Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tips to Overcome Difficult Sleep Although visible light, difficulty sleeping is not easy thing. If you feel these symptoms, immediately find a way to solve it because if left unchecked can affect the body's health. No need to find a sleeping pill because it could be a trivial problem.

May sleep easy. For most people just need a place to sleep. Whenever wills, he can get to sleep soundly and wake up again with a fresh body condition.

But there are some people experienced the opposite. They have trouble sleeping until awake all night. Despite having a comfortable room with adequate cooling, which also spare time, not sleeping can also be obtained.

Known insomnia with insomnia is indeed not arbitrary interference. Some say insomnia is not really a disease, he merely symptoms of sleep disorders in the form of recurrent difficulty to sleep or maintaining sleep (easy or frequent waking) although there is a chance for it. The symptoms are typically followed by functional impairment while awake body.

Causes of insomnia are generally in the form of stress, psychological factors, changes in working hours, one taking medication or the effect of certain drugs, and so on. Although perhaps many consider trivial problems sleeping, if it becomes a nuisance, trouble sleeping can be dangerous. Those are the obvious lack of sleep affects health. In addition, actual sleep medicine as well.

Therefore, when sleeplessness had to find a solution. Moreover, there is a tendency number of patients with these symptoms increasingly lot. In the United States alone is mentioned that about 13% of adults there having trouble sleeping.

Some mild tips can help those who have trouble sleeping. The following of which are processed on the opinion of a psychologist Linda Wasmer Andrews, author and mental health, as written in Yahoo Health.

1. Choose the right color
How to overcome the symptoms of sleeplessness can be done by changing the color decor of the rooms with the right color. According to some experts, the colors affect the psychology of people. And if someone is in the room with colors that do not suit his taste, it will affect a person's sleep patterns. If confused choosing the color, the results of research now suggests that the light blue or light green can give the effect of relaxation, calm, pleasant, peaceful, and hopeful. Muted colors like beige, pink, can also soothe at bedtime.

2. The mattress does not fit
Could be trouble sleeping because of the mattress. May not realize that the disorder occurs after buying a new mattress. Therefore, when buying a mattress should feel roughly keempukannya suitable or not. People who are heavy body weight would require a thicker mattress. To find out, try on her back on the bed to be purchased. Is comfortable body position, no part of the body that gets overpressure. If there is no pressure on certain parts -rasanya as we stood- means the mattress can sustain the spine and the curve of the body so that the joints of the spine is in a neutral position. This can help prevent spine disorders.

3. Reduce light
Use dim light that can sleep soundly, even if necessary turn off the lights so that the room became dark. Because of that block all light sources. Make sure that we have the curtains or blinds on the windows because it could have a splash of light vehicles if by chance the position of the rooms facing the street, or moonlight can awaken us.

4. Move the clock
It may be a trivial thing. Because we feel should always be on time, we get to put a clock in our room. But with a large size, the presence of the clock can disrupt sleep. For example, because the clock is made of shiny material that could be reflected light that struck the hours leading up to us so that interfere with sleep. Or the sound of tick-tick-tick in the silence of the night, could have become a nuisance. Not to mention the large size so that the movement of the hour so visible. When we sleep on his back waiting time, we will know how long we are awake, so more and make us stress.

Therefore move the clocks, replace it with a smaller table clock and can be adjusted alarm her if we need to be reminded to get up.

5. Electronic Equipment
So busy until we make a bedroom at the same workplace. Computers are installed also in the room. So even with the television. Perhaps both electronic appliance has disrupted our sleep. Therefore, if you want to sleep turn off electronic equipment first.

Electronic equipment in the room were not only the two objects. We have cell phones where we can not control the incoming call or message. Sometimes even the sound of a dial tone has been switched off, the light glinting on the mobile phone screen can be distracting. Moreover, there are mobile phones that have standby lights are flashing all the time. Therefore, put the communication tool in a position that will not interfere with our sleep.

6. Messy
Organize closets and bookshelves so no piles of clothes and stacks of books lying around the room. Move the unfinished projects out of the bedroom which makes us stress while getting ready for bed. The rooms are immaculate will cause the mind is not cluttered, thought disorder is reduced, and facilitate relaxation.

7. The freshness of the air
Clean air in the room allows us to be fast asleep. Because of the open window on a regular basis to replace dirty room air with fresh air from outside. If possible, use an air purifier. And if necessary use aromatherapy that can make us calmer.

If using lighter tips that symptoms of sleeplessness is still intrusive, means we need further action. Consult with your doctor to get adequate advice as soon as possible so that we can avoid this interference.

10 Practical Ways Coping With Anger Here are some practical suggestions for overcoming anger.

1. When you are angry do not say anything.
If we speak in anger, we will certainly exacerbate the situation and are very likely to hurt the feelings of others. If we speak in anger, we might find that people would respond with anger as well, creating a circle of anger. But if we can keep to remain silent, it will give time for the emotion of anger leave us. "When angry, count to ten before you speak. If you are very angry, count to a hundred. "
- Thomas Jefferson -

2. Ignore against those who tried to make us angry.
Unfortunately, some people may have malicious intent by trying to make you angry and take pleasure from you. But if we could ignore their words and do not respond in any way provoke them, they will lose interest and do not bother us in the future.

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3. Use a reason to stop the anger.
When we are angry, tell yourself "this anger will not help me in any way. This anger will make the situation worse. "Even if some of us are still angry, our inner voice will help us to keep away from the emotion of anger

4. Be kind to others.
Another visualization suggested by a spiritual teacher is to see the agent's anger as children aged 5 years. If you think about the other person as a 5 year old boy helpless, compassion and forgiveness you will appear. If your little brother accidentally stab you, you will not feel the anger and desire for revenge. Otherwise you will only feel she is too young and needs to know things better. This exercise may be very useful for close family members who sometimes give rise to anger you.

