Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Want to Have a Healthy Lung, This is the way

Want to have healthy lungs ?. The lungs are the organs in the body are connected directly with the outside world. Whatever it is inhaled, including hazardous materials will be entered into the lungs. Therefore, keep your lung health.
Pulmonary Specialist Doctors Friendship Hospital, dr. Agus Dwi Susanto, Sp.P (K) said, there are some things you can do in order to remain healthy lungs.
1. Maintain personal hygiene
By routine hygiene themselves, germs and particles will be clean, when inhaled will not be a problem for pulmonary organs, and lungs will remain healthy.
2. Eat nutritious
Increase endurance, anything that enters the body, the body will be more fit. Agus said, when our immune system is good, the lungs will be healthy.
3. Do not smoke
"Obviously, with us to avoid the urge to smoke, particles from cigarette smoke will not get into our lungs," Agus said the show "Combi Hope Education Program Launch Healthy Lifestyle For Youths' in High School Auditorium Labschool Kebayoran, Jakarta, Monday (04/07/2014)
4. Drink enough
We are encouraged to consume water 2 liters or 8 glasses per day. With regular drinking, said Agus, will maintain the stability of the fluid in the body so that the incoming oxygen will be distributed by the blood.
5. Sports
To keep the lungs healthy, maintain personal hygiene and eating nutritious food alone is not enough. Needs to be balanced with regular physical activity.
Within a week, try to exercise as much as three times. thus, the lung will be always healthy and fit body.
6. Getting enough sleep
Dr Agus explained, getting enough sleep for 7 to 8 hours is useful for the rest (recovery) of the lungs and other organs for breathing.
"The lungs are not allowed to work for 24 hours, there should be resting. By the time we sleep, reduced lung function, resulting in the recovery," said Agus explained.
7. Avoid air pollution
Every activity, especially in the area of ​​pollution, individuals are encouraged to wear masks. By doing so, pollution and cigarette smoke that can easily be found, and will not be inhaled into the lungs.

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