Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Cyst Disease

Cyst disease is a disease that is classified these tumors generally attacks women. This is because kistasendiri disease is a disease that generally grows in the ovaries and fluid-filled balloon. However, these cysts are not only growing in the ovary / ovaries, but other parts can grow cysts, such as intestines, lungs and to the brain. The cyst occurs because there is a blockage, causing fluid retention. In this cyst disease severity is divided into two kinds, namely the non-neoplastic cysts and neoplastic cysts.

Non-neoplastic cyst is a benign cyst or no harm will usually disappear within about 2 to 3 months. Being neoplastic a cyst that is harmful and should be handled in healing by medical to dioprasi, but depending on the nature and size of the cyst. Most of these diseases is growing due to changes in hormone levels at the time of production, the release of eggs from the ovaries and during menstruation. But for those of you who have had a cyst should be careful even when it is already handled / oprasi, because the disease can reappear.
The disease is also said to be a disease that can be passed from parents who have historically been affected by this disease. Cyst disease is divided into four functional cysts, chocolate (endometriosis), dermoid cysts and glands (cystadenoma). But even so cyst disease can be prevented, by maintaining a healthy diet (vegetables and fruits), keeping the lifestyle, diligent exercise, preserve cleanliness (especially the cleanliness of the body).
Although the disease is fairly benign cyst, but if left unchecked can potentially becoming malignant disease. So if until the disease has begun malignant need serious treatment until at oprasi. Well before the start of malignant disease prevention should be done first. As the consumption of food or beverages that have more antioxidants.
The cause of the cyst disease itself has not been found to be sure, but there are some notification that the disease is caused by free radicals (pollution or dust). Air pollution contained dioxin will lower the immune system so that it will help the onset of diseases including cysts. Aside from free radicals also exist other facto, foods that contain excessive fat (fat is not healthy), which causes fatty substances can not be broken in the process of metabolism and will increase the hormone testosterone.
This cyst disease appears generally marked pain during menstruation, often feel the urge large / small and if the disease started to grow there will be bumps in the abdominal area. But even so cyst can also be broken, for example, when having a husband and wife if broken will feel pain to the sufferer.
Cyst is a benign tumor on the most frequently encountered. Cystic shape, containing a viscous fluid, and there is also a form of wine. Cysts also exist that contain air, fluid, pus, or other materials. Diseases including benign cyst membrane wrapped in a kind of network. Collection of tumor cells were detached with surrounding normal tissue and can spread to other body parts. That's why benign tumors are relatively easily removed by surgery, and do not endanger the health of the sufferer.

Cyst disease is a disease that attacks women. Based on the degree of malignancy, cyst disease can be divided into two kinds:
Disease non-neoplastic cysts, benign nature and usually will deflate itself after 2 to 3 months
Neoplastic cyst disease, these cysts are generally required surgery, but it also depends on the size and nature
According to Dr. dr. TZJacoeb, SpOG-KFER, cyst disease is not only able to grow in the ovary or ovaries of a woman, but also grows in the lungs, intestines and even in the brain. Cyst disease can be caused by air pollution and dust. The presence of dioxins from factory smoke and combustion gases motor can lower the human immune system which will later help the growth of cyst. Addition of dietary factors, excess fat or unhealthy fats will result in fatty substances can not be broken down in the metabolic processes that will increase testosterone.
Symptoms of Cysts
Cyst disease often occurs in women in their reproductive period. Most cysts are formed due to changes in hormone levels that occur during the menstrual cycle, the production and release of eggs from the ovaries. Most women do not realize when he was suffering from a cyst. If symptoms the most common complaint is pain felt in the lower abdomen and pelvis. Pain can be caused from:
Rupture of the cyst wall
Rapid growth and stretching
Bleeding into the cyst
Twisting of the cyst around its blood supply (known as torsion).

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