5. The value of peace is much higher than in anger.
If we appreciate peace of mind as our most important assets, we certainly will not let anger remain in our system. Like Sri Chinmoy once said:

"You may have a right to be angry with someone, but you know that anger him you will only lose your precious peace of mind .."

6. Always try to understand those who are angry at you.
Do not worry if you have the feeling to defend themselves from their criticism. If you can stay calm, they may begin to feel guilty vent their anger on you. Inspired by the example of your serenity, they will be aware of and try to do the same.

7. Focus on something completely different.
Suppose someone has done something that makes you angry. Think about something that will make you happy. The best antidote to the negative is to focus on the positive.

8. Breathe deeply.
The simple act of breathing in deeply will greatly assist you in removing anger.

9. Meditation.
Practicing meditation regularly to bring you inner peace in the future. If we can have access to inner peace, then we will be able to utilize it during testing.

10. Smile.
When we smile we relieve a lot of negative situations. Smiling is a way to offer goodwill to others. Smile does not cost anything, besides can effectively defuse a tense situation

6 Ways to Improve Your Memory As was mentioned above that our memory like an athlete. The more you train the brain and memory, the better their performance as well. The adage "practice makes perfect" applies to our memory as well. In addition to the factors that can cause memory loss (as described above), there are several ways that can be adopted to improve your memory. Most important are mentioned below:

1. Never stop learning
Look for topics that interest you and start involved with studying the new information and developments on the topic. If possible, you can join a group that has the same interests with you to discuss with the people in the group.

Read, attend college, programs, information on television and the Internet, is a source of continuing education for your brain which of course will bring fruitful results for the development of your memory.

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2. Establish social relationships and your family
Humans basically have inherent friendliness. The more social you are, the better for your brain. Isolating yourself would damage many of the body systems. Research has shown that the brain and the heart has a lot of advantages of family and social relationships are good.

In connection with this context, you can volunteer to provide assistance where people need you, or even participate in organized groups, in accordance with your own interests. If you have a pet, for example, you can socialize with other people who also had a pet and discuss with them the relevant issues and develop closer ties.

3. Develop new habits
Whenever you require yourself to do something new, you mean triggering new strength to achieve its intended purpose.

Consider to change the layout of your furniture, buttering the bread in a different way or with eyes closed, wearing trousers with one hand, or learn to use the mouse with the other hand. You can think of a few other ideas to help train the brain and improve your memory.

4. Train your mind with the games.
The more you use the privileges of the brain, the more you help your memory stay in shape. There are many games that raise your intellectual ability, as well as contributing to better social relations. Backgammon, chess, puzzles and many other board games, offering entertainment and also help you improve memory.

5. Exercise can improve your memory
Exercise increases the blood circulation system. Even the daily exercise routine is simple but brisk walking can improve the performance of the heart and brain oxygenation. No need to be a marathon runner in order to benefit from exercise. The benefits of exercise a positive influence on many body systems, especially the memory and other cognitive abilities. Simply by exercising for 20 minutes each day in a simple exercise such as walking, cycling or swimming.

Scientifically proven that walking for 2.5 hours each week will substantially improve memory in people over the age of 50 years.

6. The food that will help improve your memory
What we eat every day, affecting the performance and condition of our memory in the long term. Surveys in recent decades, has shown that certain foods can contribute to improve the function of the neural circuitry of the brain that controls memory.

General characteristics of these foods is that they are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that are beneficial to the nervous system.
Remember that in order to get a sufficient intake of vitamins in your body, it is better to eat more fruits and vegetables than swallowing vitamin formulations. The reason is to eat foods rich in vitamin you also absorb other useful nutrients that act to complement and support the work of the vitamin.

10 ways to overcome confidence Many ways you can do to increase your confidence in the long term, but sometimes we also need measures boost confidence in a short time. You can not seem headed for an important meeting, reading a guidebook on self-confidence, or call your mentor at the last minute.

So below I try shared his you some tips that can improve your self-confidence quickly in a matter of seconds:

1. Smile
Smiling is 1 second tips if you feel nervous and insecure. You do not just smile when you feel happy and confident, otherwise you can smile to make yourself feel better. Smiling closely associated with positive feelings that it's almost impossible you feel bad when you smile.

Smile more than just show the expression on your face. Smiling releases endorphins that make you feel better, improve blood circulation in your face, making you feel comfortable with yourself and can certainly improve your self confidence. You will also appear more confident in front of others when you smile.

2. Face Eyes Speak Your Opponent

Similarly, smile, look at the eyes of everyone in the room. Give your smile and you can bet they will smile back at you; and given others a smile can boost your confidence quickly. Similarly, with a smile, eye contact shows that you are confident. Staring at your shoes or desk push your feelings become hesitant and embarrassed. These tips are very useful for work situations; make eye contact with the person interviewing you, or the people who attend your presentation.

"Eye contact helps you to eliminate the fear if you're talking in public and the closer you are to the other person. Stress is a feeling that comes from something that is foreign and can not be controlled. Eye contact gives the speaker a picture of reality that is none other than the speaker itself. Eye contact also helps to attract other person. "(Confident Eye Contact, Unlimited Confidence)

3. Change the Voice Within Yourself

Most of us have a voice inside that says that we are stupid, are not capable enough, too fat, thin, noisy, quiet, etc. The ability to change the voice inside of you is the key to gain confidence from within. Create a voice inside of you become friends supporter you know and know your talent, and you want to achieve the best.

