Tuesday, April 21, 2015


www.healthydailymail.com Foot odor is frightening for everyone, especially the workers that every day should be a meeting with a client or a presentation in front of the crowd. Become a serious problem again when the smell of feet on someone who works as a waitress, you can imagine a serious face of the buyer when the order food or drinks has arrived safely at his desk.

The cause of foot odor unpleasant to someone not insignificant and there are several factors that are difficult to predict. But in general, some of the things that cause foot odor is pungent unhealthy habits.

For example, after you wear socks and shoes all day do not use antibacterial soap to wash your feet that sweat is still attached to the entire foot area covered plus mixed by bacteria, from here unwittingly becomes the source of the problem of smelly feet.

How To Eliminate Foot Odor
In order not to make the heart restless and away from the people closest to us, soon overcome by practically eliminating foot odor nan efficient. If you seriously want to tackle smelly feet, of course, need the seriousness of the treatment.
Here I have a set of several health reliable web sources about tips to deodorize the feet stinging and difficult to remove.
1. Use Antiperspirant on foot
Especially for you who do not know what it Antiperspirant. Antiperspirants are cosmetic ingredients are shaped like a cream used to clean the face, but it functioned exclusively for use on foot.
Antiperspirant is applied to the soles of the feet to reduce perspiration because the pores will be narrowed and the channel leading sweat glands will be blocked by this cream. With such activity would you do in a long time will not be bad for the health of the foot, foot odor can be hard core attacked by people who regularly use Antiperspirant before putting on socks and shoes.

2. Soak the feet in water mixed with baking soda
After wearing socks and shoes, if there is time to do the foot care, try to soak the feet for a moment on the water that has been mixed with the baking soda.
By the time the body lacks these two nutrients, there will be an increase in odor in all areas of the body, which is said researchers at Columbia University. Scientists at Columbia University also agreed that increasing the intake of zinc and magnesium daily can reduce perspiration.

To get Zinc, you can consume foods such as beef, pumpkin seeds, yogurt and salmon. Meanwhile, if you want to meet the nutritional needs such as Magnesium, easy to find on the red rice, black beans and almonds. But before you act, make sure it can advice from a doctor.

4. Use socks with raw cotton
Have you occasionally interested in buying clothes made of cotton? Surely you will wonder why the price is quite expensive compared to clothes with models, sizes and colors are the same but the material is not cotton. Yes definitely, shirt or other clothing designed with raw cotton will absorb excessive perspiration on the skin.

Read more health news in www.healthydailymail.com also:

Therefore if you want to wear shoes, make sure the socks are worn made of cotton or wool. So you do not need to feel the loss anymore because you spend more money to buy shoes will help accelerate your path to success.

5. Use soap acne with Benzoyl Peroxide 10 percent
Adapted from Vitaminprotein.org, to deodorize the feet then we must eradicate the cause.
As we all know that bacteria become the number one cause odor on foot. Thus the simple steps to resolve it is to drive the bacteria trigger the foot odor. Use soap acne with benzoyl peroxide content of 10 percent, because more efektik in fighting bacteria.

The compound will work slowly release active oxygen which gives effect baketriostatik once keratolytic and drying effect that helps the process of treatment.

6. Use mouthwash
The function of mouthwash is refreshing mouth and deodorize the mouth caused by bacteria that attach to the gums or tooth plaque. It turns out that the use of mouthwash can to keep from getting too smelly feet.
The trick is to soak the feet in water that has been mixed with mouthwash once a day. When the legs are submerged, the content of the mouthwash will cooperate rid of bacteria that cause odors, as well as refreshing mouth. If you think these tips are a little awkward, try to rub the feet using a cotton swab soaked in mouthwash.

7. Slide the paper into the shoe dryer
It's a little strange and inconvenient, but how to get rid of foot odor that is quite effective. You can put a piece of paper on your shoe dryer.

How To Eliminate Foot Odor
 Besides being able to absorb foul odors released by sweat and shoes, the other functions of the paper dryer is still fresh alias keep shoes smelling fresh.

8. Apply the foot with cornstarch
How To Eliminate Foot Odor

Foot odor can be eliminated with cornstarch. Prior to moisten it, make sure that the feet completely dry. If it is, then smeared cornstarch to the entire surface of the foot. Do not forget to apply the same thing on the sidelines of the toes.

9. Replace the shoes twice in a week
If you do not want to bother doing some maintenance to dissipate the smell of feet, you are meant to be prepared to spend quite a lot to collect shoes.

How To Eliminate Foot Odor

Each week, replace the shoes that have been worn two days in a row. Then wash the shoes, and used again for the next 2 days. This meant that the sweat that makes shoes wet and dry and odor can be refreshed because it has been cleaned.

10. Use an anti-bacterial soap
How To Eliminate Foot Odor

Many of circulating anti-bacterial soap that can be used to clean the feet of the remaining dirt and sweat that attaches to the foot. You can do it regularly if the situation does require.

11. marinade lemon juice
How to eliminate foot odor naturally is with lemon juice or lime.

How To Eliminate Foot Odor

All you have to do is prepare a basin containing enough water, then squeeze lemon or lime. Stir briefly, then soak feet for 15-25 minutes. Perform these foot care tips 2-3 times a day, you'll feel the benefits in the near future.

12. Use deodorant
Commonly used in underarm deodorant, its function is to reduce excess oil production in the underarm inserts. And it turns out, for the problem of foot odor deodorant is also the same function.

How To Eliminate Foot Odor

If you choose this simple way, make sure that you use a deodorant that is specifically used for the feet. Do not use the same deodorant for greasing your armpit because bacteria from the feet will move to the armpit.

13. Sprinkle with black coffee ft
Futsal shoes or sports certainly vulnerable to the pungent smell, therefore many people who advise us to eliminate shoe odor is to sprinkle black coffee.

How To Eliminate Foot Odor

The same principle can be applied to address and prevent foot odor. Immediately sprinkle of black coffee powder on your feet evenly and in 15-20 minutes wash the coffee powder.

14. Water Immersion Tea
How To Eliminate Foot Odor

Soak feet in tea water. This treatment is effective to reduce the odor that comes out in a short time, but on certain skin types there are lost in the long run.

15. Note the condition of your nails
The nails on the toes should always be cut if it started long, because under the toenails much debris that allows the bacteria to multiply.

How To Eliminate Foot Odor

Dirt deposited on the nails will automatically come fall when the tips of the nails cut. In order not to hurt, do not be too deep in the nails because it could be exposed flesh on foot. When cutting the nails you have to be careful so as not to cause scarring.

16. Use of shoes and socks are clean as continue
How To Eliminate Foot Odor

Tip this latter is obliged to do all of those if not attacked on foot perspiration odor problem. If it is a holiday, a time to wash the shoes and socks that you will use tomorrow when working. In addition to causing a new impression on the shoes, of course this can also be supporting your appearance.

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