. Silicosis disease characterized by shortness of breath accompanied by coughing. Ii cough is often not accompanied by phlegm. In silicosis behavior being, symptoms of shortness of breath accompanied by visible and the examination of his lung abnormalities fototoraks easily observed. When the disease silicosis is heavy it will be more severe shortness of breath and then followed by hypertrophy of the right ventricle that would lead to failure of the heart.
Workplace potential for contaminated with silica dust should get health and safety supervision and strict environmental cause silicosis disease, there is no proper cure. Preventive action is more important and meaningful than the treatment action. Disease silicosis would be worse if the patient had previously been suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma and respiratory diseases broonchiale other.
Supervision and periodic health checks for workers will greatly assist the prevention and control of occupational diseases. Worker health data before entering the work, during work and after work is worth noting for reflection history of workers if any - time required.
2. Disease Asbestosis
Asbestosis is a disease of occupational diseases caused by asbestos dust or fibers that pollute the air. Asbestos is a mixture of various silicates, but the main thing is magnesium silicate. Asbestos dust often found in factories and industries that use asbestos, asbestos fiber spinning mills, factories and other asbestos roof.
Asbestos dust are inhaled into the lungs will cause shortness of breath and cough accompanied by phlegm. Fingertips sufferer will reveal a large / wide. If the sputum examination it will appear presence of asbestos dust in the sputum. The use of asbestos for various purposes would need to be followed by an awareness of safety and environmental health lest this lead to asbestosis.
3. Disease Byssinosis
Byssinosis disease is a disease of pneumoconiosis caused by breathing dust pollution or cotton fibers in the air which is then inhaled into the lungs. Dust cotton or cotton fibers are often found on cotton spinning mills, textile mills, cotton companies and warehousing as well as factory or other works that use cotton or textiles; as a manufacture of mattresses, manufacture seat and so forth.
The incubation period is long enough Byssinosis disease, which is about 5 years. Early signs of this disease Byssinosis of breathlessness, chest feels heavy, especially on Mondays (ie the early days of work on a weekly basis). Psychically every Monday to work with the disease Byssinosis feel a heavy burden on the chest and shortness of breath. Allergic reactions due to the cotton into the respiratory tract is also an early symptom Byssinosis. In Byssinosis already advanced or severe, the disease is usually followed by chronic bronchitis and emphysema may also be accompanied with.
4. Disease Antrakosis
Antrakosis disease is a respiratory disease caused by coal dust. The disease is usually found in the coal mine workers or the workers that involve the use of coal, such as coal pengumpa the iron furnace, locomotives (stoker) and also in coal-powered ships, as well as workers in the central boiler-fired Power Plant coal.
The incubation period of the disease is between 2-4 years. As with any disease silicosis and other pneumokonisosi diseases, diseases antrakosis also characterized by a feeling of suffocation. Because the coal dust is sometimes also contained the silicate dust antrakosis disease is often accompanied by disease silicosis. When this happens, the disease is called silikoantrakosis. Antrakosis disease there are three kinds, namely pure antrakosis disease, illness and disease silikoantraksosis tuberkolosilikoantrakosis.
Pure antrakosis disease caused coal dust. This disease requires a long time to be heavy, and relatively not so dangerous. Antrakosis disease becomes severe when accompanied by complications or emphysema that allows the death. If it happens then antrakosis pure emphysema heavier than silikoantraksosis relatively rarely followed by emphysema. Actually between pure and silikoantraksosi antrakosis indistinguishable, except from the source of the cause. While paenyakit tuberkolosilikoantrakosis more easily distinguished from the other two antrakosis disease. This difference is easily seen from fototorak who showed abnormalities in the lungs as a result of coal dust and silicate dust, and also the presence of the bacillus tuberculosis which attacks the lungs.
5. Disease Beriliosis
Air contaminated by beryllium metal dust, either in the form of pure metals, oxides, sulfates, or in the form halogenida, can cause respiratory disease called beriliosis. The metal dust can cause nasoparingtis, bronchitis and pneumonitis which is characterized by symptoms of slight fever, dry cough and shortness of breath. Beriliosis disease can occur in industrial workers who use beryllium alloys, copper, workers at the factory fluorescent, radio tube manufacturing plant and also the material processing workers supporting the nuclear industry.
In addition, workers who use a lot of zinc (in the form of silicate) and also manganese, can also cause disease beriliosis delayed or delayed berryliosis also called chronic beriliosis. This delayed effect could be a 5 years after stopping breathe air polluted by the metal dust. So five years after the worker is no longer in the environment containing the metal dust, beriliosis disease may arise. The disease is characterized by symptoms of tiredness, weight decreased and shortness of breath. Therefore, periodic health checks for workers involved with workers using these metals should be carried out continuously - constantly.

