Sunday, May 17, 2015

Tricks for children Likes Fruits and Vegetables Not a few parents who find it difficult to face the hostile children with fruits and vegetables. During done consistently and parents set an example by eating vegetables and fruit, the children will also eventually consume both these foods.

"The little boy is the alias copycat copycat. The adults do, they will do well. So if you want a child like fruits and vegetables, then parents should also like fruits and vegetables," said nutritionist Emilia Achmadi, MS, RD.

Apart from the parents, there are some tips suggested by Emilia to make children like fruits and vegetables.

Never punish a child with food. For example, if the vegetable is not spent, parents would not give ice cream. "This method will only make the child sick of vegetables. Reward and punishment that does not use the food," said Emilia.

Let the children choose their own. Parents should begin to get children to pick fruit and vegetables. Do not always be taken by the parents. Nutritionists graduate of Oklahoma State University was also later cited happened to her son.

When his son did not want to eat vegetables, while he is keen-getolnya play football, Emilia then explained about the importance of these foods to help maintain his stamina.

"Of course, use appropriate language and understood by children. If you just want to three times a week so it's okay. I'll gradually be added," said Emilia.

Create more interesting. Serve vegetables and fruit course, should be interesting. "When sauteing vegetables, not to wilt and dented. So it is not attractive to eat," said Emilia, smiling.

Instead, make vegetables served attractive and not wilted. Parents can make a variety of shapes such as animals or face with eyes, nose, and mouth of various vegetables. In order to attract attention and they want to eat.

Recommend slowly. For children who are still small, fruits and vegetables should not be introduced in a short time or simultaneously. "Give me three days for children to feel a sense of new fruits and vegetables. For example, when a child is being introduced bananas, given for three days. After that, replace it with another fruit. How this is done so that children get used to the taste," Emilia explained.

Slip into the preferred food. If the child has not been too happy with certain vegetables, can be inserted in other foods. "I've made a meatloaf for children, in which I include carrots and onions that have been crushed," explained Emilia.

As another variation, for the fruit, can be added to yogurt. "Or, as my children do not like fizzy drinks, I put fruit in sparkling water," he added

1 comment:

  1. A human body needs the right amount of essential nutrients irrespective of their age. However, a growing kid needs nutritious food a little more than the rest. In this article you can read essential benefits of eating fruits that are crucial for the parents to consider for their budding kids. Read More-
