Saturday, May 2, 2015

Risk women often sit There have been many studies that say that too much sitting can increase the risk of various diseases. Too much sitting is associated with the lack of someone to move actively.

Research in Sweden this time also showed that women who spend too much time sitting at high risk of developing breast cancer. They are also at risk of developing endometrial cancer or endometrial cancer.

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The study involved 29,000 Swedish women aged 25 to 64 years are free of cancer. Researchers then watched the women for about 25 years.

Subjects were divided into three groups, namely office workers who never exercise, office workers who do sports, and women who have a physically active job or more walking and standing, as well as exercise.

As a result, women who are inactive office workers, 2.4 times higher risk of endometrial cancer diagnosed before menopause and breast cancer, compared to women who are physically active at work and in his spare time.

This study was recently presented at last week's meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Philadelphia.

Results of this study also reinforces previous study in 2014 that found an association between physical activity with risk of cancer. A study in 2014 found that each increase of two hours of sitting time per day can increase a woman's risk of endometrial cancer by 10 percent and colon cancer by 8 percent.

Even in the study in 2011, from 230,000 cases of breast cancer per year in the United States, an estimated 49,000 cases of breast cancer suffered by women who are inappropriately active.

According to research, actively moving can reduce levels of molecules in the blood associated with cancer risk.

Anna Johnsson, a study author who is also a physical therapist at the Universita Lund, Sweden suggest office workers more mobile. For example, walk to go to the cafeteria, getting up to make coffee, and stretch the body in between work hours.

Reduce ask for help for someone to buy food or to request a coffee that makes you do not move from the chair.

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