Thursday, April 23, 2015

How to clean vagina

Cleaning Tips vagina. In general, how to maintain a healthy starts from bagaimanan how hygiene began to yourself and the environment. This also applies to the health of any member of our body's most vital, the vagina. Often a woman sometimes ignore health and hygiene will feminine sex organs. Many tips clean the vagina naturally and you can do it yourself at home. When vagina feels dirty or faulty, the vagina cleans itself by using a set of normal bacteria and bacteria that are either owned vagina, if you have good bacteria levels by 95%, but if you greater evil bacteria or a half of good bacteria, the vagina You impaired health and hygiene less attention.

To be balanced ecosystem, required level of acidity (pH Balance) in the range of 3.8 to 4.2. With the level of acidity, Lactobacillus be fertile and pathogenic bacteria die. Here are some ways to keep the vagina in order to be protected from various forms of fungi, bacteria and germs.

1. Pay attention when you wash the vagina by means of flushing from the front (vagina) to the back (anus), in order to avoid carrying bacteria or germs from the anus to the vagina. Use the clear clean water to wash the vagina, you can also use warm water to wash the vagina.

2. If you're in a place that does not provide clean water and had to use a tissue, you should be careful using tissue made from sawdust, because not all tissue guaranteed quality. Tissue made of sawdust there are contaminated with mold if the manufacturing process is not good.

3. Keep the vagina remains dry and cool, do not let your vagina moist plus if you finished urinating or defecating. Drain advance your vagina before you wearing panties. Because if your vagina moist, fungi, bacteria and germs will be easy to grow and multiply.

4. Often replacing underwear at least 2-3 times a day. Pants were wet / damp provide opportunities fungal growth.

5. Wear pants that are not too tight, so that air circulation around your sex organs went so well that your sex organs do not feel hot and sultry. Use underwear made of cotton material which is able to absorb sweat well.

6. Note also the outside of your clothing like tight jeans, if you want to wear jeans, try not too tight as jeans have pores are sufficiently tight, use a slightly sagging jeans. Skirt / slacks non jeans better because they have a space large enough for the circulation of air around the vagina smoothly.

7. When you are menstruating, change pads as often as possible for example in a day 2-3 times every 4 hours, as long as menstrual blood which comes out to be a growth of bacteria.

8. If you use a liquid cleaner cleaning your vagina, use a cleanser that has a pH balance so as not to disturb the balance of the ecosystem that exists around the vagina and does not cause irritation and itching of the vagina.

9. Do not use talcum powder on your female organs, though with the aim of making fragrant and dry your vagina. Powder has a more refined molecules and quickly absorbed by the fluid out of the body. Powder will stick to the walls of the vagina and vulva that can cause germs easily perch.

10. Use a panty liner or panty liners when you experience vaginal discharge. It is aimed at so that you experience vaginal discharge accommodated well and does not leave stains or marks on her panties and do not make your vagina feels moist. However, during the use of panty liners try not too long (3-4 hours).

11. Keeping the weight to stay balanced or not increased ride if you already have an ideal body weight, since the weight of your body that are not easily go up or down, because the excess weight that are more fat in the blood may also affect the discharge whitish abnormal. Otherwise it will lead to the presence of grooves or folds in the groin so that the vagina can not move freely.

12. Always maintain a healthy body to ensure adequate intake of nutrients and nutrient sources are balanced

13. When you are finished having sex, immediately wash the outside of your vagina to clean

14. Do not be too frequent sexual intercourse, because it will lead to dryness and vaginal fluids give time to the fertilized egg to be ready, so did the man not too often do sexual aktivits because it may cause premature ejaculation.

15. Drink plenty of water at least 8-10 glasses per day, equivalent to 1-1.5 liters per day can also be dependent on the level of health.

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