Sunday, May 24, 2015

5 Natural Ways to Overcome Constipation In Infants Illustration mother Overcome Constipation in Infants. The following 10 Natural Ways to Overcome Constipation In Infants.

 1 Make sure beforehand that your child is suffering from constipation in babies
Your child can be fussy or crying for various reasons. For that we should not simply assume that the baby was constipated and then delivers the drug constipation. The characteristics of constipation include rhythm of bowel movements that are not routine, hard stools and diarrhea. Most cases of constipation in infants rarely affects infants were breastfed. Constipation also usually occurs when the child started eating solid food. Another sign of constipation is the lower abdomen hard and abdominal pain will disappear immediately after defecation.

 2 Mix infant formula with the right dose.
Infant formula that is mixed with the consistency that is too thick can cause constipation in infants. Follow the directives contained in milk packaging carefully for each brand of milk has a different mix of rules. Never ignore the instruction because it considers all brands of milk does not have the distinction of rules dose.

 3 Give prune juice for constipation in babies
Add mashed prune on a diet menu baby if your child is entering a period of solid food consumption. In addition we also can give prune juice mixed with water, apple juice or pear juice. If we know the foods that tend to make the baby's stools become hard then we should write off this meal from the menu list babies. Foods that normally would tend to make the baby's stools become hard and increases the risk of your child is exposed to constipation in infants bananas, rice and potatoes.

 4 Do not let the little dehydrated.
We must keep the fluid intake in infants to prevent or relieve the symptoms of constipation in infants. We can provide water because water is the healthiest fluid. If your child refuses to drink water then we can replace it with giving apple juice to the water to add flavor.

 5 massage the baby's stomach to reduce the widening of the intestine
A large amount of feces defecate in the intestines can cause dilation that will be very painful for the baby. This pain will only make the baby urinary incontinence that will actually make constipation worse. Use a little olive oil to reduce friction and massage the baby's stomach in gentle movement and rotate clockwise to reduce constipation in infants.

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