It Smart Way Choosing Edible Oil

In the process of frying, the oil serves as a medium of instruction hot, savory flavor enhancer, nutritional and caloric value of the food that is fried. Smart to choose the type of cooking oil used to process the food is one thing that is decisive for health. So no one chose, let's get acquainted with the various types of cooking oil.
Based on the presence or absence of a double bond in its molecular structure, the oil can be divided into three groups, namely:

(1) oil with saturated fatty acids (saturated fatty acids)
Saturated fatty acids, among others, present in breast milk (lauric acid) and coconut oil. Nature is stable and not easily react / turn into other types of fatty acids.

(2) Oil with monounsaturated fatty acids (mono-unsaturated fatty acids / MUFA) or multiple (poly-unsaturated fatty acids).
Unsaturated fatty acids have a double bond carbon atoms are easily decompose and react with other compounds, to obtain a stable composition in the form of saturated fatty acids. The more the number of the double bond (poly-unsaturated), the easier it will react / change the oil.
(3) oils with trans fatty acids (trans fatty acids)
Trans fatty acids are found in many animal fats, margarine, butter, hydrogenated oils, and are formed from the frying process. Besides carcinogenic, trans fats raise bad cholesterol levels, lower levels of good cholesterol, and cause babies born prematurely.
Unsaturated fatty acids (omega 3, omega 6, omega 9) often promoted has many benefits, including lowering "bad cholesterol" (LDL = low density lipoprotein) and to prevent heart attacks. Found in many vegetable oils such as soybean oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, palm oil, and others.
However, with deep frying frying system, which is commonly used Indonesian society, and also repeated use of cooking oil, will change the unsaturated fatty acids into trans fatty acids, which can increase bad cholesterol and lowers good cholesterol.
In addition, excessive heating will change the unsaturated fatty acids into groups peroxide and free radicals that can cause cancer. Therefore, get used frying temperature is not too high.
The type of oil is also best avoided or used cooking oil that has been used repeatedly. This oil is more viscous, has a high free fatty acid, and blackish brown. Several animal studies indicate repeated use of oil is carcinogenic and can cause symptoms of various diseases.
In addition, there are three types of fatty acids based on long-chain fatty acids in a nutshell, is that the chain length (long chain trigliseride / LCT), medium chain (medium chain trigliseride / MCT), and chain (short chain trigliseride / SCT).
Oil with a short carbon chain and being able to be directly absorbed by the body without going through the digestive process convoluted. Taken directly to the liver to be converted into energy to improve the functioning of the endocrine glands, organs, and tissues of the body.
Vegetable oil is classified as long-chain fatty acids (long chain fatty acids = LCFA), which consists of 18 carbon atoms or more. Large molecular size, so it needs to be processed first into a small-sized fatty acids and free fatty acids in the form that can be absorbed through the intestinal wall.
Having escaped from the intestinal wall, free fatty acids is reassembled into lipoproteins were then taken to the liver. There is converted into energy, cholesterol, and the rest is dumped into the fatty tissue. Well, cholesterol and fat that is the cause of many chronic diseases, degenerative, or cancer.
According to the study, most of its content LCFA is safflower oil (78%), followed by sunflower oil (69%), and canola oil (31%). LCFA content of olive oil ranges from 9%, while the lowest is coconut oil (2%).
Oil is good for health is containing MUFA and MCT. Olive oil will be better and can protect the heart (due to lower total cholesterol, triglycerides and "bad" cholesterol or LDL) when used as a vegetable oil, not fried.
Being classified as vegetable cooking oil PUFAs and LCT would be better if used for sauteing, frying temperature is not high. If you still want to fry at high temperature, it is best to use coconut oil or palm kernel oil

