Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Why Can hiccup ..?

A hiccup is an event that often we experience. Hiccups can happen to anyone. Small children, adolescents, adults, the elderly can have hiccups. However, based on calculations, most events hiccups often experienced by men (82% of cases). But do you know how the hiccups? in this article I will try to explain about understanding, how it happened and how to dismiss hiccups based reference that I can.
Understanding hiccups
Hiccups (hiccups / hiccough) who have medical language singultus is the contraction of the diaphragm (the muscle at the base of the lungs, which limits the chest cavity with the abdominal cavity) because of seizures, spasticity causes the vocal cords to close quickly and suddenly a voice. Hiccups usually occurs repeatedly every minute of it. The term Hiccups / hiccough emerged from a cough that sounds hic hic .. .. (sound when hiccups). While Singultus, taken from the Latin word meaning singult Withdrawal of breath while sobbing.
It turns out that there is a wide hiccup-stuff also tablets, based on the length of time cugukan divided into two type:
Hiccups are mild
These are minor hiccups lasted only a few moments. This hiccup occurs due to strain on the hull. In addition, sudden weather changes (eg from cold to hot or vice versa), eating in a hurry, eat food that is too hot or cold, alcoholic or carbonated drink, smoke too much, or experiencing stress can also cause this hiccup.
Hiccups that are settled / permanent (persistance)
Hiccups are settled / permanent (persistance) occurs continuously, not just for days - days, but also could be many - months. Hiccups are a symptom of this type of disturbance in the brain (eg symptoms of a tumor in the brain stem), the symptoms of a stroke (in people with stroke often arise hiccups), infection in the central nervous system (brain), the presence of herpes in the chest so that interfere with peripheral nerve, but it also due to metabolic disorders such as diabetes, or patients with renal insufficiency due to uremia. Also due to electrolyte disturbances (less potassium), including the influence of drugs.
The cause of hiccups
Sometimes hiccups appear in certain situations. such as eating too fast, drinking cold water immediately after eating hot food, eat foods that are very hot or spicy, laughing or coughing too hard, excess alcohol. In addition hiccup also due to pressure by the phrenic nerve other anatomical structures, or because the tumor and other renal disease, although this is rare. The American Cancer Society reports that 30% of chemotherapy patients suffering from hiccups as a side effect of treatment.
How to dismiss hiccups
Ø Holding your breath, because the breath hold the carbon dioxide levels in the blood increases, so hiccup stops.
Ø Reversing the position of the body by putting the head under the foot of the above
Ø Breathing in a paper bag.
Ø Drink a glass of cold water or chew dry bread or shaved ice.
Ø Attractive tongue or rubbing eyes slowly.
Hiccough a lasting require more intensive treatment. The drugs used are scopolamine, prochlorperazine, chlorpromazine, baclofen, metoclopramide, and valproate.

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