4. Forget Standards Set by Others

Regardless of the situation that you are experiencing a crisis of confidence, you can help yourself by adhering to the standards that you have. Other people have different values with you, and no matter how hard you try, you can never please everyone all the time. Do not worry if people call you fat, thin, lazy, boring, stingy, ridiculous, etc .. Hold on standards that you have, not on the standards of others. Remember the values and standards commonly owned differently in society; You do not have to accept the values and the standards just because the people around you to accept it.

5. dress neatly, Maybe
Even if you only have a little time, go to the bathroom to make sure you appear neat. Comb your hair, wash your face, fix your makeup, straighten your collar, make sure there are no leftover food on your teeth. All of these things can make the difference between confidence in your appearance and your fear for your appearance.

"Improve your physical appearance; is already a fact that a person's appearance plays an important role in building confidence. Although we know what we have within us that is important, the physical appearance of the person you specify impression of yourself. "(Building Blocks to Self-Confidence, Complete Wellbeing)
6. Pray or Meditate for a moment

If you believe in the Almighty, say a prayer can boost your confidence (you can also do meditation but pray). This step helps you to step back a moment from the fast-paced situation and seek help from the Almighty. Here is an example of a prayer, but you can write something similar that fits your religion or belief:

"Dear God, thank You for love and accept me .. please help me to do the same thing .. and help me to grow up to be in accordance with your will so that self-esteem will increase; all for the majesty of your name and not my name. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen. "(Daily Encounter, Strengthen Your Self-Confidence, Acts International)

7. Repeat Reka
If something unexpected happens you, it is quite easy to shake your confidence. Perhaps you spill your drink, late for an important meeting because of traffic, or someone you want to talk to give cool response. Try to "recreate" the situation and place on a more positive situation. Often an event to be negative because of the perception of our own.

8. Determine your next step
If you are unsure what you should do, find a few simple steps can help you to move forward. This may be done by making eye contact at a party, introducing yourself to a stranger, breaking the ice in a meeting, or ask the person interviewing you to demonstrate your knowledge of the industry and their company.

Begin to act even though you do not have a clear picture of what you should do. Move toward your goals. Correction yourself on another occasion.

9. Speak Slowly
A simple tips for you to look or be more confident is to talk slowly. If you talk too fast, you will feel bad because you realize you are talking too fast. Talk slowly gives you a chance to think about what you will say next. If you're talking or doing a presentation, stop for a moment at the end of a phrase or sentence to help others to digest what you say.

Speaking slowly showing one's confidence. Someone who was not worth listening to will speak quickly, because he did not want to make others wait for things that are not worth listening to.

10. Come to Take Part
ave you ever sat all day in the classroom or in a meeting without saying a single word? Did you go with your friends at night where your friends chatted happily while you just sit and stare at your drink? Possibility exists that you feel less confident at that moment - and maybe you'll feel worse after that night. Whatever your situation, try to take part. Even if you feel not much you can say, your thoughts and your perspective is very valuable to those around you.

By trying to talk at least once in every group discussion, you'll become a better speaker, more confident expressing your thoughts, and is known as a leader by your peers.

10 Practical Ways to Handle Stress Stress is inevitable. It walks in and out of our lives on a regular basis. And it can easily walk all over us unless we take action. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to minimize and cope with stress. Here are 10 ideas for handling stress without causing more strain and hassle.

1. Figure out where the stress is coming from.
Oftentimes, when we’re stressed, it seems like a big mess with stressors appearing from every angle. We start to feel like we’re playing a game of dodge ball, ducking and darting so we don’t get smacked by a barrage of balls. We take a defensive position, and not a good one at that.
Instead of feeling like you’re flailing day to day, identify what you’re actually stressed about. Is it a specific project at work, an upcoming exam, a dispute with your boss, a heap of laundry, a fight with your family?
By getting specific and pinpointing the stressors in your life, you’re one step closer to getting organized and taking action.

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2. Consider what you can control—and work on that.
While you can’t control what your boss does, what your in-laws say or the sour state of the economy, you can control how you react, how you accomplish work, how you spend your time and what you spend your money on.
The worst thing for stress is trying to take control over uncontrollable things. Because when you inevitably fail — since it’s beyond your control — you only get more stressed out and feel helpless. So after you’ve thought through what’s stressing you out, identify the stressors that you can control, and determine the best ways to take action.
Take the example of a work project. If the scope is stressing you out, talk it over with your supervisor or break the project down into step-wise tasks and deadlines.
Stress can be paralyzing. Doing what’s within your power moves you forward and is empowering and invigorating.

3. Do what you love.
It’s so much easier to manage pockets of stress when the rest of your life is filled with activities you love. Even if your job is stress central, you can find one hobby or two that enrich your world. What are you passionate about? If you’re not sure, experiment with a variety of activities to find something that’s especially meaningful and fulfilling.

4. Manage your time well.
One of the biggest stressors for many people is lack of time. Their to-do list expands, while time flies. How often have you wished for more hours in the day or heard others lament their lack of time? But you’ve got more time than you think, as Laura Vanderkam writes in her aptly titled book, 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think.
We all have the same 168 hours, and yet there are plenty of people who are dedicated parents and full-time employees and who get at least seven hours of sleep a night and lead fulfilling lives.
Here are Vanderkam’s seven steps to help you check off your to-do list and find time for the things you truly enjoy.

5. Create a toolbox of techniques.
One stress-shrinking strategy won’t work for all your problems. For instance, while deep breathing is helpful when you’re stuck in traffic or hanging at home, it might not rescue you during a business meeting.
Because stress is complex, “What we need is a toolbox that’s full of techniques that we can fit and choose for the stressor in the present moment,” said Richard Blonna, Ed.D, a nationally certified coach and counselor and author ofStress Less, Live More: How Acceptance & Commitment Therapy Can Help You Live a Busy Yet Balanced Life.
Here’s a list of additional techniques to help you build your toolbox.

