Friday, May 15, 2015

Sports can increase the age of 5 years A healthy lifestyle with regular exercise is strongly recommended by health experts. Well according to the researchers, those who keep their activities until the parents can have a longer life because the health effects are given almost the same as in people quit smoking.

Analysis on 5,700 elderly aged 68 years to 77 years in Norway showed that people who regularly do three hours of exercise a week can increase life expectancy. Exercise increases life expectancy of at least five years when compared with those who are lazy to move.

Author of the study from the Oslo University Hospital conducted this study in order to warn of the dangers of low-level sport.

Reports a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine stressed when doing sport in less than an hour in a week then there will be no benefit.

"Even when the new 73-year-old man active sport, these people have a life expectancy five years longer than those who are sedentary," the researchers wrote as quoted by the BBC on Saturday (05/16/2015).

Researchers added that physical activity "has the same benefits as quitting smoking" in terms of reducing mortality.

"Public health strategies related to older men should include efforts to increase physical activity in line with the lowering of smoking behavior," concluded the researchers.

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