Monday, April 20, 2015

Benefits of Cold Water Bath for Health The benefits of such a cold shower, strengthens the immune system, improve blood circulation, regulate body temperature, weight loss, minimize depression, relieve the intestines movement, open lung, skin health, and increases the production of hormones. Unfortunately, with the more advanced technological breakthroughs, now water heater is getting cheaper and the average of each family have it - so, cold water showers less often performed by people.

Cold shower ideally done in the morning, afternoon, or a maximum of 14.00 in the afternoon. Clearly not a cold shower at night, because it says could shrink the nerve, and it is bad for health. Alternative shower at night of course is to use warm water, but it is also not allowed frequency as well, because regular warm baths can cause certain adverse health effects.
The benefits of cold water bath

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Morning is the time when the water temperature is still cold udaran and-cold, so many people become lazy cold shower in the morning and choose warm water. Whereas in the morning with cold water very well and a lot of health benefits (assuming the body in good health). What are the reasons? ...

Here are 10 benefits of a cold shower for Health
1. Increase the strength of the immune system
Exposure to cold water can strengthen the immune system, as this will increase the levels of white blood cells and metabolic rate - which can reduce the likelihood of flu, and even some types of cancer.

2 Improve blood circulation
Cold water bath can improve blood circulation, which in turn improve overall health, including the heart and helps prevent hypertension, hardening of the arteries, and prevent varicose veins.

3. Set the temperature
Cold bath can also help regulate body temperature, which is beneficial for healing by activating the body's system.

4. Stimulate weight loss
Fat exists in different forms. What you eat is what will make your body. Cold shower will encourage the production of brown fat burning energy (as opposed to white fat), and can speed up your metabolism.

5. Minimize depression
In addition to stimulating the body's fat burning, cold water bath can also stimulate the brain secrete noradrenaline, which can minimize depression.

6 Increase lymphatic movement
The lymphatic system plays an important role to remove the waste and transport of white blood cells to fight infection, which is a process that relies on muscle contraction. Cold shower will encourage contractions and helps the lymphatic system.

7. Deepen respiratory
Cold bath is also useful to open up the lungs, so it can take a deep breath. Thus it would be possible for the body to take in more oxygen, and prevent fatigue.

8. Maintain healthy skin and hair
Hot water can make hair and nails become dry. But the cold water can actually help tighten pores, encourages detoxification (make skin brighter), and cuticle (which makes hair healthy and strong).

9. Increase energy and mind
Anyone who has ever cold shower would know, that how it is very refreshing. Warm bath is comfortable, but choose cold water if you want to really get to raise the body and mind.

10. Improving the production of hormones
 If you're trying to conceive, send your partner to start a cold shower. Exposure to hot water that often can reduce the amount of sp * RMA. Warm water bath even used as a contraceptive in the 1950s, although this is not so popular.

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