Friday, April 17, 2015

How to prevent and treat varicose veins naturally Although varicose veins – relatively – are difficult to treat, and it is somewhat complicated to delete them without having to resort to surgery or painful injections, is good to know that there are effective remedies to cope with the problem of the anti-esteticas «spider». Keep reading to learn more about it.

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Remedies and advice for the treatment of varicose veins

Carrot, gel of aloe vera and Apple Cider vinegar
Place on the affected area a mixture of carrot grated with a little aloe vera gel and a bit of Apple Cider vinegar. While applying this mixture must keep legs high, leaving these compresses to act for at least twenty minutes. Remove with warm water.

Aloe vera gel
Apply only in the affected areas of the legs (or where they are varicose veins) doing a gentle massage. Apply daily to obtain the desired results.

Apple Cider vinegar
In the first instance a gentle massage should be and is placed well wet cloth with the vinegar on the affected part. Leave on for twenty or thirty minutes every day or day of means.

Hot bath legs
It is recommended to do – often – baths on the legs with hot water, a cup of Apple Cider vinegar and a handful of coarse salt. This will help reduce swelling legs affected by varicose veins, since in this way is activated and improves the blood circulation.

Rest every day
At the end of the day you must take – whenever possible – a break where the legs, to rise at least for twenty minutes. This will help reduce inflammation and relax your legs, since they have both been forced to bear the weight of the body or to be in the same position for an extended period of time throughout the day.

Performs physical exercise
It is recommended to do some kind of exercise for half an hour every day, since this will prevent the formation of varicose veins, also it will reduce those already tabled. The most effective exercise is walking.

Tips to prevent the appearance of veins varicose veins or spider veins
Not remain for a long time sitting. Exercise is essential to avoid varicose veins to appear.
Not cross your legs when sitting down, at least for a very long time. This position can make the veins get worse or to form, since the blood stops not circular power with freedom.

Choose footwear with care. This should not be too high or too narrow.
Do not wear tight clothing and avoid the use of girdles and stockings that adhere too in the middle part of the legs.
Maintain controlled weight. Excess weight favors the appearance of varicose veins.
Consume vitamins A and C, since they provide a better blood circulation.
Perform gentle massage legs, from ankles and moving towards the upper part of the legs.

The use of creams and gels for treating varicose veins are a complement to all the processes that must be followed to alleviate this condition. Remember that it is supremely important to assist where the doctor to treat varicose problems. All of the foregoing remedies must be complemented with exercise, a healthy diet and healthy habits for life.

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