Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Beware Can Stress Causing Disease 1001 How did you know about the function of the stomach turned out to be closely linked with the problem of stress and obesity. Well, Although stress is normal and logical consequence of being human, but also uncontrolled stress it can lead to various diseases.
Gastric we are very flexible to various conditions of the body. On an empty stomach, the stomach will shrink and pull out stomach acid or hydrochloric acid (HCL) as a gesture in the form of hunger so that the stomach needs to be filled. When eating, the stomach will expand to process them. Likewise, if the food intake is spicy or hot food, the stomach will work extra hard. As against cold food, the temperature decreases gastric and stomach work slowed.
Gastric we are also sensitive to psychiatric conditions. When angry, the body is stimulated to increase blood flow and respond to the function of the stomach. Likewise, if you are stressed or sad, the stomach will secrete gastric acid three times more than usual. This will stimulate the stomach in the form of hunger and the sound of rumbling in the stomach that demands to be filled.
Therefore snacking and obesity can be traced as a logical consequence of stress or sadness. Conversely, if the current stress and stomach feels hungry but no food intake, the stomach acid will erode the stomach wall thus causing ulcer disease.
Inidia, to maintain the function of the stomach and the health of the body, it helps you pay attention to the following simple tips.
1. Pay attention to the health and save the stomach to maintain a healthy body. Negligence in maintaining the work of the stomach can lead to many diseases.
2. Eat when the stomach to signal hunger and choose nutritious foods in moderation and according to the needs of the body.
3. Control and control your stress, do not let sadness dominate your life that it can trigger snacking activities indiscriminately causing overweight and obesity.
4. Avoid drinking water while eating and let the stomach acid that works and process the nutrients in food intake. Drinking water that goes along with food it can cause gastric function is not optimal in the work.

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