Still Likes Wear Tight Jeans ..?, This is risk

Women synonymous with Fashion, one trend is the trend Skinny sticking. Trend of skinny jeans or tight jeans increasingly favored women. Pants are a few years this trend has become almost common to all women. Try to open your wardrobe, there must be at least one skinny jeans. Unfortunately, this cool pants store health hazard.
Why do the doctors recommend that women no longer wear tights? Because if you often wear tight pants or skinny jeans, then there will be an increased risk of blood circulation disorders, reported by Geniusbeauty.com, Monday (30/9). This is shown by researchers in the United States. In general, women can suffer nerve damage due to skinny jeans.
And following complete pembehasan about the impact of the use or the use of tight jean:
Blockage of Blood Circulation
Common problems that can occur due to the use of skinny jeans is the blockage of blood circulation due to the suppression of the blood vessels around the thigh, groin and sex organs. This poor circulation can lead to varicose veins and swelling.
Skin Damage
When you use the tights, the skin will be more easily rub against the pants. So that skin damage can occur and lead to more serious problems, such as rashes and infection.
Causing pain, tingling and Numb
Using tights or skinny jeans for a long time can cause syndrome Bernhardt - Roth - a disease of the nerve neuritis outer thigh. This disease can cause a person to experience numbness, pain or tingling.
Nerve Damage
Health experts have often warned that women are more likely to suffer a nervous breakdown due to wear skinny jeans.Menurut researchers, tight pants can cause deformation of the body and nerve damage.
Therefore ladies, make sure you do not wear skinny jeans in a long time. When wearing skinny jeans, make sure not to use high heels, because it can aggravate the pressure on the nerves of the body.

How Difficult defecation, I wonder why ..? this fact

Vigilant There are many causes of the difficult or can not urinate. Among them, Dr. Asep Saepul Rohmat, a specialist in internal medicine Pertamina Hospital (RSPP) Pertamedika, argued, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH or enlarged prostate), prostatitis (prostate), cystitis, prostate cancer, urethral stricture (narrowing of the urethra), and bladder disorders (irregularity urine).
Doctor Probosuseno SpPD, a specialist in diseases of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta said the Republika Srpska, the cause of the difficulty urinating (BAK) is also very dependent on gender. In men, this disorder is usually caused by benign prostate enlargement and obstruction of stone. Whereas in women, usually caused by a blockage of stones and urinary tract infections.
According to him, with increasing age, more and more frequent cases of BPH. At the age of 60 years, the number of events reaches approximately 60 percent, aged 70 years to reach 70 percent, and so on.
In case of blockage stone, stone generally clog the bottom of the bladder. However, there are times when the stones in the ureter clog the right or left. The ureter is a pipe which drains urine from the kidneys to the bladder.
Blockage of the ureter, according Probo, dangerous because there is no urine can come out at all. If it is so, then it should be done surgically by a urological surgeon.
If the stone is under the bladder, usually palpable still urine. Treatment is easy, just mounted hose, can urinate smoothly again. If the cause of prostate enlargement, can be overcome with the catheter, so that urine directly smoothly. '' Along with the catheter, as well as he treated, '' said the Probo.
Probo explain, urination disorders caused by infection is usually characterized by pain around the urinary tract or bladder, sometimes accompanied by a feeling of pain in the waist. Soreness at the waist often also complained of by patients who have an enlarged prostate. '' Likewise, if the testicles ache, usually no inflammation or infection, '' said the Probo.
Difficult urination, especially in the elderly, it could also be due to lack of drinking. Other causes collisions, and manipulation of the genitals with the tools. Drugs can cause damage to the kidneys so that one becomes difficult or can not urinate.
The first thing to do for first aid in patients with difficult or can not urinate, Asep said, is part of the urinary tract of patients soak in warm water. This can help reduce inflammation. '' In addition, it should be a lot of drinking, '' said Asep.

