Sunday, May 3, 2015

Oranges And Lemon, Fruit To Eliminate Smoking Addiction Do not think that oranges and lemons can only be used to lose weight or just maintain the beauty of the skin. If you want to quit smoking and eliminate nicotine from the body, then the sour fruit of this is the answer.

As quoted from, oranges and lemons which said antioxidants such as vitamin C is very good cleanse the body of harmful substances, nicotine is no exception. Nicotine itself is a chemical substance that is addictive or make someone addicted to continue smoking.

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Well, to get rid of nicotine in the body, you need to eat lots of foods rich in vitamin C. Nicotine normally absorb depleted of vitamin C in the body, and this will accelerate the process of aging and breeding disease. Expand to eat oranges and lemons not only will meet the needs of vitamin C in the body and fight against free radicals, but also simultaneously cleanse the body of nicotine.

Consumption of vitamin C will also relieve stress and anxiety due to tobacco addiction. Lemon is a powerful weapon against nicotine. Drinking warm lemon juice every three times a day, especially the morning after waking. Drinking lemon water will also boost the immune system so that you do not get sick.

So, to reduce nicotine addiction to cigarettes and dispose of the body, you need to eat a lot of oranges and lemons so from now.

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