Saturday, May 2, 2015

Key Benefits Early Dinner Health problems related to diet such as obesity or diabetes are common, and increasingly more people who experience it. This is usually caused by food choices or unhealthy eating patterns. Unhealthy foods are less able to digest properly can cause the disorder.

One thing that often causes problems is the dinner hour, let alone the food consumed is heavy meals. Though a few hours later you've entered the sleep clock and system in your body will stop working. Therefore, you are advised to eat dinner early or much before entering the hours of sleep.
Benefit Dinner Early

Early dinner has good benefits for the body, including:
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Avoid the increase gastric acid
If you eat a heavy meal before bedtime, you'll most likely feel uncomfortable when lying in bed. On the other hand, stomach acid also increased and resulted in a burning feeling in the heart. Early dinner helps you to prevent these problems.

Giving more time to digest the food
With an early dinner, you will give a longer time so that the food can be digested properly. Because when sleeping, digestion of food can not be perfect and ultimately cause a variety of gastrointestinal problems.
Avoiding obesity
Research has shown that obesity and dinner had a close relationship. This is because the system penceraan body can not take place properly when the evenings. In addition, the system tends to slow down the body's metabolism. Early dinner to help you minimize the risk for obesity.

Reduces the tendency of overeating
Early dinner will help you reduce the tendency to eat more or excessively. This is because the distance between the lunch and early dinner not too long, so that the stomach will not feel too hungry at night. By doing so, the portion of the dinner would not be too much.

The body has a natural clock to digestion. The top 5 pm is the time in which the body will digest food. Therefore, do not overload it works with eating too much or eating a heavy meal. You are advised to dinner before 7pm. If your dinner hour is over, it could be digestive problems that you can.

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