Relieves Cough With Honey

When coughing whack, the body actually trying to get rid of the disorder in the lungs. However, if the cough does not let up, annoyed too great. Experiencing the same thing? Learn tips to relieve cough as reported by the Third Age below.
A study proves that enjoy a spoonful of honey can relieve cough at night. Not only that, sleep will be more soundly after drinking honey. It turns out it is because honey contains effective ingredients such as cough syrup, but more healthful and nutritious.
When coughing, mucus in the throat actually clog the breathing part that makes people uncomfortable. So should water consumption as much as possible to liquefy the mucus membranes of the throat and maintain moisture.
Candy cough
Some cough medicines in circulation can now be found in shapes like candy. Try to select a menthol cough sweets to dull the senses back of the throat and relieve cough annoying.
Bath with warm water can also help you relieve cough. Additionally, if you have a fever, allergies, and asthma, all these problems were able to overcome. Because warm water vapor causing capable moisturize dry throat condition due to coughing.
Avoid the use of perfumes, deodorants, soaps, and perfumes of any kind when coughing. Because some people may develop chronic sinus irritation when using the product when coughing.
In addition to fragrances, you should also stop smoking when coughing. Because almost all smokers eventually have a cough that harm themselves and others. So the best solution is to quit smoking forever.
Eat healthy
Diet when coughing better maintained so as your condition improves. Avoid sugary foods, salt, dairy products, and then replace the starchy vegetables and fruits to strengthen the immune system.
Licorice root
Licorice root is one of the solutions to relieve cough. You can mix them into herbal tea or boil it with boiling water. For the second option, let sit for a day before drinking the honey mixture.

Stinging Body Odor, this causes

Huh smell, Hayo who Bandanese smell. Typically After the bath, you should not rush to wear. Dry your body carefully, do not let the rest of the water bath is still entrenched in the skin or skin folds. Marina Peredo, MD, a dermatologist, said that if someone does not dry up well after bathing, water vapor can be trapped in the folds of skin. As quoted from the Prevention.
According Peredo other body areas that are often not terseka towels, among others, under the breasts, in between the toes, and in the groin. Wet feet plus the emergence of sweat is definitely going to cause odor. Therefore Peredo suggested for anti-fungal powder sprinkled in the shoes.
"There is no access to the air in the folds of the skin, making it easier for bacteria and fungi to multiply and mixed with sweat. That is the cause of odor and irritation," says Peredo.

In addition to not dry off after a shower, too much stress can lead to body odor. Usually people who are too stressed to be sweat. But the sweat of people who are different from the sweat stress in general. For more smelling sweat from stress. By the time a person stress, apocrine glands will secrete sweat that contains fat to the skin surface. Well, the sweat that comes out of this apocrine glands are less watery, while the bacteria happy to find a mixture of protein and fat in this sweat.

All Diets That same method, this proof

Pingin ideal or slim body is a dream of every woman. meraka willing to perform routine deat super tight. Currently there are various types of methods can be adapted to the diet and lifestyle of our ability to practice it. Apparently, whatever the name of the diet, all are equally able to lose weight as long as it is run consistently.
Without seeing the "brand" diet method, the experts said that in principle differences in weight loss on the various methods of diet is very small. If done consistently, the weight will come down. So, stay selected only the easiest way to her diet.
Researchers from McMaster University, Ontario and Disease Research Hospital Children in Toronto analyzed 48 trials including data of 7.826 people who are overweight. They observed weight loss dieters were at month 6 and 12 to see the difference in the results of the diet.
After a year, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that dieters low calorie and low carb to lose weight is similar, with an average of 7.3 kg.
In the first six months, the low-carb dieters successfully lose more, but after 12 months, the results are not too different.

