Monday, May 4, 2015

Maintain normal blood sugar levels is very important Maintain normal blood sugar levels is very important, not only for diabetics but anyone who wants to maintain their health.

You should be aware of unpredictable factors that can increase blood sugar levels normal.

1. Skipping breakfast
Based on research in 2013, obese women who do not have the breakfast insulin levels and higher blood sugar levels after lunch a few hours later than when they have breakfast.

Another study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that men who often do not have time for breakfast has a 21 percent steeper potential of developing diabetes. The breakfast menu is rich in protein and healthy fats are able to keep blood sugar levels throughout the day.

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2. Artificial Sweeteners
A study in Israel showed that artificial sweeteners can cause negative effects. When researchers gave the artificial sweetener in mice, they had higher blood sugar levels than mice that drank water, even water with sugar once.

Researchers can lower blood sugar levels of these animals by giving them antibiotics, which indicates that artificial sweeteners can alter intestinal bacteria. It can affect the body when the process glucose.

Study with 400 participants continued the research team found that users of artificial sweeteners in the long run tend to have a fasting blood sugar level is higher, according to a report from HealthDay. Although researchers do not interpret healthier drinks with sugar, but artificial sweeteners should be consumed in moderate amounts.

3. High-fat foods
Diabetics may be concerned with the content of carbohydrates in their diet, but recent studies have shown that the fat content can also affect blood sugar levels.

A study in the Journal of Nutrition in 2011, asking participants eating fatty foods (designed to mimic the fatty foods), and drink sweet drinks six hours later. Their blood sugar levels 32 percent higher than when not eating fatty foods. It appears that the high fat in the blood affects the performance of the body to cleanse the blood sugar.

4. A cup of coffee
Several studies have shown that drinking coffee may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in the long run. However, for those who already suffer diabets, caffeine can be tricky.

"It is very dependent on the individual," said researchers from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Aaron Cypess. "I'm not saying do not drink caffeinated coffee."

But Cypess share the experience of one of his patients. He said, "My blood level of 120 in the morning and drink black coffee without sugar or any enhancement. I go to work, and now the 200." Blood sugar levels some people can be more sensitive to caffeine than others, "he said.

5. Infection
Whether it's a cold, flu, or even a urinary tract infection, your immune system to fight the germs release special chemicals that can make a mess of blood sugar.

The disease is a form of stress that evoke the body's defense, it is written in the book Stopping Diabetes In Its Track. One effect is that the liver increase production of glucose to provide energy. At the same time, the stress hormone is released, thus making more insulin cells. The end result, blood sugar levels can increase dramatically when sick.

Cypess said, he had a rule "sick days" in diabetes patients, the rules eat and drink to keep blood sugar levels to be more balanced. Stay hydrated with non-caffeine beverages and non-sugar is so important. It can remove excess glucose levels and help the body better performance. Patients with diabetes are also recommended checking blood sugar more often when you're sick.

6. Lack of sleep
Quality sleep at night may be only 'cure' which doctors, especially if you have diabetes or worry about it.

A Dutch study showed that patients with type 1 diabetes who only slept for 4 hours of their insulin sensitivity decreased 20 percent compared to when it gets full hours of sleep.

"Sleep is a recovery," said diabetes educator at the Joslin Diabetes Center Boston USA, Patty Bonsignore. "Not getting enough sleep is a form of chronic stress on the body, and every time you add stress, your blood sugar levels will be higher."

7. Smoking
Clear that smoking is not healthy for anyone, but the cigarettes certainly dangerous for diabetics. A study at the California State Polytechnic University in 2011 found that more and more exposed to nicotine in the body, the higher their A1C levels (a measure of blood sugar control).

High blood sugar levels can increase the risk of serious complications of diabetes, such as heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure.

8. Some common drugs
Drugs, including steroids to control asthma, statins to improve cholesterol levels, and diuretics to lower blood pressure, can increase blood sugar levels. Many of these drugs are important for other conditions. If you use it, you may need to check and control blood sugar levels more frequently.

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