Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Benefits of drinking tea and coffee bitter bitter sufficiently

www.healthydailymail.com Coffee and tea efficacious slow and fight dementia - diseases that arise with age with the weakening of memory is often called senile dementia. The weakening of memory indicates a setback shape memory to record the brain's performance. However, a recent study found that drinking coffee and bitter tea can prevent dementia. Drinking Coffee And Tea Bitter Can Prevent Senility

Coffee and tea beneficial bitter against dementia
Coffee and tea are two of the most popular drinks of all people in the world. And who would have thought if the substance caffeine in coffee serves also as a psychoactive drug that can preserve brain function. The research study discovered by health experts from the University of Lisbon and the University of Coimbra, Portugal, found that caffeine in coffee and tea may protect against cognitive decline seen in dementia (dementia) and Alzheimer's disease.

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One researcher named Alexandra de Mendonca of the Institute of Molecular Medicine and Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon said, "The first epidemiological studies show an inverse relationship between caffeine consumption with the incidence of Parkinson's disease. Then, several epidemiological studies further showed that the consumption of moderate amounts of caffeine also inversely reverse the cognitive decline associated with aging as well as the incidence of Alzheimer's disease ".

Not only black coffee can fight dementia, as well as consuming bitter tea. In laboratory tests found that eating a cup of black tea or green tea regularly can inhibit the activity of certain enzymes in the brain that leads to Alzheimer's disease, a form of generative dementia that affects 10 million people worldwide. Based on the journal Phytotherapy Research, Alzheimer's is characterized by a decrease in acetylcholine. Bitter coffee and tea can inhibit the activity of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE), which breaks down chemicals, or neurotransmitters, and acetylcholine. In addition to drink coffee, black tea and green are also useful inhibit butyrylcholinesterase enzyme activity (Buche), which is found in protein deposits in the brains of Alzheimer's patients.

"Although there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, but coffee and tea has the potential to be one of the weapons to fight this disease and slow down its development", said Dr. Ed Okello, researchers from the Medicinal Plant Research Centre at Newcastle University, UK.

The thing to remember is bitter enough coffee or tea as a beverage mornings only. Because excessive coffee drinking can increase the stroke due to damage to the blood vessel wall. While excessive coffee drinking in pregnant women result in palpitations, attacking the placenta, into the blood circulation and a more severe can cause death. However consume moderate amounts and intensities are not harmful, just the opposite because the health benefits of coffee.

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