Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Jackfruit Have Many Benefits For Skin

You may have been utilizing jackfruit for serving ice or pudding. Actually blushed yellow fruit can also be processed into natural ingredients for skin beauty care.

Starting from counteract acne, slow down the appearance of wrinkles to relieve minor wounds in the skin caused by shaving. Want to know how? Pretty easy, just do the following steps and get benefits.

The area around the eyes, into the area most prone to wrinkles. However, now you do not have to worry, because jackfruit can make the skin around your eyes firmer within four weeks. As reported by the Boldsky, simply dip a piece of jackfruit in cold milk and gently compress the eye area wrinkles.

Piles of acne on the face is certainly very disturbing appearance. But the 'enemy' of this one woman, also can be overcome with jackfruit. Create jackfruit into pulp and apply on the acne, allow it to dry for 15 minutes then rinse.

Oily skin
Say goodbye to oily skin. You can avoid the luster by using a mixture of jackfruit and one tablespoon of olive oil. Make the mixture into a paste and application on the face and neck. Let stand for 30 minutes then rinse with warm water. Do not forget, pat your face with a soft towel to dry.

Dark skin
Blackened skin too often indulge in the sun? If lotions do not give the results you want try using jackfruit. Create jackfruit pulp with lemon mixture and stir until the pasta. Then apply on the skin becomes dark. Repeat this treatment once a week for a month.

Dry Skin
For skin care, jackfruit is the best fruit to get the skin supple. The jackfruit fruit juice should be applied to dry skin. Once dry, rinse your face with a cup of water mixed with milk to get a perfect result.

Wound after shaving
Error while shaving, can cause minor injuries. Use of jackfruit will help in healing this wound. The content of vitamin C and A quite high and can accelerate the healing of skin wounds

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