Monday, April 20, 2015

Benefits of bananas Banana is a fruit that is often found in Indonesia. Bananas are easy in get in all places and at a relatively affordable price. Bananas are suitable as desserts. Regularly eat bananas bananas there are many benefits to the health of the body.

Bananas are either consumed by pregnant mothers to help the development of the fetus. This is because bananas contain nutrients such as potassium and folic acid. Bananas helps the body to keep a backup of calcium, phosphorus, and nitrogen, which serves to build repair and regeneration of tissue in the body.

Benefits of the banana fruit is rich in vitamins and essential minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin B complex, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium. Here are the benefits of bananas for the health of the body.

Benefits of Bananas
Rich in vitamins and fiber
    Bananas have 2 times the carbohydrates and 5 times the amount of vitamin A compared with apples. Bananas are rich in potassium with potassium levels reach 400 mg in a medium-sized banana. Therefore this fruit must be consumed to continue to maintain a healthy heart.

    Energy sources
    Carbohydrate content contained in bananas can be a source of energy for the body. Consuming two bananas a day, can increase the body's immune system and increase energy to perform daily aktivtas.
    Lose weight
    Benefits of bananas to lose weight. For those who have problems with weight condition, then by regularly eating a banana to help you lose weight. This is because, banana calories are relatively small.

    Improve brain health
    By taking it regularly and as much as 3 times a day as a dessert.

    Treating Acne
    How to use a banana to treat acne, namely, first crush meat ripe bananas. Then apply on the skin with acne. Let stand for a few minutes and then wash with water. Repeat this way for a few days until the acne is gone and the skin becomes clean.

    Smooth the skin
    For those who have problems with rough and dry skin, flesh bananas into the solution. Such as how to treat acne, the first and add crushed banana with a tablespoon of honey. Use to be a mask on the face. Perform routine and skin will be smooth.

    Coping with diabetes
    For those for diabetics, by consuming a typical banana Gorontalo area is goroho steamed and mixed with grated young coconut can be used as a food supplement for diabetics.

    Balancing the amount of fluid
    The body needs a balanced amount of liquid and deep enough to support all organ performance. Therefore, the content of potassium in bananas can play an important role to help balance the amount of fluid in the body.

    Treating heartburn
    Banana fruit was used as a solution in the body when attacked by an ulcer. This is because bananas contain substances antidote acid in the body and thus can relieve ulcer.

    Overcoming anemia
    Bananas have iron content is high enough so suitable for patients with anemia. Consuming 2 bananas every day routine. Benefits of bananas to overcome the shortage of red blood cells or anemia.

    Healthy bones
    Eating bananas on a regular basis can serve to help heal the bone. This is because, banana is one fruit that has a fairly high manganese content.

    Heal burns
    You can use one piece of banana plants to heal burns. Way, take ash banana leaves and then add the coconut oil. Apply to the affected skin burns.

    Preventing heart disease
    Bananas can be used to prevent heart disease, it is because bananas contain vitamin C and flavonoids which are antioxidants and can prevent the oxidation of fat. Potassium is contained in bananas is a good tonic for heart health. Pectin fiber influential in helping to lower cholesterol.

    Improving the digestive system
    Eating bananas regularly can help the digestive system performance to be better again. So at the end of nutrients from the food consumed can be absorbed and used by the body optimally.

    Improve mood
    Bananas useful help meningatkan mood so the mood becomes unstable and so do not stress.

    Overcoming itching due to exposure to mosquito bites
    Mosquito bites are annoying and the resultant itching can be removed with a banana. Take the banana skin and rub gently into the affected area mosquito bites.

    Blood circulation
    Bananas have potassium and potassium that are useful to help the circulation of the body. In the end the circulation of oxygen to the brain becomes more smoothly. Potassium can also serve to help launch the heart rate, reduce the risk of stroke, and regulate blood pressure.

    Reduce pain when menstruation
    If often feel pain every time period, then resolve the problem by using a banana. Expand consume bananas then the pain may be less.

    Reduce swelling
    Bananas used to reduce swelling, protecting the risk of type II diabetes, strengthens the body's nervous system, helps lose weight, as well as helping to produce white blood cells. This is because high levels of vitamin B-6 in bananas.

    Treating constipation
    Bananas can be used as a natural constipation medicine. This fruit can be used to help facilitate defecation. By eating bananas to avoid hardening of stool is an early symptom of constipation.

That's 20 health benefits of bananas for the body. Eating bananas to prevent heart attacks, helps digestion, lowers cholesterol, and many more.

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