Saturday, May 2, 2015

Beware if Mole Skin Cancer Moles can be characteristic sweeten one's appearance. Normal moles have distinctive characteristics, namely a dark-colored or black, settled in the skin, the size is unchanged, although there are some moles that grow.

This mole is not harmful to health, but may develop into skin cancer. Dermatologist and sex of Hamed Skin Care Heru Nugroho said, moles that develop into skin cancer can be viewed using A (Asymmetric), B (Border), C (Colour), and D (diameter).

"A the asymmetry, if well shaped, round, left and right alike, we suspect it's baseball cancers. B the border or limit. If the limit firmly, baseball problem," said Heru in Jakarta, Saturday (04/25/2015) ,

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Heru explained, a mole that needs to be suspected that if the shape is not perfectly round or as irregular patches. While in terms of color, moles usually only one color. You need to be suspicious if in one mole there is more than one color such as brown and black. Then, the diameter of moles are usually small and do not grow large.

However, moles are growing, according to Heru, the normal case. Typically, growth would not be too big. What about the emergence of new moles on the skin? According to Heru, it also normally occur because there is a mole that is present at birth and emerging as adults.

Beware of skin cancer if the mole visible difference with the ABCD method. However, according to Heru, ABCD method can not ensure 100 percent whether a mole is cancerous or not.

"But, it's just the visible invisible. Usually when it is severe, a little mole kesentuh will bleed easily," he said.

To be sure, check with a dermatologist. The doctor will use a tool that can see the mole is 10 times greater. Other options, namely by biopsy to determine whether a mole is dangerous. If dangerous, doctors can perform surgical 

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