In addition, the researchers noted that the diet followed by lifestyle support and exercise will make the results better. Within 6 months, with a healthy lifestyle diet help you lose 3 kg in weight. Regular exercise for 12 months, will help the effectiveness of the diet up to 2 kg.
Therefore, the experts concluded, differences in the results of various methods of diet is very small. So, no matter what diet we live as long as it is consistent.
Diobervasi diet method in this study is the Atkins, South Beach, Zone, Biggest Loser, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Volumetrics, Weight Watchers, Ornish, and Rosemary Conley.

Every Day 36 Suicide, this fact

According to the latest report from the World Health Organization (WHO), every 40 seconds a person somewhere in the world die from suicide. WHO considered suicide problem is an important health problem, but too covered because of a taboo.
Only 28 countries in the world that has a suicide prevention strategy for its citizens. At least a country that has faced the problem of suicide plan would complicate plans WHO reduce the suicide rate in the world by 10 percent by 2020.
WHO has analyzed the data and research related to suicide in the world in the last 10 years. The results are as follows:
- Approximately 800,000 people commit suicide every year
- Suicide is the second largest cause of death in young people aged 15 to 29 years
- Those aged 70 years and over had suicidal tendencies large
- Three-quarters of the total suicides occur in low and middle income countries.
Depression In more developed countries, men are more prone to commit suicide. Suicide in men three times more than women.
Director of WHO, Dr Margaret Chan said the issue of mental health is viewed negatively in society. This encourages people with mental problems for not seeking treatment he needs for fear of being labeled negative.
"This report is a call to take action on public health issues covered taboo for too long," added Chan was quoted as saying by the BBC on Saturday (09/06/2014).
The WHO said the suicide rate can be reduced by restricting access to firearms and dangerous chemicals. In addition, developing countries can also adopt a national strategy to reduce the suicide rate.

Disease Facts About Herpes

Herpes Zoster (HZ) is a disease caused by the Varicella Zoster virus infection that affects the skin and mucosa, this is a reactivation of the virus infection that occurs after primary infection. This means that every person who penah Varicella zoster infections or better known as chicken pox,
have the possibility to experience HZ (please note that this Zoster primerVarisela infection can occur with minimal symptoms such as common cold). After primary infection, the virus will remain in the ganglion of the posterior edge of the nervous system and cranial ganglia. In certain circumstances may occur reactivation of the virus that causes the disease HZ. That situation is a decline in one's endurance. In other circumstances, where there is deficiency of immunity, the disease that occurs HZ can be complicated, for example, in the elderly, HIV infection, the use of long-term corticosteroid therapy, chemotherapy or in patients with malignancy.
Dompo skin disease usually recover in a few weeks and rarely recur. However, the disease should be addressed at least three days after the appearance of skin disorders.
If someone is suffering from ulcers dompo and already broken, should avoid the use of powder. It was to avoid infection of the skin.

