Thursday, April 2, 2015

Dust and Chemical Also Threaten Vision Sometimes, small items such as a speck of dust can be harmful to the eyes. Foreign bodies in the eye is a serious threat to vision, especially when it comes to damage the cornea or lens of the eye.

In addition to dust, the use of contact lenses and also splash chemicals can damage the cornea. Therefore, watch out for all the dangers and protect the eyes by using safety glasses and familiarize hygiene when touching the eye.

"Irritation caused by dust can stimulate us to often rubbed his eyes. If excessive can be dangerous to the cornea," said Prof.Suhardjoko SU, ophthalmologists from Jakarta Eye Center in a media briefing in Jakarta (08/01/14) .

He added that, in principle damage the cornea caused by an infection that is triggered by exposure to a foreign body in the eye. Injury to the eye also often occur during everyday activities such as cooking, gardening, or using cosmetics.

The cornea may also be burned by exposure to ultraviolet radiation after prolonged sitting in the sun or view sparks when using welding tools without wearing adequate eye protection.

After injury to the cornea, the tissue around the eyes may swell, redden, and excruciating pain. Perhaps you too will blink more often than usual. Some people do not feel any symptoms for several hours after the injury, it's just all of a sudden he felt uncomfortable for no apparent reason. Consult an ophthalmologist immediately.

Serious injury to the cornea, according Suhardjoko, can cause the cornea becomes cloudy and vision impaired. In fact, the replacement of the cornea donor corneas need. However, the donor cornea is still difficult in Indonesia.

Therefore, preventive and protective measures in the eye are things we must do. For example, use goggles when riding a motorcycle or wear safety glasses when going to do a job that uses chemicals. Get rid of the chemicals are also used in the household of the reach of children

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