Friday, April 3, 2015

Given wary Rice Whitening Clean white rice is preferred by consumers because they are high quality. But be careful because the white color is not necessarily derived from the natural color. Currently, some rogue manufacturers add bleach to the rice to make it look more attractive.
Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia Agustin Kusumayati said, too often the consumption of foods that are given dye can cause a person affected by cancer.
"Generally, if the food additive use it ends in the form of malignancy, cancer in various places," Agustin said in the discussion of food security in Building Ministry of Health, Jakarta, Wednesday (04/01/2015).
According to Agustin, it is difficult to distinguish rice bleached or not. For that, need to guard against a clean white colored rice. In addition bleached, some were given rice fragrance.
In fact, food and drinks are used for the public should be based on standards and health requirements.
The same thing is said Kasubdit Implementation and Supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture Food Safety Ita Munardini. According to him, this time a lot of white rice and fragrant unnatural.
"Do not eat white rice once proud and fragrant. It could be added fragrances and bleach, "he said.
Ita said, the Ministry of Agriculture issued a registration number for food crops to see the revitalization of rice milling or (rice milling units / RMU).
"Consumers, if you want to eat rice should see a registration number issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. If the stalls did not exist. All depends on the choice of the consumer, "he said.
According to Ita, to address food security and the need to involve many stakeholders across sectors.

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