Someone dompo disease severe enough in that section will feel as hot as burning, tingling, itching, and throbbing pain in head. The disease can affect various parts of the human body such as the face, hands, feet, and genitals. Chest or back part of the body, usually the most frequently attacked dompo.
To care independently, the affected area should be kept clean dompo. Compress with cold water, use painkillers as directed by a physician, adequate rest, and consult a doctor if dompo not heal.
Someone who ever get chickenpox can develop shingles or dompo. That's because the virus that causes the disease remains inactive and hide in certain nerve cells in tubuh.Dan if a relapse, the manifestations are becoming dompo.
Antivirals are used today - such as acyclovir, famciclovir and valacyclovir - has been known to reduce the duration of the disease and reduce the morbidity associated with existing skin disorders. However, this effect will only occur if the antivirus is given within the first 3 days after the first appearance of skin disorders. An indication of another antivirus is HZoftalmikus patients and patients with immune deficiency.
It should be stressed, until now there is no drug that is proven to eliminate the virus altogether. Which can be done in general is to maintain the health of the body to prevent the decline in the immune system and for patients with immune deficiency can continue to undergo treatment primary disease that immunity can be maintained.
It turns out that the point we have to keep always the condition of the body to keep fit and healthy in order not to be attacked by any virus.
Here is the profile of the disease dompo:
Herpes Zoster (HZ)
Dompo, snake pox, shingles, shakes.
Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV)
Symptoms / Signs:
Can be preceded by fever, headache. Musculo-skeletal pain, itching, soreness. Then arose erythema (redness), vesicles (fluid-filled bubbles, diameter <1 cm) containing clear fluid, after a few days became turbid (gray), can be mixed with blood.
Classification HZ:
- HZ ophthalmicus (attacking the forehead and around the eyes)
- HZ cervical (strike shoulders and arms)
- HZ thoracic (chest and abdomen attack)
- HZ lumbar (attack buttocks and thighs)
- HZ sacral (attack around the anus and genitals)
- HZ otikum (attacking ear)
Rest, acyclovir (5 x 800 mg daily for 7 days), 2% Salicylic powder or calamine lotion. If there is a secondary infection, give chloramphenicol ointment 2%. To reduce neuralgia pascaherpetika, berikankortikosteroid such as: prednisone 30 mg daily or 48 mg daily triamcinolone. Can be added vitamins B1, B6, and B12.
HZ can be prevented with a vaccine is recommended for children aged 1-12 years.
Is this disease contagious? HZ is caused by a virus similar to chickenpox, smallpox is contagious, so is this HZ, although not semenular chickenpox.
Based on the classification HZ, If you are currently suffering HZ, the type of which one ..?

Divorce Parent Child Cause Diabetes

In addition to academic values ​​decreased, emotions always moody, and difficult to communicate, divorce can also make the body fat and obese children. Is it true?
Research held Norwegian Institute of Public Health and the University of Oslo, studied 3,166 third grade students to ascertain whether the marital status of parents affects the style and appetite children.
For accurate results, the researchers involving school nurses to measure the height and weight of the students. Then, information on the status of the parents were divided into three categories, namely, married, divorced, and single.
The result is a child with divorced parents are overweight as much as 54 percent of their ideal weight, and 89 percent more fat than other children with parents who are married.
The study also found that boys with divorced parents more at risk of obesity. They have a 63 percent higher chance to experience an increase in body weight, compared to boys with a parent harmony.

The researchers reported that the link between parental marital status and weight of children, caused by a reduction in family income and energy assistance in household chores. As a result, after the split, many fathers and mothers choose serve a variety of fast food on their children.
Description of research results more fully published by the journal BMJ Open, on June 4, 2014 ago.

