Monday, April 20, 2015

Benefits of Yoga for Health Yoga is considered as the first step in Hindu spirituality. The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word which means "union" or "united" with the nature or the Creator. According Maharsi Patanjali, the father of yoga, it is a way to control the earthly form the subject matter of the human soul. Yoga is meant to bring peace and inner balance, to be detached from all bentukkeduniawian. Yoga is an activity that involves the mind and body and is used to achieve improved health and relaxation.

Research is currently being conducted aims to analyze some yoga poses, Pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation for health.

Patanjali yoga describe as 'Ashtaangas' or has eight branches.
    The first branch is or anga, is about ethics and morality. Practitioners should perform his daily routine with the most ethical manner.
    The second branch is about obedience. Practitioners must make the body and mind so as not contaminated after purification. In this section mostly about worldly influence the human mind and body.
    After knowing the second step, third step is about "asanas" or physical postures. This asana aims to improve strength, endurance, and resistance to various diseases, so they can empower the body, mind, and soul.
    Pranayama, dalah fourth branch, which is considered as the most important step in yoga. "Prana" is the power of life and '' Ayama "is an extension. Pranayama means "extend breath". Wise men of ancient times find that the oscillatory breathing or has a good effect on the mind.
    The fifth branch of yoga called pratyahara, which is the process of withdrawal of the senses. Our sensory organs are affected by the world around us, which can cause suffering and pain.
    Concentration, or Dharna is the sixth branch, and is one of the most difficult step. Experts and Yoga teacher shows, concentrate on breathing can help to focus on one direction.
    Meditation, yoga is a branch of the seventh, may differ from the concentration. In the concentrate, we have to focus on something, while in meditation, the focus is not fixed on the object or any mind.
    The eighth and last branch is Samadhi or Semedi. Practitioners will enter a state of tranquility, where it was like being in a deep sleep, but in fact he was actually still awake and conscious. This is what is believed that he had united with nature or the creator.

According to Patanjali, yoga physical facilitate meditation and spiritual perfection is more complex. It is believed that the true yoga practitioner can eliminate unwise circumstances that exist in their minds.

Menurutn National Health Interview Survey in 2007, yoga is one of the top health complementary practices conducted in the United States.

Benefits of Yoga for Health
Practicing yoga every day can bring a number of health benefits. Yoga not only helps control the disease, but also plays an important role to achieve relaxation and physical fitness. Here are among the benefits:

Eliminate Depression and Stress:
Certain yoga postures or movements to relieve stress from the body and mind. Kids yoga postures such as posture, posture bent forward, legs to the wall, the cat posture, and support the head is considered good for relieving depression and stress. Tests have shown a positive feedback yoga on depression and stress, because the participants reported decreased levels of depression sharp.

Controlling Hypertension:
Yoga and relaxation techniques of yoga has a positive effect on blood pressure. Regular exercise on posture as Shavasana, Padmasana and padmasana Baddha, along with pranayama techniques such as chandravedi and sheetali, helps reduce blood pressure. This posture keep the body and mind in a relaxed state. A study on the benefits of yoga in controlling blood pressure showed a more positive outcome, compared with placebo treatment.

Yoga for a Healthy Heart:
Yoga and lifestyle changes can help maintain a healthy heart and body. Pose Ujjayi pranayama bhramari pranayama and beneficial for the heart. Pose like vajrasana, janushirasana, padahastasana and padmasana Baddha, along with pranayama techniques such as pranayama and chandra bhedi Sarala pranayama can be done for a healthy body. A study conducted in people with coronary artery disease showed that by incorporating yoga into their normal routines, as well as changes in lifestyle and a healthy diet, the incidence of coronary artery disease is reduced drastically.

Controlling diabetes:
Regular yoga practice can also help control diabetes. Some of the poses that can help control diabetes including Pavanamuktasana, ardhamatsyendrasana, gomukhasana, koormasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, and mayurasana. Regardless of poses, pranayama exercises like suryabhedi, ujjayi and bhastrika also been prescribed for diabetes. Tests in diabetic patients showed positive results in the majority of people who have undergone some sort of training yoga.

Relieves pain:
Yoga is also beneficial for individuals with lower back pain. Some yoga poses such as mountain pose, pigeon pose, poses walls and boards, and pose the child's body can help reduce lower back pain.

Stomach Disorders:
Stomach problems can also be reduced by practicing yoga. Certain asanas or poses poses as Pavanamuktasana, padahastasana, and padangusthasana help control heartburn, abdominal muscles, increase gastric fluid, and improve digestion. This pose is the pose leaning forward - where we have to touch the legs without bending the knees and bring it forward to the limit of the palm of the hand should be under the foot easily. It can be helpful for a variety of digestive problems.

Yoga is also good for the control of musculoskeletal pain, particularly osteoarthritis. The efficacy of yoga in osteoarthritis has been studied in people who suffer from osteoarthritis in the hand. And test results show that practicing yoga effectively help osteoarthritis of the hand.

Asthma and Bronchitis:
Pranayama, or yoga breathing exercises good for asthmatics. Other yoga poses, such as rotating a half backward and wind throw poses combined with breathing techniques can nostril as a remedy for asthma and bronchitis.

Yoga for weight loss:
Surya Namaskara is considered good to help you lose weight. Hasthasana and Trikonasana also can help you lose weight.

Relieve Carpal Tunnel Syndrome conditions:
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition characterized by pressure on a nerve in the wrist. This condition causes weakness, numbness, tingling, and also can cause muscle damage in the hand or fingers. Yoga can reduce the effects of carpal tunnel syndrome significantly.

Improve Flexibility joints and muscles:
Certain yoga poses can be a positive influence to the point of body joints and stress points. Yoga can improve the lubrication of joints, ligaments, and tendons, thus making it a flexible and functional.

Yoga ensure stretching muscles and joints become soft, with a wide range of comprehensive training in internal organs, which in turn will increase the blood supply to be optimal. Healthy blood flow is very important to remove toxins and nourish every cell in the body. Yoga can inhibit the rate of aging and ensure the vitality of the body.

Benefits of Surya Namaskara:
Surya Namaskara, also known as sun salutations, is a series of 6 exercises of yoga which consists of rapid movement. It is an effective technique to strengthen muscles, accelerate and intensify respiration and heart rhythm. At the same time will be away from the body of lactic acid in the muscles, causing fatigue and pain. It will also facilitate the optimal oxygen supply to the lungs and the whole body. Regular practice of this technique and flexibility will strengthen the muscles around the neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, thighs, calves, and ankles. Also increase lung capacity, stamina and heart development. Surya Namaskara will control diseases such as hypertension, palpitations, backache, insomnia, memory enhancement, and compression in the abdominal area. It also helps relieve constipation, dyspepsia, and thyroid gland problems

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