Thursday, May 7, 2015

Tips to get rid of a lazy eye One of the common problems of vision is called amblyopia, strabismus or amblyopia. These terms are not exactly the same and the term lazy eye is not really correct, is not a problem with the eyes but with the brain.

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Amblyopia develops at a very early age and is often detected until people age. A type of amblyopia is when the brain interprets a blurry image of an eye. The person with this condition is not really blurred image because only the dominant hand is used to create the image.

Another condition is called strabismic amblyopia when the two eyes are not aligned. They can be inward or outward squint. In this condition there again is a dominant eye that creates the right image.

Amblyopia can be corrected and must be corrected at an early age, if possible. There are several treatments for lazy eye. It can be corrected with eye patches (over the dominant eye), forcing the “lazy eye” to be used. There are also eye drops to temporarily blur the vision in the good eye. It can be corrected with glasses too and surgery is also a possible solution. There is also a lazy eye vision therapy. These are eye exercises to improve eyesight.

The most important is that lazy eye is not something that develops in adulthood, but is the result of something that interferes with the development of the eyes, either between birth and age 6.

Up to 6% of children have some form of amblyopia. In many cases, it can only be detected during an eye examination by a specialist. If not detected at that age is only discovered when adult.


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  2. Nowadays many children are suffering from lazy eye problem or amblyopia. Basically Its is occurs in children, If anyone wants Lazy Eye treatment in India then Visit Guru nanak vision care centre.