Want Your Hair Shiny and Healthy, It's Tips

Hair is the crown of each person, everyone aspires to beauty of their cities. Healthy hair is a symbol of beauty, especially like women. Of hair that looks well groomed and healthy, will make your aura radiated and appearance would be more interesting. Sometimes being too busy with work or household affairs, you do not have time to take care of hair. In fact, the hair is a crown of every woman who is important to increase your confidence.
Here are tips and tricks to keep in mind to keep the luster of your hair:
Trim or trim the hair 4-6 weeks to get rid of dry ends and cracked. It also maintained that haircut.
Use a special shampoo for colored hair. Do not rub too hard when shampooing hair, and minimize its use. For example Wash 2-3 days.
Use a special conditioner for dyed hair. Focus on the tip of the hair and rinse thoroughly.
Use rarely toothed comb to minimize hair damage.
Use a hair dryer only when the hair is almost dry. Getting hotter and longer you menggunakanhair dryer, will increase the risk of damage to the hair cuticle.
Use a hair dryer and comb when styling your hair, avoid hot rollers and curling iron.
Minimalkanlah use styling products such as mousse, gel and hair spray, because it can tarnish the luster of hair.
Avoid hair from chlorine substances. For example, before the swim wet the hair. Once finished swimming, rinse clean as possible. Avoid direct sunlight.
9. Do not do after straightening or curling hair dyed, because the chemical process that repeatedly will cause fatal damage to the hair.
10. Use care products to prevent hair loss, such as vitamins or special serum to strengthen hair roots.

Identify Causes of Hunger and How to steer

When hunger comes, we often lose rationality. In fact, hunger is not always because the body needs it. Often hunger arises only because we wanted to eat. Kinda hard to tell which is which because it's hungry need to eat and which ones because only lust alone.
Controlling hunger will affect the health and weight. Therefore, identify the types of hunger and how to control it.
1. The actual hunger
This hunger is telling it's time to eat. The signs of this hunger is shaky because low blood sugar, headache, fatigue, or abdominal sounds. Usually people wait until the hunger strike and "crazy" to eat anything there. Therefore prepare, provide a snack in a bag or in a desk drawer.
2. hungry while watching TV
Nothing is more exciting than watch your favorite TV series while eating. Without knowing it, you have to eat a lot of food. This event is called "eating amnesia". A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition writes that eating while doing other things to make people mengasup more calories. Find other activities to occupy hands while watching TV, for example, tidying things.
3. Hungry for boredom
Many people feel tired and have no activity other than check out what's in the fridge. We've all been eating out of boredom. Which need to be corrected is how to deal with the tedium of it with useful activities. Find at least 5 favorite activity to pass the time, such as reading, calling parents, or chat with the house.
4. Hunger and angry
The combination of these two things happen when blood sugar drops. In addition to irritability, low blood sugar can cause a person difficult to focus. In this condition, if you are discussing with someone the effect is contention.
5. Hunger in the afternoon
A few hours after lunch, or late afternoon your energy decreases but you have to stay focused until the end of business hours. In order not too hungry stomach, Ceramic by preparing healthy snacks. High-protein snack will help us withstand the hungry until dinner.
6. Hungry for stress
When under stress, usually we will not voters to food. Of course the result is that we will be in vain and in large quantities. This condition can be controlled with a hammer source, the stress itself. Perform a variety of relaxation techniques, such as sports, will usually help.
7. Hunger currently premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
PMS often cancel a healthy diet plan. Hormonal changes ahead of this period will increase the appetite, although temporary. Watch for signs of hunger and eat a little more when it appears.
8. The hunger for fun
Although not hungry or tired, sometimes a sense of wanting to eat it coming. "Ask yourself, what are you looking for when you eat in this condition?" Minh-Hai said Alex, RD, of Mindful Nutrition Seattle. Delaying the work and wanted to rest could be the reason. Start thinking on the advice of Alex to make sure whether you really need to eat.

9. The hunger for seeing
Almost everyone is not going to waste the free food available at the workbench. Alex advised to immediately stop this habit. This spontaneous thought makes you eat without thinking about or enjoy. Decide whether you are going to eat it or leave it. When you take the food, not to just pass in the mouth without enjoying it. "The guilt will make us eat fast, and want more to feel pretty," said Alex.
10. The hunger during celebrations
Have you ever eat very much at a birthday party or get together with family and friends? "There's nothing wrong with it! The food has the ability to unite us with other people," said May.
Take control of your food intake by doing other activities while chatting or simply plucks food in small portions. Drink a glass of water before meals will also help reduce hunger

Types Of Body Scrub For Health that you should try ...

