Thursday, April 2, 2015

Beware of Fruits "contains cosmetic"

Humans can not get out of eating and drinking. Both humans need to survive and meet the nutritional needs of the body. Unfortunately, the food and drinks can be a source of diseases that threaten human health.
Kasubdit Implementation and Supervision Ministry of Agriculture Food Safety Ita Munardini said, still a lot of food as a source of food that is not processed correctly so berdambak for health. One of them on vegetables and fruits.
Ita revealed, there are still many fruits "berkosmetik" or polished with excessive chemicals to make it look nice when sold in the market.
"Actually, do not be proud of when looking at tomatoes, carrots, or anything that is presented is very beautiful. It fruits berkosmetik, "said Ita in discussions Food Safety in Building Ministry of Health, Jakarta, Wednesday (01/04/2015).
Fruits are apparently sprayed pesticide chemicals are not appropriate dose set by the Ministry of Agriculture. Often pesticides sprayed on fruits once a day or two before harvest. In fact, the rules for pesticide application only once every two weeks.
According to Ita, many farmers who do so when the harvest is distributed into the market no more pests and plant pests. There is also a mix of pesticides on the grounds that more potent eradicate pests.
"Pesticides should not be mixed or oplos another because it will strengthen the power of the poison. It has no such rule, but it is for use in the field is still much to violate, "said Ita.
In addition, fruits are also often given preservatives that are not perishable. As a result, humans would be the consumption of fruits and vegetables that contain chemicals.
Excessive exposure to pesticides and continuously in human food sources can cause various diseases such as cancer, neurological disorders, liver, to paralysis. To that end, wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating.

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