6. Pick off the negotiables from your plate.
Review your daily and weekly activities to see what you can pick off your plate. As Vanderkam asks in her book: “Do your kids really love their extracurricular activities, or are they doing them to please you? Are you volunteering for too many causes, and so stealing time from the ones where you could make the most impact? Does your whole department really need to meet once per week or have that daily conference call?”
Blonna suggested asking these questions: “Do [my activities] mesh with my goals and values? Am I doing things that give my life meaning? Am I doing the right amount of things?”
Reducing your stack of negotiable tasks can greatly reduce your stress.

7. Are you leaving yourself extra vulnerable to stress?
Whether you perceive something as a stressor depends in part on your current state of mind and body. That is, as Blonna said, ““Each transaction we’re involved in takes place in a very specific context that’s affected by our health,sleep, psychoactive substances, whether we’ve had breakfast [that day] and [whether we’re] physically fit.”
So if you’re not getting sufficient sleep or physical activity during the week, you may be leaving yourself extra susceptible to stress. When you’re sleep-deprived, sedentary and filled to the brim with coffee, even the smallest stressors can have a huge impact.

8. Preserve good boundaries.
If you’re a people-pleaser like me, saying no feels like you’re abandoning someone, have become a terrible person or are throwing all civility out the window. But of course that couldn’t be further from the truth. Plus, those few seconds of discomfort are well worth avoiding the stress of taking on an extra activity or doing something that doesn’t contribute value to your life.
One thing I’ve noticed about productive, happy people is that they’re very protective of their time and having their boundaries crossed. But not to worry: Building boundaries is a skill you can learn. Here are some tips to help. And if you tend toward people-pleasing, these tips can help, too.

9. Realize there’s a difference between worrying and caring.
Sometimes, our mindset can boost stress, so a small issue mushrooms into a pile of problems. We continue worrying, somehow thinking that this is a productive — or at least inevitable — response to stress. But we mistake worry for action.
Clinical psychologist Chad LeJeune, Ph.D, talks about the idea of worrying versus caring in his book, The Worry Trap: How to Free Yourself from Worry & Anxiety Using Acceptance & Commitment Therapy. “Worrying is an attempt to exert control over the future by thinking about it,” whereas caring is taking action. “When we are caring for someone or something, we do the things that support or advance the best interests of the person or thing that we care about.”
LeJeune uses the simple example of houseplants. He writes: “If you are away from home for a week, you can worry about your houseplants every single day and still return home to find them brown and wilted. Worrying is not watering.”
Similarly, fretting about your finances does nothing but get you worked up (and likely prevent you from taking action). Caring about your finances, however, means creating a budget, paying bills on time, using coupons and reducing how often you dine out.
Just this small shift in mindset from worrying to caring can help you adjust your reaction to stress. To see this distinction between worrying and caring, LeJeune includes an activity where readers list responses for each one. For example:
Worrying about your health involves…
Caring about your health involves…
Worrying about your career involves…
Caring about your career involves…

10. Embrace mistakes—or at least don’t drown in perfectionism.
Another mindset that can exacerbate stress is perfectionism. Trying to be mistake-free and essentially spending your days walking on eggshells is exhausting and anxiety-provoking. Talk about putting pressure on yourself! And as we all know but tend to forget: Perfectionism is impossible and not human, anyway

Cope with asthma If you have asthma and GERD, it is important that you take the medicine your doctor prescribed asthma consistently and also avoid exposure to asthma triggers as much as you can.

Fortunately, many of the symptoms of GERD can be treated and / or prevented by taking control measures or adjustment of private behavior. Some of the steps include:

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    Raise the head of your bed by six inches to allow gravity to help keep stomach contents in the stomach. (Do not use piles of pillows because this causes your body into a bent position, which worsen as a result of increased pressure on the abdomen.)
    Eat meals at least three to four hours before you lie down, and avoid snacks before bedtime.
    Less food menu with a portion of the food being
    Maintain a healthy weight to eliminate intra-abdominal pressure that is not necessary due to excess fat.
    Limit consumption of fatty foods, chocolate, peppermint, coffee, tea, cola and alcohol. All these foods make the lower esophageal sphincter becomes relaxed. Also limit consumption of tomatoes and citrus fruits or juices, which led to additional acid that can irritate the esophagus.
    Quit smoking. This is because smoking causes the lower esophageal sphincter becomes relaxed.
    Wear loose belts and clothing.

In addition to the above steps, the treatment of OTC (over-the-counter) can often help relieve the symptoms of GERD. However, if the use of OTC medications for two weeks did not help your symptoms, your doctor may recommend a more powerful prescription drugs, which block or limit the amount of stomach acid produced by your body. In severe conditions, surgery may be required.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Here's How to Clean Ear Without the "Cotton Bud" Did you know, clean the ears using cotton (cotton bud) is actually not recommended. Although it feels good, clean the ear with a cotton bud is actually dangerous and ineffective.

In fact, ear wax also has benefits, namely to lubricate and be antibacterial in the ears so that the ear is not easy to feel dry. Although you feel clean the ears included as part of a clean lifestyle, the experts just do not agree.

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ENT and neurology of New York Head & Neck Institute at Lenox Hill Hospital, Sujana Chandrasekhar, seeing that his patient's ear with a cotton swab to clean the dirt because it feels good. It then becomes a habit.

"Once you start, you do not feel complete if not already done," said Chandrasekhar.

Although you feel cotton is something soft, in fact you clean the earwax with a cotton bud stem. It can tear the skin in the ear canal and cause an infection. The worst scenario that can happen to you is, punctured eardrum due to friction aggressive.

