Sunday, May 3, 2015

How To Eliminate Foot Odor Never occasionally smell the pungent odor of your feet? Such as bad breath, we sometimes do not realize, but it makes the people who are around you feel uncomfortable. That is a problem that must be handled in a way you remove the smell of feet below.
Foot odor can happen anytime and anywhere, you can not avoid it while paying less attention to health and moisture away. The aroma emergence also occur as a result you do not stay away from anything that actually be a trigger factor of foot odor.

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Causes Smelly Feet
Basically, foot odor occurs because many bacteria that settles on foot. Over time the bacteria will multiply and create fungus on foot. In a short time, your feet will itch that makes you continue to scratch and not infrequently lead to allergies.
Have you used the shoes and socks when heavy rain? These conditions will worsen your foot hygiene, the bacteria faster growth and create a scent that is really not good.

How To Eliminate Foot Odor
Easy, the first step to reduce the odor on the feet that you can do is stay away from any small factors that allows the foot becomes unpleasant aroma. Then you can try the following tips to foot odor disappeared.

Foot washing or Soak.
After work, make it a habit to clean the feet regularly. Especially if you do not release the day of socks and shoes are worn, would make the legs become damp and smelly. Cleaning the foot can simply wash or perform immersion with antibacterial soap and water for several minutes.

Change Socks.
Actually, this includes measures on prevention of foot odor. Replacing socks made of cotton or wool will help you avoid this problem, because the material can absorb sweat it effectively without contaminated with bacteria.

Pamper Shoes.
You should treat your shoes like what you do to yourself. At night, put cedar chips into the shoes that create a fragrant aroma. Before wearing shoes, spray perfume on your shoes.

Apply Antiperspirant.
Antiperspirants are cosmetic commonly used to treat underarm odor, but you can buy it exclusively for the feet. The function of these cosmetics is to prevent excessive sweating out a way to shrink pores and block channel foot toward the sweat glands.

Put Paper Dryer.
If your feet really easy sweating, you should put a few sheets of paper in order to help the absorption of sweat dryers. It's a little strange, but this way enough to help many people.

Mouthwash can also help overcome foot odor, because it remains as a killer bacteria as in the mouth. You can soak the feet in water that has been mixed with mouthwash, or apply the foot with cotton that has been soaked into mouthwash.

Foot cake.
Did you know that to eliminate foot odor, you can assume that the foot is cake. What is meant here, you can smear or sprinkle feet with cornstarch used to make cake snow princess. Before sprinkled on foot, make sure your feet are completely dry.

Use Size Pas.
When buying shoes and socks, look fit for your feet, if you need to let loose a little. If the shoes that you use to work too narrow, then the leg is difficult to accept wind from the outside which helps keep moisture in the feet. Therefore, life-sized shoes fit your feet.
That's some way to eliminate foot odor, a few points above are also included as tips to prevent foot odor, may be useful for those who are having problems with foot odor. Read also the article on how to eliminate body odor naturally. 

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