Saturday, April 4, 2015

How to Make Love in 10 Steps Are you are already falling head over heels for that one, sweet, gorgeous girl and would like to find out how to make her fall in love with you. Okay, fine. If you are not, then maybe you are here because you are curious about how a girl functions when it comes to love. Well, let’s just say that you are at an exactly right place as we are about to reveal to you the several golden steps on how to make a girl fall hard in love with you! Now, different girls come with a unique set of personality but seduction experts agree on these 10 tips to make them feel for you:

1. Compliment Her Often
Every girl loves compliments. One of the effective ways to make a girl remember and think about you is by giving her one or two sweet words – just enough to make her flattered but not overwhelmed. Simple words like “You look extra beautiful today” or “You have such a sweet smile” can really make a girl’s day. Try to be as honest as possible. Giving her false compliments can surely backfire. Use your eyes and hearts to capture her sweet elements and let her know those traits through your honest words.

2. Show Her that You Care
making her fall in love
Another way to make her fall in love is by showing her how much you care about her. Now, it does not mean that you should stand in front of her house gate to protect her or follow her everywhere. Instead, you can show that you care by simply telling her that you will always be there for her. Let her know that you are always ready to assist her should she need any help. By making it clear that you care about her, you will be amongst one of the first persons that she can think of whenever she is in need.

 3. Be a Gentleman
This one wins every time! Girls love a gentleman. It is not something that we often see these days, and if she knows that you are one of that rare gentlemen species, it will be very hard for her to ignore you. Simple gestures such as opening a door or pulling out her chair for her can really make her heart goes all gooey and melting.

4. Be Funny
funny love
Here is another gem for you: ladies find funny men attractive. There is something about funny men that can put the ladies at ease and entertained all the time. So, if you would like to make her fall in love with you, try to put a smile on her face. Make her laugh with your words or gestures and she will find you interesting enough and would not mind spending her time with you. Try to figure out the things that make her laugh and stick to that. Do not go too overboard with this one as it can come out weird and awkward if done wrongly.

5. Give Her Meaningful Gifts
Chocolate and flowers might be cliché but if she has never received one in her life, such thoughtful gifts can really impress her. If you are not good with words, try to let her know of your feelings by surprising her with a lovely card or jewellery. They don’t have to be expensive because, at the end of the day, it is the thought that counts. You can continue to shower her with your gifts if you find her to be comfortable with it. Not every girl appreciates continuous gifts, so if she is one of them, try the other steps instead.

6. Take Care of Yourself
good looking guy
It is very easy for the guys to get too consumed trying to catch the attention of their crush with their gestures and words that they forget about their own appearance. Sometimes, you can simply win a girl’s heart by looking good. You do not have to play with your words too much if you have a great and neat look. Try to smell nice by putting on some cologne and take care of your hygiene. A smile with a set of white clean teeth can do so much more than a few cheap words.

7. Play it Cool
The first seven steps involve lots of effort and energy on your side. While doing all those charming things, remember to play cool with it. Try not to be too pushy with her. Take things slow if that is what she wants but never stop showing that you care. Plus, do not take it to the heart if she rejects some of your invitations or gifts. She must have her own reason and you just need to understand and be patient. Simply, play it cool!

8. Do Fun Things Together
fun things together
Are you still looking for more tips? Here is another one for you: do fun things together. If you are having a crush on someone and really would like to court her, you do not have to go crazy with a romantic candlelight dinner. Simple and fun things like watching a great movie at a cinema or going for a wall-climbing (if she is an outdoor person that is) are also great and effective. Try to figure out her interests or hobbies and do that together with her. She will definitely find you interesting if she finds out that you appreciate her hobbies.

9. Live Your Life
Living your life is another easy way to make her fall in love with you. Do not just sit around and do nothing. Establish a great career and always pursue your dreams. If she finds that you have an independent and successful life, there is a chance for her to fall for you. She will know that you are a reliable and dependable man. The next thing you know, she might be ringing on your cell phone while you are busy living your life! That is almost counterintuitive, no?

10. Spill the Words
marry me
If things are going great and you notice such a good response from her, there is one crucial step that you need to do. Perhaps, it is about time for you to spill those three simple words that you have been dying to tell her! Be it “I love you”, “Be my wife?”, “Let’s grow old together” (Ok fine, these are not three words, but you know the drill!), say those things out loud with full of confidence. It might be just the exact words that she has been waiting from you!

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