Wednesday, April 1, 2015

5 Dangers That Keep Your Beauty Care Beware

Who says beauty treatments are not accustomed to having the risk of dangerous diseases? In fact, there are times when doing a beauty treatment would damage the health of your body if you do not do it in an orderly manner.
Here's habit of beauty treatments that can actually interfere with your health.
1. Wearing nail clippers together
Who would have thought if this time we often join clippers proved to be detrimental to health? Although seem trivial, it turns using nail clippers together can cause dangerous diseases. Little blood that flowed in during use can transmit dangerous diseases to users nail clippers thereafter if the wearer's blood prior to contain harmful viruses and bacteria.
2. Leaving dirty makeup brushes
During this rarely letting women know that makeup brushes without ever even washed is one easy way entry of germs on our face. Mixing of germs, bacteria, sweat, and dead skin cells is the main cause of the face becomes damaged. At least once a week wash your makeup brushes to avoid the disease on the face.
3. Sharing lipstick and makeup
Not be a secret anymore if the lips of each person contains different types of germs, as well as the face. You can imagine if you share a lipstick and other makeup equipment with relatives or siblings. Although it may seem simple because it can relieve luggage, but in fact it makes you as an easy target for diseases that attack around the face.
4. Cosmetic expired
Not new news that the use of beauty products have passed the limit expirednya can cause damage to the skin. If food can damage the digestive tract, then just like that, wearing expired cosmetics can cause infection in the face. Instead, always check the expiration date of a beauty products to avoid the danger of infection on the skin.
5. Using eyeliner to line the eyes
There is oil in the pores of the eye line that serves to produce tears. If the area around the eyes covered by a line of eyeliner can be sure it can clog the pores of the oil that is around the line of the eye and can cause dry eye syndrome and resulting inflammation. If it is allowed, it could be blindness attack you.


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