Chandrasekhar told, there are patients who cleans the ear while driving the car and hit the brakes. The patient was almost piercing his eardrums and suffered permanent damage.

"Clean with a cotton bud actually push the dirt getting in, rather than clean it up," he continued.

Basically, we do not need to clean the ear hole because the body has a self-cleaning mechanism. The skin lining the ear canal skin is also different from other body parts. There is an active movement of the earwax from the outside as well as inside and outside to remove any dirt or dust.

If you have an addiction, the best way to restore your ears to its original state is to stop using cotton. However, it can be difficult for you, especially when the inner ear itch.

"If the eardrum is not punctured, you can shed one or two drops of mineral oil or baby oil to get rid of the itch," he said.

Effective way that can be done at home to clean earwax is inserting oil into the ear for 15-30 minutes, then use the at-home irrigation kit (vacuum) to clean it. This method is recommended by the American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery section.

If you are hearing impaired or itch persistent, see your doctor for further examination. You can also do the cleaning of dirt if it clogs the ear canal.

Do not be tempted to try cleaning the ear wax with a wax like in the spa because there is no scientific evidence to support the safety and results. It was very ineffective and dangerous, with the worst results, which burns up to perforation of the membrane, the part that separates the ear canal and the middle ear.

Tips to Overcome Overload BREATH Tips to Overcome Overload BREATH - One of the things that can interfere with communications between us and others is bad breath. Because, we seldom realize bad breath and the only other people who are likely to inhale. If our communication with others is disturbed, for example, we want to consult with faculty, or talk, or even talk to our spouse, of course it can interfere with the process of what we will do. Here are tips and we will describe ways to prevent and minimize the occurrence of bad breath.

Guava leaf chewing
Most people only know that guava leaves only to treat diarrheal diseases alone. It turns out in addition, the guava leaf is something that is quite effective to minimize bad breath. The trick is to chew guava leaves to taste. Better you can choose a bud that is still young. If you choose guava leaves too old, surely it does not feel and more bitter than the young guava leaves.

Eating Yogurt
Eating a low-fat yogurt is an effective way to reduce your bad breath. Because in yogurt are good bacteria that can minimize sulfate development that exist in our mouths. With the lack of sulfate levels in the mouth, then our mouths will be spared from the scent.

Consuming Vitamin C
Consume a lot of Vitamin C found in fruits such as strawberry, orange, lemon, cherry, and watermelon is an effective measure to prevent excessive bad breath. Because, vitamin C can kill bacteria in the mouth caused by leftover food stuck and stuck in between our teeth.

Well, that's a few tips that can minimize our bad breath naturally. Because, all things that are naturally much better than something that is artificial. Do not let the bad breath interfere with activities and our communication to others, even to those we love. The more we love someone, should we have to respect and honor them. In order to create a harmonious relationship and communicative. Keep a variety of health and beauty tips that we present to the writings yag will come. Good luck, good luck!

Want Beautiful Hair, Skin And Nails? Supplement To Nourish Your Beauty From The Inside Out The right hair, skin, and nails vitamins and nutrients can bring you good health and good looks.

Healthy skin is not just a matter of beauty. It's a matter of good health.
Think about it.
Your skin is all that's between you and the rest of the big bad world. The drying air, the unseen toxins and microbes floating around you, heat, cold – Your skin protects you from all of this.
It's also one of your major sources of information about your environment. Your body is constantly recalibrating based on what your skin picks up through the millions of nerves woven through it.
So skin care is not just a vanity thing. (Although looking good certainly has its perks.)
Nourish Your Hair, Skin, And Nails - Supplement And See The Results

The best thing is that healthy skin also means beautiful skin. But to achieve this you have to protect your skin against these threats:
(Hint: Many of the same tips go for nails and hair as well.)
Inflammation. Your skin is on the frontline. And sometimes the environmental toll it takes shows in the form of redness, pimples and uneven skin tone. Proper nourishment can help your skin recover faster from these attacks and heal. Curcumin, from the spice turmeric has been shown to be one of the most effective nutrients for curbing inflammation.
Nutrient-depletion. Your skin also reacts to what is going on inside your body. Without enough nutrients, your body is more vulnerable to health problems that show themselves in your skin. Traditional forms of healing like Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic medicine use skin tone, as well as the condition of hair and nails, for diagnosis.
Free Radical Damage/Oxidation. Like most of your body's tissues, your skin is exposed to free radicals created by ordinary chemical reactions inside you. But skin tissue also has to contend with the free radicals from outside, like those created by UV exposure and pollution.
Vitalive is a powerful antioxidant multivitamin with inflammation fighters like curcumin. But it goes beyond antioxidants. With over 100 nutrients, it gives you all your daily vitamins and much more. Many of our customers remark on how their skin tone has improved after taking Vitalive.
The final attack on skin – and all your connective tissue - is dehydration. Why does your skin wrinkle? Not enough moisture and weakened connective tissue may be the culprit. Restoring moisture to your skin can smooth out wrinkles and even out a poor complexion.
But getting moisture inside your skin can be a challenge. Skin supplement Rejuva uses hyaluronic acid to help your skin pull moisture in and hold on to it, giving your skin suppleness and a healthy glow.
Remember, these same principles for skin care extend to your hair and nails. Proper nutrition and moisture retention give you lustrous, strong nails and thick, shiny hair.
So protect your body's protective coverings - your hair, skin and nails. Supplement with the right vitamins and other nutrients. Keep your hair and nails shiny and strong, your skin smooth and flawless . . . Feed them properly with Vitalive's superior nutrition and Rejuva's moisture-retaining nourishment.
So give your body's protective sheath, your skin - as well as your hair and nails - a healthy, beautiful look. Feed them properly with Vitalive's superior nutrition and Rejuva's moisture-retaining nourishment.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Hair growth can be inhibited by a damaged or brittle hair Dermatologist Francesca Fusco, MD, of New York, the United States said, there is no sure-fire way to quickly lengthen hair. Long hair, he said, can be genetically acquired. "It is a genetic factor. But, there are ways that we can do to take care of our hair," Fusco said as quoted from the Women's Health.
For optimal hair growth, hair Fusco suggested that "fed" both from within and from outside. One of them pay attention to the type of food you eat, whether contains nutrients needed by the hair.

