Thursday, April 2, 2015

Safe and Sustainable Diet Tricks Restraining appetite or skip dinner time many women believed could help you lose weight. Maybe this way will work for some people, but Jean LK, fitness coach from London, reveals that any diet program should be conducted in a consistent and disciplined.

"Although resist hunger to lose weight, but I think that this is not the correct solution. The key right for sustainable weight loss is to adopt a healthy lifestyle through good nutrition, and exercise consistently," said Jean.

To maintain the shape of the body and the stamina to stay strong, Jean gives her some tips. This diet is not the way of instant diet, but is considered more secure and sustainable.

  1. Drink lots of water. Reduce or eliminate altogether habit of drinking soda, including diet sodas.
  2. Eat three meals a day (big meal), and twice a snack to keep burning metabolism and energy. However, the most important is, note the meal portions. With the composition of eating five times you do not need to eat large meals.
  3. Make a habit of eating nutritionally complete. In one meal, you should eat complex carbohydrates (potatoes, potatoes, or rice), lean proteins (chicken or fish), and fiber from vegetables.
  4. To complement the needs of nutrients and vitamins, you can enjoy smoothies.
  5. Set aside time each week to prepare food. For example, grilling chicken and store it in a container for dinner, or cut fruits and vegetables for a salad or juice night. So when you want to eat at any time, you do not need to bother setting up from scratch. Enough heat the chicken in microvawe, or take fruit from the bag and juiced. Most reasonable people can not survive on a diet because lazy to prepare healthy meals.
  6. Do not forget to exercise! Even if the weather is currently uncertain, do not let this deter you exercise spirit. When the weather is supportive, it could not hurt to follow morning jog or just gymnastics. If you are reluctant to exercise alone, just register as a member for the gym. Then follow classes in groups with a diverse selection of sports, such as aerobics, yoga, bodyjam, or zumba.
  7. At the weekend, set your schedule to exercise with family or friends. You can exercise anywhere you want, for example in the family villa, or in the recreation park.
  8. If you prefer to stay at home, you can work out of the house alone. For example, by following the movements of fitness DVDs, the internet, or by using fitness equipment owned.

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