Wednesday, April 1, 2015

According scrapings Medical Views

Scrapings principle according to Dr. Koosnadi Saputra, Sp.R, acupuncture clinics, similar to the principle of heating by using moxa is often used when acupuncture needles are inserted in the body to cope with colds. This principle is also not much different from the usual model of cupping therapy using tools such as horn, glass, rubber, bamboo tube and others.
In the country of origin of acupuncture techniques, models of this therapy has been officially adopted as a means of healing. Mochtar Wijayakusuma, Wijayakusuma Hembing son who is also an acupuncturist, research why scrapings have the effect of curing also been conducted at the University Ghuan Thou, a well-known universities in China.
1. To Stimulate Body
- Dr. Koosnadi said scrapings principle is an effort to increase the temperature and energy on the scraped area.
Increased energy is done by giving the outer skin stimulation. By stimulating the skin's surface through scraped, excitatory nerve receptors in the brain deliver stimuli to effect repair organs associated with the meridian points of the body such as the lungs.
- Dr. Handrawan Nadesul added, scrapings effect to be achieved is the expansion of blood vessels of the skin due to exposure to furl initially cold or lack of movement, so that the blood flowing back.
The addition of the blood flow to the skin surface increases the body's defense mechanism against virus attacks.
Meanwhile scraping tools typically use coin, coins, or special tools scrape made of plastic, bone, ceramics, jade, pieces of ginger, onion pieces, and others. Such tools should be blunt so as not to injure the skin.
2. Functioning Warms
Function is in addition to warm oil is to lubricate the skin scrapings to avoid blisters.
Various types of oils such as baby oil, ginger oil, and other oils can be obtained easily at drug stores or stalls usual. But if we are lazy away or a state of emergency slightly, meaning that immediately needs the oil, we can use coconut oil mixed with ginger, kencur, lemongrass, galangal, eucalyptus oil, onions, peppers, and others.
These materials after crushed inserted into the oil to be mixed. Mix of materials like this are very useful because essential oils contained in it also serves warm the body.
When scraped, usually there will be changes in skin color. If it is not red, red to bluish skin, even blackened. Changes in skin color indicates the level of pain. Mochtar Wijayakusuma, aging skin color indicates more severe disease disorders.
3. In accordance Meridian Point
- Scrapings usually done on parts of the body such as the neck, shoulders, back and waist. Or it could be anywhere in the body, except the genitals, anus, and eyeball.
Koosnadi mention scrapings should be done from the top down. It could also be leveled. Scrapings should be adjusted to the meridian direction. To be effective kerokannya, should be based on acupuncture points and meridian according to the complaint that the disease occurs.
One thing to remember and do when you've scrapings are not shower because after scrapings, skin pores are exposed. Better wipe the skin with a damp cloth (dipped in warm water and then squeezed).
In addition, you also have to remember that the scrapings is just a precautionary measure. You still have to check and consult these conditions when in three days, you do not heal pain. Clearly, during the ill do the things other support such as drinking lots of orange juice and tomato, consume food and warm drinks (such as ginger, fresh chicken broth soup plus carrots, broccoli, onion and garlic), and adequate rest.

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