"Diet is appropriate, including (consumption) adequate protein, Omega 3, and B vitamins are very important. I often meet patients who switched to a vegan diet or fasting in the long run, end up experiencing hair loss due to insufficient (consume) protein, "Fusco said.
As for feeding your hair from outside the intention is to wear the right shampoo and conditioner in treating the scalp as well as moisturize the hair. Just like the face that should never be given soap carelessly, the same thing also applies to your hair.
cara memanjangkan rambut"A healthy scalp is the foundation for healthy hair," said Fusco. Therefore, he suggests you use shampoo containing sunflower oil or almond oil. Additionally, diligently apply conditioner can also make hair stronger, softer, and increases the resistance of the pressure and stress that can cause hair loss.
Hair growth can be inhibited by a damaged or brittle hair. To that end, Fusco advise you to limit contact between the hair with heat and chemicals. Protect also the hair from the sun. In addition, when best hair, use a hair tie loose bias.

How often do you clean your ears? How often do you clean your ears? You know, the habit of cleaning the ears too often was not good for the health of the ear.
Usually ears cleaned using cotton buds, according to experts is not a good habit, because it will make the cotton buds pushed into the ear wax, so that the dirt into the basin near the eardrum. If you've settles for too long, it will harden even fossilized feces in the ear canal.

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5. Food

Not only dirt that can interfere with the ears, there are several types of objects that could endanger the health of the ear, about how to handle?
- When we swim, shampooing or even bathing, water sometimes accidentally going into the ear. You do not have to worry if the water that enters the water, because the water that enters will come out by itself. However, if that makes dirty water, you have to be careful, because the dirty water can be more rested in the feces ear, for it immediately check to the ENT specialist for further treatment.
- Be careful using cotton buds, because if left in the cotton will affect hearing, cotton will clog the eardrum so hearing less. If you can not eliminate the habit of cleaning the ears with cotton buds, should be more careful in using it, do not get scratched or cotton buds manusuk eardrum.
 -Serangga Small or ants can also interfere with the ears. Chance of insects that fall into the ear can make your ear infections due to the bite. To note that your sleeping pad, make sure there are no insects can enter the ear.

Tips to maintain a healthy ear
1. Do not clean the ears with cotton buds (if forced to, try to be careful)
2. Familiarize chew food properly, because chewing is the body's natural mechanism to remove dirt from inside the ear. Dirt that came out by itself and rinsed in the bath.The ways KEEPING OUR EARS.

How often do you clean your ears? You know, the habit of cleaning the ears too often was not good for the health of the ear.
Usually ears cleaned using cotton buds, according to experts is not a good habit, because it will make the cotton buds pushed into the ear wax, so that the dirt into the basin near the eardrum. If you've settles for too long, it will harden even fossilized feces in the ear canal.
Not only dirt that can interfere with the ears, there are several types of objects that could endanger the health of the ear, about how to handle?
- When we swim, shampooing or even bathing, water sometimes accidentally going into the ear. You do not have to worry if the water that enters the water, because the water that enters will come out by itself. However, if that makes dirty water, you have to be careful, because the dirty water can be more rested in the feces ear, for it immediately check to the ENT specialist for further treatment.
- Be careful using cotton buds, because if left in the cotton will affect hearing, cotton will clog the eardrum so hearing less. If you can not eliminate the habit of cleaning the ears with cotton buds, should be more careful in using it, do not get scratched or cotton buds manusuk eardrum.
 -Serangga Small or ants can also interfere with the ears. Chance of insects that fall into the ear can make your ear infections due to the bite. To note that your sleeping pad, make sure there are no insects can enter the ear.

Tips to maintain a healthy ear
1. Do not clean the ears with cotton buds (if forced to, try to be careful)
2. Familiarize chew food properly, because chewing is the body's natural mechanism to remove dirt from inside the ear. Dirt that came out by itself and rinsed in the bath.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Generally the first position newbies Generally the first position sex newbies try, missionary is both easy and intimate. While always a good go-to, this move can certainly become boring. Turn the tried and true into something new using one of the tested techniques below:

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  • Hips Don’t Lie–Place a pillow under your bottom or lift your hips into a bridge position. Changing the entry angle will allow him to hit unexplored territory. Plus, your bod’s bound to look hot when all stretched out.
  • A Leg Up–Raise a leg and rest it on his shoulder. He’ll hit the often-ignored side wall of your vagina, producing a new sensation for both of you.
  • Two Times the Fun–Men love the control they get when both of your legs are up on their shoulders, allowing for deeper penetration and g-spot access. Just ask him to go slow, as some women feel discomfort with deep thrusts.
  • Bent Out of Shape–If you’re not flexible enough to get both legs to his shoulders, bend your knees and place your feet on his chest to achieve the same effect.
  • Tighten Up–While missionary usually calls for legs spread wide, keeping them close together (in between his legs) is a terrific change up that produces shallower strokes and added friction. Switch off between open and closed legs to drive him wild.
  • Waisted–Wrap your legs around his waist for close contact. Thrusts will be short and deep. Vary the motion by swiveling your hips in a circular fashion.
  • Get Cheeky–Grab his butt and pull him toward you–he’ll be surprised by the dominant move and you’ll have more control of movement. Give a squeeze or two when he’s doing especially well.

