Monday, May 4, 2015

How to Increase Appetite

healthydailymail.comDiet every man can change at any time, especially in children who most often experience changes in eating patterns. Changes in diet can make a person lose appetite, if left unchecked would be bad for the health condition of the body. Various diseases will be lurking and ready to strike at any time.

Loss of appetite can be handled easily, the most common is to give medications or supplements appetite enhancer. Supplements like so much intended for children under age, not for adults.

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If you are over the age of 12 years can try the following ways increase appetite. Will be explained as well as to the tips increases appetite by following the customs of the ancestors, which is a traditional herbal drink appetite enhancer.

How to Increase Appetite
The child is loss of appetite should be handled by his parents, because if it does not immediately get treatment will affect nutritional intake and over time have an impact also on children's intelligence.

Increase Appetite Naturally
1. Give Different Views On Food

Loss of appetite could be just because of the food to be consumed is not worth a look. Therefore you can try a little polish the look of the food to look special in the eyes, for example, make an omelet that given the eye of the tomatoes, then the nose of celery, and the mouth of chili.

2. Select Favorite Food

If you are not good to eat because it is less like the taste can replace it occasionally with your favorite foods. It is fairly effective to restore the appetite, but it does not affect much if done frequently.

3. Consumption of Fresh Fruits

Lots of fruit with a sweet taste to the acid can increase appetite. Some of them are papaya, bananas, and citrus fruits.

Papaya fruit meat can you eat a few pieces when appetite is reduced. If you want a more effective and faster, consume papaya leaves. Many drugs appetite enhancer for adults is made from the leaves of papaya (Carica papaya) that has been boiled.

Banana is also a favorite fruit of everyone who was efficacious in improving appetite. At least once a week you eat 3-5 slices of banana, in the next few days you will feel the increasing appetite on yourself.

Acidic citrus fruit you can make a third alternative. Sour taste is perceived by the tongue can arouse your appetite, do not believe? Prove yourself.

Increase Appetite With Herbs
Our ancestors often make traditional herbal medicine to stimulate the appetite, following the example of herbal medicine prescription appetite enhancer.

Leaves Kenikir

Ingredients: 100 grams of leaves of marigolds.
Getting treatment: marigolds leaves are still fresh washed, then make raw vegetables for a few meals.

Intersection Comedy

Ingredients: 50 grams of rhizome of ginger, 3 tablespoons boiled water clean, and 1 tsp palm sugar or brown sugar.
Getting treatment: Grate the ginger rhizome until blended, add 3 tablespoons of water. Squeeze the grated rhizome results temulawk, then strain the water. Add sugar or palm sugar in sieve water before, drink at once. Do it three times a day with the same dose.

Intersection White

Ingredients: 30 grams of rhizome of ginger and white and 2 glasses of boiled water.
Getting treatment: Mashed rhizomes ginger and white until soft and smooth, then put in 2 cups of water. Stir well, strain the water and drink twice a day.

That he is some way increases the appetite naturally and using traditional herbal appetite enhancer, may be useful.

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