Saturday, May 2, 2015

Pain when menstruation How to overcome the most potent pain during menstruation is to use the traditional way that has been known since our ancestors to the next generation. This way you can do easily and you also can handle it themselves manually, and here are some ways you can do it easily.

How to Overcome Pain At Menstruation
Overcoming Pain When Menstruation with Turmeric
Who does not know turmeric acid. This traditional herbal medicine formulated by our ancestors very powerful properties and continue to be cultivated until today. Turmeric acid can be found in some herbal stores. You can also make it yourself because these materials are easy to find in the traditional market. The price is quite economical and friendly. Turmeric has acidic properties to cope with pain during menstruation.

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Besides turmeric acid can also make your body feel fresh if we regularly consume beverages rich in this vitamin. To make herbal medicine turmeric acid is easy enough to prepare some segments turmeric, ginger, and kencur then grate and squeeze the juice and boiled part, mix tamarind and brown sugar. Then boiled to boil and remove from heat. Refrigerate for a moment to drink while warm. You can consume these drinks 2 times a day.

If you want to get the best results consume these drinks before coming month, when coming months and after coming months. Many women feel disturbed arrival uninvited guest alias menstrual period. Because at this time not all women feel smooth when faced with menstruation, some of whom complained of pain during menstruation arrival, and how to cope with pain during menstruation is not difficult because many of the traditional ways that you can do to relieve the pain. one of which is to consume plants that have been formulated gown known as a traditional herbal medicine. If you have difficulties to design own you can buy the traditional drink some herbal medicine or pharmacy store nearby.

Small Gymnastics Can Help Overcome Pain When Menstruation
Small Gymnastics Can Help Overcome Pain When Menstruation
Perform Small Gymnastics
The cause of your pain during menstruation is due to dirty blood circulation flowing smoothly impaired or not. Moderate exercise can help you to relieve blood flow runs or works abnormally. You will sound difference if you perform a variety of small gestures that can be directly excite blood circulation system, so you will feel the swish of the blood running smoothly and normally. And the pain that you feel will be gradually improved.

The way it can be one simple tips to overcome menstrual pain that you can perform well when you are menstruating. For a better way not only the actual exercise you do when the arrival of menstruation but on other days you can do so relaxed that when periods come back you will not feel the pain anymore.

Maintaining the health of your body during or before coming months is the best thing. Because if the blood can flow effectively, menstrual pain disorders or other diseases can be resolved with perfect for that you need to change your lifestyle into a healthy lifestyle.
Tips powerful to overcome menstrual pain that we have presented can be a reference for those who experience pain disorders when coming months, but if you feel that way is still not fit any other way you can do that will be presented to help you overcome your menstrual pain.

Consuming Food Containing Iron
Food Containing Iron
Consuming foods that contain iron are very helpful, especially for those of you who have problems during menstruation. Women who have low blood pressure or anemia will be more susceptible to pain during menstruation. To anticipate this to consume foods that contain iron can be a solution. Foods that contain iron include spinach, beans, you can also consume red yams because the potato has an iron levels are high enough.

When you have free time or casual replace your snacks with a snack made of beans. For example, you process the peanuts into peanut fried, or boiled peanuts. The way it is easier and more economical. For get it not required way too hard because peanuts are available in the traditional markets.

Using snack nuts will have a very good effect for your body, because beans do not have hazardous substances or chemicals that would interfere with your body's organs. You can also switch your vegetables with spinach. Spinach has an iron content is quite high compared to other vegetables. Consuming vegetables will make our body feel healthier and fitter.

1 comment:

  1. I had a tubal July 2020 and have not felt the same since. I have horrible PMS for the entire week prior to my period, my cramping and bleeding is off the chart, migraines three times a week, hot flashes are starting. My doctor suggested getting an IUD...That was even worse DON'T DO IT!!! I have gained so much weight I weigh more than I was when I was pregnant last year. So I have been in search of weight loss and I did crossfit for 90 days with no results. Then a friend of mine introduced me to Dr Itua herbal center product and I was resistant at first but thought what the hell I will try it for 30 days. In 3 weeks time I have lost 8 pounds but the best part is some of my symptoms have gone away or are far less noticeable. I started my period three days ago and on day two I realized NO CRAMPING at all!!! Then I realized that the pms was not nearly as bad as it had been...There was no dull achy pain, no lower back pain, no deep depression, less tired. I just wanted to share this because I stumbled upon what seems to be a miracle. I will keep you posted as the months go on. I am so grateful and hope that everyone suffering can get the same relief I have found. Please email Dr Itua Herbal Center On for more herbal remedy also he can cure Hiv/Aids, Herpes, Cancer, Parkinson, MS, Diabetes, Hepatitis, Fibroid, he can help with a remedy to get pregnant as well. if you want more info just contact him to share your health problems.
