Tuesday, April 21, 2015

9 Tips to Get Healthy Sleep, and exactly comfortable

www.healthydailymail.com Everyone, as cause and reason, must have experienced difficulty sleeping at night. But not to worry, because by following a few simple tips you can get a better sleep than previous nights.
Get used to sleep and wake up at the same time every day

Habits can be created, including hours of sleep. Determine the rhythm of your sleep time and be consistent with the time. After some time following the pattern, the body will have some sort of 'natural time' and is very helpful in managing sleep.
Use the bedroom for sleep, not as a multi-purpose room

tips on healthy sleep

Quality of sleep affects health. [David Castillo / freedigitalphotos.net]
Some people have a habit to use the bedroom as a multipurpose room, like to watch tv, work, etc. A variety of electronic equipment such as televisions, computers, or gadget can give a signal to the brain that 'no sleep'. Do not place these items in the bedroom, and use it before your bedtime. Furthermore, do not make the bedroom as a place to work, because as to the reasons above, and can disrupt your sleep.

Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, cool and comfortable

A cool more quickly lets you fall asleep. Also, reducing access to light and sound means to reduce nuisance sleep. Under these conditions, the bedroom becomes a nyama and make the body becomes relaxed, making better quality sleep.
Avoid alcohol, caffeine and nicotine before bedtime

Coffee, tea, chocolate and fizzy drinks can stimulate the body to stay awake. That's because the drinks / food contains caffeine. We recommend that you do not consume about 4-6 hours before bedtime. Similarly, nicotine and alcohol.
Miss nap

The longer the body awake, the more easily the body will fall asleep. Therefore, do not use the time during the day to sleep because it will interfere with sleep at night. If the management of nocturnal sleep time you run it, you no longer need a nap. But if you always sleepy during the day, it could be that indicates symptoms of sleep disorders and require a doctor's consultation.
A time to exercise every day

Body which always includes, in addition to be physically active is good for health generally very helpful to ensure a good night's sleep at night. However, do not exercise because even closer to bedtime can make it difficult for the body to fall asleep, because the body is still in a state of 'excited' or not relax.
Create your own bedtime ritual

Small children usually have a sleep rituals such as being read fairy tales and others, as well as for adults. Create a ritual for yourself like listening to slow music / light, reading, or even a warm bath. Do these things about 15-30 minutes before bedtime. If you are familiar and become a ritual, it will greatly help you fall asleep.
If difficult to sleep, do not stay in bed

If after 20 minutes of lying down, but find it difficult to fall asleep, do not continue to lie awake or grumpy in bed. It will actually make restless and add your efforts to make it difficult to fall asleep. Get up out of bed, go to another quiet place to sit or lie down until you feel the eyes ready to fall asleep.
Make sleep a priority

Believe that the body has the right to sleep and rest. Do not let the usual activities carried out in daylight blocking your bedtime. Many people who sacrifice sleep time to finish the job, or even sacrificed the less important activities such as watching TV, playing games, the Internet, and so forth. Remember the time you specify sleep and be consistent with the schedule.

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