Sobat, Lulur telah menjadi kegiatan rutin bagi para wanita dan pria aktif yang tinggal di perkotaan. Hal itu ditunjang dengan tingkat polusi yang semakin tinggi di perkotaan, seperti polusi udara, penggunaan AC dalam ruangan yang menyebabkan kulit mengering, dan munculnya flek-flek hitam pada kulit bahkan kulit keriput.
Nah, Untuk mengatasi keluhan tersebut lulur merupakan salah satu solusi yang efektif, karena lulur dapat membantu regenerasi sel-sel kulit serta memberikan nutrisi yang membantu mengembalikan kondisi kulit menjadi lebih segar dan kenyal. Sejalan dengan meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat perkotaan akan kesehatan kulit untuk menunjang penampilan mereka, kegiatan lulur menjadi rutinitas   kebersihan selain mandi,cuci rambut dan kebersihan mulut. 
Untuk Kegiatan lulur sendiri merupakan sebuah warisan budaya dari nenek moyang kita, dimana kegiatan lulur sendiri telah dilakukan oleh para wanita di kalangan kerajaan sebagai bentuk tradisi dalam menjaga kecantikan mereka. 
Ini merukapan Salah satu manfaat utama dari lulur adalah untuk membantu regenerasi kulit kita, menjaga kelembaban kulit sehingga akan tampak semakin bersinar, terutama di era jaman modern sekarang, penampilan telah menjadi komoditas yang perlu diperhitungkan. Namun selain manfaat umum yang ada di produk lulur, setiap bahan utama yang terkandung didalamnya juga dapat memberikan manfaat tambahan, di antaranya adalah : 
  • Lulur Bengkoang. Terbuat dari ekstrak buah bengkoang. Khasiat: Cocok untuk mengatasi kulit kusam, karena dapat mengangkat kulit mati. Selain itu, lulur bengkoang bisa menghilangkan bau badan, memberi nutrisi pada kulit, memperbaiki sirkulasi oksigen dan peredaran darah, serta menjaga kulit agar tidak keriput.
  • Lulur Cokelat. Mengandung lemak cokelat atau cocoa butter . Khasiat: melembutkan dan menghaluskan  kulit. Juga mengandung katekin (catechin ) yang merupakan antioksidan untuk mencegah penuaan dini, melindungi kulit dari polusi serta kaya pelembab. Cocok untuk mereka yang bekerja di ruangan ber-AC.
  • Lulur Kopi. Khasiat : bermanfaat untuk mengangkat kulit mati, menghaluskan kulit, dna menjadikan kulit lebih cerah. Lulur kopi juga bisa menghilangkan rasa lelah serta meratakan tampilan selulit pada permukaan kulit.
  • Lulur Susu. Susu dikenal sebagai substansi yang dapat mempertahankan kulit agar tetap putih berseri. Khasiat: menghaluskan, meremajakan kulit, mempertahankan kulit tetap kenyal.
  • Lulur Stroberi. Stroberi yang mengandung asam salisat, silica serta vitamin B, C, E dan K. Khasiat : manfaat lulur stroberi antara lain untuk mengencangkan kulit, menyehatkan dan meremajakan kulit.
  • Lulur Pepaya. Lulur pepaya kaya akan enzim dan vitamin. Khasiat: menghaluskan kulit, sebagai antioksidan, menutrisi serta mempertahankan elastisitas kulit.

  • Lulur Alpukat. Khasiat : melembabkan kulit, mencerahkan kulit serta meratakan warna kulit.
  • Lulur Rumput Laut (Seaweed). Khasiat : Memberikan nutrisi pada kulit, menghaluskan kulit dan menghilangkan bau badan.
  • Lulur Lavender. Khasiat : menutrisi kulit dan menghaluskan kulit. Aromanya mampu menenangkan pikiran.
  • Lulur Mawar. Khasiat : menghaluskan kulit , memberikan nutrisi pada kulit, dan menjadikan kulit menjadi halus.