Benefit and fact pumpkin seeds The pumpkin fruit, in general, is grown as a field vegetable crop. Its seeds, at the same time, have been in use as food, and to extract pumpkin seed oil since centuries. In fact, in some parts of central Europe (Styrian province in Austria, Slovenia and Hungary), pumpkins are being cultivated solely for their seeds, as a major oil-seed crop, at a commercial scale.

Generally, the pumpkin fruit is allowed to mature completely in order to obtain good-quality seeds. Each fruit contains up to 500 cream-white husky seeds located at its central hollow cavity interspersed in between net like mucilaginous fibers. The seeds are semi-flat, feature typical oval shape with a conical tip. Inside, the edible kernel has olive-green color. The kernels have sweet, creamy, nutty flavor and enjoyed in deserts, as a snack, in savory dishes, etc.

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Health benefits of pumpkin seeds
  • Crunchy, delicious pumpkin seeds are high in calories, about 559 calories per 100 g. In addition; they are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and numerous health promoting antioxidants.
  • Their high calorific value mainly comes from protein and fats. Nonetheless, the kernels are especially rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) like oleic acid (18:1) that helps lower bad LDL cholesterol and increases good HDL cholesterol in the blood. Research studies suggest that Mediterranean diet, which is liberal in monounsaturated fatty acids help to prevent coronary artery disease and strokes by favoring healthy blood lipid profile.
  • Pumpkin seeds hold good-quality protein. 100 g seeds provide 30 g or 54% of recommended daily allowance of protein. In addition, the seeds are an excellent source of amino acid tryptophan and glutamate. Tryptophan is converted into serotonin and niacin. Serotonin is a beneficial neuro-chemical often labeled as nature's sleeping pill. Further, tryptophan is the precursor of B-complex vitamin, niacin (60 mg of tryptophan = 1 mg niacin).
  • Glutamate is required in the synthesis of γ-amino butyric acid (GABA). GABA, an anti-stress neurochemical in the brain, helps reducing anxiety, nervous irritability, and other neurotic conditions.
  • Pumpkin seeds are a very good source of anti-oxidant vitamin E; contain about 35.10 mg of tocopherol-gamma per 100 g (about 237% of RDA). Vitamin E is a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant. It prevents tissue cells from the free radical mediated oxidant injury. Thus, it helps maintain the integrity of mucus membranes and skin by protecting from harmful oxygen-free radicals.
  • Pumpkin kernels are also an excellent source of B-complex group of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) and folates. These vitamins work as co-factors for various enzymes during cellular substrate metabolism in the human body. In addition, niacin helps in the reduction of LDL-cholesterol levels in the blood. Along with glutamate, it enhances GABA activity inside the brain, which in turn reduces anxiety and nervous irritability.
  • Furthermore, its seeds contain very good levels of essential minerals like copper, manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium. Just as in pine nuts, pumpkin seeds too are very rich in manganese (provide 4543 mg per 100 g, about 198% of daily-recommended intake). Manganese is an all-important co-factor for antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. It is therefore, consumption of pumpkin kernels helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful oxygen-free radicals.

Medicinal values of pumpkin seeds.

Research studies suggest that pumpkin seeds has DHEA (Di-hydro-epi-androstenedione) hormone blocking actions at the receptor levels. Exposure to high DHEA levels may lead to gonadal tumours. Thus, the seeds cuts the risk of prostate and ovarian cancers in human.

In addition, experimental studies suggest that certain phytochemical compounds in pumpkin seed oil may have a role in prevention of diabetic nephropathy (diabetic kidney disease).

Health benefits of Walnuts Munch a handful of walnuts a day and you will have enough recommended levels of minerals, vitamins, and protein.
  • Walnuts are rich source of energy and contain health benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are essential for optimum health.
  • They are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (about 72%) like oleic acid and an excellent source of all important omega-3 essential fatty acids like linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and arachidonic acids. Regular intake of walnuts in the diet help in lowering total as well as LDL or “bad cholesterol” and increases HDL or “good cholesterol” levels in the blood. Research studies suggest that Mediterranean diet which is rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids, and omega-3 fatty acids help to prevent coronary artery disease, and strokes by favoring healthy blood lipid profile.
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  • Eating as just as 25 g of walnuts per day provides about 90% of RDI (recommended daily intake) of omega-3 fatty acids. Research studies have suggested that n-3 fatty acids by their virtue of anti-inflammatory action help lower blood pressure, cut down coronary artery disease, and stroke risk, and offer protection from breast, colon and prostate cancers.
  • Additionally, they are rich source of many phyto-chemical substances that may contribute to their overall anti-oxidant activity, including melatonin, ellagic acid, vitamin E, carotenoids, and poly-phenolic compounds. These compounds known to have potential health effects against cancer, aging, inflammation, and neurological diseases.
  • Scientists at University of Scranton, Pennsylvania had recently discovered that walnuts have highest levels of popyphenolic antioxidants than any other common edible nuts. 100 g of these nuts carry 13541 µmol TE (Trolex equivalents) of oxidant radical absorbance capacity (ORAC). Eating as few as six to seven walnuts a day could help scavenge almost all the disease causing free radicals from the human body.
  • Further, they are an excellent source of vitamin E, especially rich in gamma-tocopherol; carry about 21 g per 100 g (about 140% of daily-required levels). Vitamin E is a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant, required for maintaining the integrity of cell membrane of mucus membranes and skin by protecting it from harmful oxygen-free radicals.
  • They are also packed with many important B-complex groups of vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, and folates.
  • They also very are rich source of minerals such as manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium. Copper is a cofactor for many vital enzymes, including cytochrome c-oxidase and superoxide dismutase (other minerals function as co-factors for this enzyme are manganese and zinc). Zinc is a co-factor in many enzymes that regulate growth and development, sperm generation, digestion, and nucleic acid synthesis. Selenium is an important micronutrient, which functions as a co-factor for anti-oxidant enzymes such as glutathione peroxidases.
  • Walnut oil has flavorful nutty aroma and exhibits excellent astringent properties. Applied locally, it helps to keep skin well protected from dryness. It has also been used in cooking, and as “carrier or base oil” in traditional medicines in massage therapy, aromatherapy, in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.

