Thursday, May 14, 2015

Healthy Food for Thyroid Performance The thyroid gland is located at the front of the neck, its function is to control the body's metabolism and process food into energy. However, the thyroid gland can be impaired performance, if the amount of excess (hyperthyroidism) or even less (hypothyroidism).
The thyroid produces two main hormones, namely thyroxine (T-4) and triodotironin (T-3), a hormone that regulates the use of fats and carbohydrates, regulates body temperature, heart rate and protein production. The thyroid also produces calcitonin, a hormone that regulates the level of calcium in the blood.

The following food consumption, will help the thyroid gland works fine.


The thyroid gland requires iodine to function properly. Iodized salt is sold free and can be obtained easily. However, not all mngandung iodized salt. Sea salt and salt used for cooking process, generally not iodized. Therefore, pay attention to the labels and make sure you choose iodized salt.


Spinach, lettuce and other green vegetables are the best sources of magnesium, a mineral that has a major role in helping the body's metabolism. That is why, the thyroid requires magnesium to do its job. If you frequent headaches, cramps, heart palpitations and feeling, it could be a sign that the body lacks magnesium.


Cashews, almonds and Brazil nuts are another source of magnesium. In fact, besides Brazil nuts contain magnesium, also contains selenium, another mineral which helps the thyroid work processes in the body. Consumption little Brazil nuts per day would meet the needs of selenium.


Fish, shrimp, and other grasses are also the best source of iodine. The body does require iodine to maintain healthy thyroid function, but if you are in a hyperthyroid condition, in which the amount of the thyroid to produce more hormones to control the body's metabolism, avoid eating kelp, a type of seaweed. Because the high iodine-containing kelp, which can actually make the condition worse hyperthyroidism.

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