Health benefits of zucchini (courgette)

  • Zucchini is one of the very low calorie vegetables; provide only 17 calories per 100 g. It contains no saturated fats or cholesterol. Its peel is good source of dietary fiber that helps reduce constipation and offers some protection against colon cancers.
  • Zucchinis have anti-oxidant value (Oxygen radical absorbance capacity- ORAC) of 180 Trolex Equivalents (TE) per 100g, the value which is far below to some of the berries, and vegetables. Nonetheless, the pods are one of the common vegetables included in weight reduction and cholesterol control programs by the dieticians.

  • Furthermore, zucchinis, especially golden skin varieties, are rich in flavonoid poly-phenolic antioxidants such as carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin. These compounds help scavenge harmful oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) from the body that play a role in aging and various disease processes.
  • Courgette hold relatively moderate amounts of folates; provides 24 µg or 6% of RDA per 100g. Folates are important in cell division and DNA synthesis. When taken adequately during early pregnancy it can help prevent neural tube defects in the fetus.
  • It is a very good source of potassium, an important intra-cellular electrolyte. Potassium is a heart-friendly electrolyte and helps bring the reduction in blood pressure and heart rates by countering pressure-effects of sodium.
  • Fresh fruits are rich in vitamin A; provide about 200 IU per 100 g.
  • Fresh pods, indeed, are good source of anti-oxidant vitamin-C. Provide about 17.9 µg or 30% of daily-required levels per 100 g.
  • In addition, they contain moderate levels of B-complex group of vitamins like thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin and minerals like iron, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc.

Zucchini nutrition facts Zucchini squash (courgette) is one of the most popular summer squashes in Americas and Europe. As in gourds, it too belongs within the Cucurbitaceae (cucurbita-pepo) family of vegetables.

Summer squashes are believed to be originating in the Central America and Mexico. Several different cultivars of summer squash are grown throughout the United States during warmer, frost-free seasons. Almost all members of the squash family vegetables feature smooth skin, tender, crunchy flesh with small edible seeds and high moisture content.

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Summer squash crops, including zucchini, exhibit bush habit spread in contrast to vine type spread in winter-squashes. Its fruits shall be ready for harvesting about 40-50 days after seed implantation.

Some popular varieties are:

  • Golden zucchini features brilliant golden-yellow skin that retains its color even after cooking.
  • Round varieties are dense, heavy, and nearly seedless with smooth surface.
  • Tatume, which is common in Mexico, has similar features of round variety but has the large oval shape.
  • Costata romanesco also known as cocozelle is a long, narrow variety with slight bulge at the bottom end. It features pale, raised ribs with mottled green skin. When solid and young, this squash is juicy and sweet.
  • Middle-Eastern types are stocky, pale green, tapering ends with a thick dark-green stem. They have smooth shiny skin and solid, crispy and flavorful flesh.
  • Yellow crooknecks have thick warty skin with markedly curved neck. They are crunchy in texture with sweet delicate flavor.

Benefits of star fruit Star fruit is a small, bushy evergreen tree that grows very well under hot, humid, tropical conditions. The plant bears small lilac color, bell-shaped flowers in clusters, which subsequently develop into oblong shaped fruits with characteristic five angled edges (sides or ribs) that appear like a starfish in cross sections. Both sweet and sour varieties begin to yield under cultivable orchards, and ready for harvesting when the plants reach about 3-4 years old.

Carambola fruit features light-green to yellow with attractive smooth waxy surface and weighs about 70-130g. Inside, it's crispy, juicy pulp can either be mildly sweet or extremely sour depending upon the cultivar type and amount of oxalic acid concentration. In some seed types, 2-5 tiny edible seeds found at the center of each angle cavity.

Benefits of star fruit
  • Star fruit is one of the very low calorie exotic fruits. 100 g fruit just provides 31 calories, which is much lower than for any other popular tropical fruits. Nonetheless, it has an impressive list of essential nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins required for well-being.
  • The fruit along with its waxy peel provides a good amount of dietary fiber. Fiber helps prevent absorption of dietary LDL cholesterol in the gut. The dietary fibers also help protect the mucous membrane of the colon from exposure to toxic substances by binding to cancer-causing chemicals in the colon.
  • Star fruit contains good quantities of vitamin-C. Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant. 100 g of fresh fruit provides 34.7 mg or 57% of daily-required levels of vitamin C. In general, consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C helps the human body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the body.
  • Star fruit is rich in antioxidant phyto-nutrients polyphenolic flavonoids. Some of the important flavonoids are quercetin, epicatechin, and gallic acid. Total polyphenol contents (Folin assay) in this fruit are143 mg/100 g. These compounds help protect from deleterious effects of oxygen derived free radicals by warding them off the body.
  • In addition, the fruit is a good source of B-complex vitamins such as folates, riboflavin, and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6). Together, these vitamins help as co-factors for enzymes in metabolism as well as in various synthetic functions inside the body.
  • It also contains small amount of minerals and electrolytes like potassium, phosphorus, and zinc and iron. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure; thus, counters bad influences of sodium.